The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gov. McDonnell’s Tax Hike Is Key To His ‘George Allen’ Strategy

by Smitty If Virginia Republicans are going to continue to produce centrist milquetoasts for thrashing by statists in general elections, then putting in the largest tax increase in Virginia history is a must-do. Nothing says ‘limited government, fiscal conservative’, quite like $1.13 billion/year at the state level, and then heading to a CPAC prayer breakfast. […]

Short Answer: ‘No’

Jonathan Martin of Politico floats a question: “Dems 2016: Will Hillary Clinton clear the field?” And the answer is, “no.” Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley is almost 100 percent certain to run and is already assembling his 2016 presidential campaign. Republicans should not make the mistake, as many did in the lead-up to 2008, of basing their […]

‘Professional Escort’ Tells Daily Caller Menendez Was One of Her Clients

It is, necessarily, a one-source story: A professional escort who travels the East Coast seeing clients in cities from Miami to Boston has identified a photo of Senator Bob Menendez as a man who paid her for sex. The woman, in her late 30s, told The Daily Caller prior to seeing Menendez’s photo that she had […]

What Daria’s Grandfather Knew

Daria DiGiovanni commented on an earlier post: My maternal grandfather, who arrived with his widowed mother from Italy at the age of eight, was a staunch McCarthy supporter and anti-communist. He graduated from Temple Pharmacy School in 1919 and went on to open his own corner pharmacy in their neighborhood. My mom used to share […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.25.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS President Tries To Panic Oklahomans Over Sequester The President addresses a crowd of locals in this Mel Brooks dramatic re-enactment Karzai Orders U.S. Units Out Of Key Province Special Forces accused of torture Your 100% Bile-Filled Oscars Live Blog Burn, Hollywood, Burn POLITICS Markey, Lynch Scramble For Signatures As […]

Never Forget: Joe McCarthy Was Right!

Senator Joseph McCarthy, a courageous and patriotic American. “Senator Cruz’s substantive point was absolutely correct: in the mid-1990s, the Harvard Law School faculty included numerous self-described proponents of ‘critical legal studies’ — a school of thought explicitly derived from Marxism – and they far outnumbered Republicans.” — Catherine Frazier, spokeswoman for Sen. Ted Cruz Democrats […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Gold, Girls And Guns

— compiled by Wombat-socho Be advised that many of the following links are to posts containing pics of women (and the occasional man) in various states of undress, and such pics may not be appreciated by others in the room. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. Subject To Change leads off this week with a post […]

Does ObamaCare Suck Enough, Or Need It Suck More To Get Us To Single Payer?

by Smitty Troublesome stuff at the WSJ: The provision, part of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, requires health plans for individuals and small businesses to cover 10 categories of services, including prescription drugs, maternity care and physical rehabilitation. Many of the specifics of what is covered in those categories will be left to states to […]

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