The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

$39,978 a Year

Posted on | April 7, 2011 | 8 Comments

That’s the undergraduate tuition at Dartmouth College, where Josh Riddle and David Rufful are students. And here’s their new rap video, “Obama, Reid, Pelosi”:

Riddle and Rufful got written up at The Blaze by Emily Esfahani Smith (Dartmouth ’09), who has never once linked my blog.

Also, Riddle and Rufful are on the staff of The Dartmouth Review, where the blog roll includes David Brooks and Andrew Sullivan — but not me.

Despite such vicious snubs, in sending me their new video via e-mail, Mr. Riddle wrote: “I love reading your blog. . . . Thanks for your blog, it has been a great fountain of knowledge for me.”

OK. Now shut up and link me, Josh. I got ties older than you, kid.

Robert Stacy McCain, Jacksonville (Ala.) State University, ’83


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