The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

First Task Of A Romney Administration Is Going To Be Restoring Integrity To Gov

Posted on | September 29, 2012 | 13 Comments

by Smitty

Nothing else the government tries to do really matters if no one believes a godforsaken thing escaping the Beltway orifice. The Lonely Conservative points to Hugh Hewitt pointing to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (which acronym seems more straightforward without the ‘L’) magically locating 386,000 jobs since March. Over six months, the number had slipped by a third of a million, in a way that unexpectedly, helps #OccupyResoluteDesk look better. How could anyone doubt this?

Then there is the official deflation of the inflation statistics. The following chart shows today’s inflation calculated with tree different methodologies. holds inflation at 9% via the 1980 methodology, 5% using that of 1990, vs. the 2% leg pull now offered. For a quick bit of spreadsheetery, the good news is that BLS might hit 0 sometime in a second Obama administration:

Plus, a free #ObamaPhone!

Add to the unemployment and inflation debacles the over three years now since there was a budget, and “Zimbabwe” Ben Bernanke’s QEternity demolition of the currency, and the message is clear: Romney needs to articulate to the American people just how thoroughly jacked up our entire government stands.

It’s a time for candor, not deceit. Resolve, not platitudes. During the debates, Romney should appeal to the intellect. When BHO tries to paint Romney as alarmist, Mitt should straight up play the “Bless your heart” card, and point out that the country cannot continue on this course. No need for rancor, reprisal, or recriminations: just a sane approach.

There is an amazing tendency for people to grow up and behave rationally when treated like adults and presented with facts. In contrast, our government increasingly has treated the people as children, and isn’t honest about the disastrous results.

Update: the economic downgrade is a case in point.


13 Responses to “First Task Of A Romney Administration Is Going To Be Restoring Integrity To Gov”

  1. K-Bob
    September 29th, 2012 @ 10:25 am

    The Obamians have also been pushing a meme that government jobs actually *decreased* under Obama. See? He’s not really such a big government guy!

    From fiddling with some recent charts at NPR and the FRED dataset, I noticed that they factor two big things out of the Federal employment numbers: A) Census workers hired temporarily, and B) The massive loss of Postal Worker jobs over the last decade.

    A) is reasonable, since we don’t want temps counted.

    B) is interesting, because they’ve been using the postal worker job decline to pretend overall Federal jobs are down. But as NPR’s graph showed, factoring out those poor souls laid off at the post office (nearly 40% drop since 2000, the worst period happening in Obama’s first year) shows that Federal jobs increased. They are Obama’s crony jobs, too: committees, bureaus, and death panels. At least postal jobs are actual jobs.

  2. DavidD
    September 29th, 2012 @ 10:51 am

    The next task will be restoring integrity to the mainstream media.

  3. Kay Crary
    September 29th, 2012 @ 10:56 am

    Can’t figure out how to + stars when I hit it – is added. So sorry not accurate. I liked it. I loved it and I couldn’t agree more. Very opptomistic to think Romney could achieve these goals.

  4. WJJ Hoge
    September 29th, 2012 @ 11:29 am

    If labor force participation were at the same level as Jan, 2009, and inflation were calculated as in 1980, Obama’s Misery index would be >20 percent.

    Jimmy Carter’s never made it that high.

  5. smitty
    September 29th, 2012 @ 12:06 pm

    That will be accomplished by newer media outfits that are not sewage treatment plants.

  6. richard mcenroe
    September 29th, 2012 @ 1:37 pm

    Has anyone pointed out they’re leaving food and gas prices out of inflation indexes this time around?

  7. Peter King: “Susan Rice, Resign!” and Your Saturday Links
    September 29th, 2012 @ 2:39 pm

    […] Other McCain says that the first task of a Romney Administration is to restore integrity to government. That may take a […]

  8. Grumpa Grumpus
    September 29th, 2012 @ 2:53 pm

    Well, as for the dollar:
    in 1925 a very good suit, w/2pants cost $20.00. That means handmade, all natural fibers, tailored. BTW, that was pretty much the only kind of suit available back then.

    I’ve read on some sites that a comparable suit now costs $2000.00.

    So, let’s issue new currency, backed by gold, chop two Obamas zeros off and call them “Obama Bucks”!

    It will make Progressives happy: they have lasting tribute to The Obamassiah. It will please Conservatives because we’re returned to sound financial footing!

    A new denomination would be necessary to replace pennies, which are too expensive to make and use now.

    Put Obama’s mug on that one and call it a “Zed” or a “Ziltch”.

    So many Progressives would collect them that the amount taken out of circulation might retire the enormous debt he’s added…

  9. Grumpa Grumpus
    September 29th, 2012 @ 2:58 pm

    We can even issue it in nice Clowny colors to satisfy The First Pestilence’s sense of taste and style!

    It’s a Weiner winner, I tell you!

  10. Bob Belvedere
    September 29th, 2012 @ 3:17 pm

    Good job, K-Bob,

  11. Bob Belvedere
    September 29th, 2012 @ 3:20 pm

    Grumpa had his Metamucil this morning!
    All to our benefit – well played, sir.

  12. Did You Hear About The 400,000 Jobs Magically Found By The Government? | The Lonely Conservative
    September 29th, 2012 @ 4:00 pm

    […] wait until a week before the election in November to make the announcement.Update: Linked by The Other McCain – thanks, Smitty!google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created 8/11/08 */ […]

  13. K-Bob
    September 30th, 2012 @ 3:03 am

    Thanks. Lucky find, really, related to fooling with a graph by a Lib at Business Insider.

    I don’t mind them factoring stuff out, if they want to follow a trend, and the Post Office has been bleeding jobs for years and years, so that wasn’t all on Obama. But like everything else, it did get worse on his watch.

    (These guys have a graph of the lost postal worker jobs since 2000.

    But spin doctors and propagandists factor those things in or out, depending on which way makes the point they want to sell.

    {{ Whooops! I got the percentage wrong. -40% was where it was headed. It’s only in the neighborhood of 30% losses now. }}