The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Let’s Slut-Shame @WendyDavisTexas!

Posted on | January 20, 2014 | 62 Comments

“Over time, the Davises’ marriage was strained. In November 2003, Wendy Davis moved out. Jeff Davis said that was right around the time the final payment on their Harvard Law School loan was due. ‘It was ironic,’ he said. ‘I made the last payment, and it was the next day she left.’ . . . In his initial divorce filing, Jeff Davis said the marriage had failed, citing adultery on her part . . .”
Dallas Morning News

Smitty already took a whack at the Wendy Davis piñata today, and that’s probably enough Wendy Davis bashing for the week.

She’s so far down in the polls as to be hopelessly doomed. She will lose to Greg Abbott in November without any further help from us.

However, the point of mocking progressive celebrity women is not because such mockery will contribute to their electoral defeat. No, the purpose of deriding Democrat women is to inspire feminists to frothing rage over the alleged sexism of conservatives.

Of course, Republican women are routinely disparaged in the most foul misogynist ways by left-wingers, and feminists never say a word about that, but let Rush Limbaugh make a wisecrack about Sandra Fluke and suddenly it’s a right-wing #WarOnWomen.

Conservatives are going to be slammed as misogynists no matter what we say or do, so we might as well have some fun and try to do something that will provoke a wildly unhinged Amanda Marcotte rant.

Most of the resentment over Wendy Davis’s fudging of her biography — “My language should be tighter,” she admitted to the Dallas Morning News — is focused on her depiction of herself as a struggling “single mom,” despite the way she hooked up with an older sugar daddy when she was 21, married him when she was 24, moved into a posh neighborhood, and got him to pay her way through Harvard Law. Then Wendy left him with custody not only of the daughter they’d had together, but also with her daughter from her first marriage.

Not to be judgmental or anything, but that’s scarcely the tale of hardship and woe that wins much sympathy from actual single moms, many of whom are conservative women, and disinclined to RSVP to the Wendy Davis Feminist Victimhood Pity Party.

You get the general idea: We want to force feminists to defend the real Wendy Davis — a liar, a cheater, a selfish gold-digger — and to make them explain how her actual biography (and her dishonesty about her biography) is consistent with progressive ideals. And if they refuse to fight Wendy’s fights for her, we’ll then have a wonderful headline: “Feminists Abandon Democrat Wendy Davis.”

Heads we win, tails they lose.



62 Responses to “Let’s Slut-Shame @WendyDavisTexas!”

  1. Quartermaster
    January 21st, 2014 @ 10:48 am

    “Milk” is a very general term. Given the purpose of feminism saying that men are simply something for feminists to milk is in no way weak.

  2. KnightOfCups
    January 21st, 2014 @ 10:53 am

    Like I said, I think some feminists are sincere and absolutely harmless toward men. I know that’s a scary and hard to fathom concept for conservatives, but it’s true. I have known the other as well. Girls running around with armpit hair, wont go near a penis, and generally have nothing but disdain for men, but will whore themselves out online for dinner at an excellent restaurant and to a lonely man who needs companionship. Im sure they might even have sex if need be. Even prostitutes have taken up feminist language about their “body” and ownership.

  3. Quartermaster
    January 21st, 2014 @ 12:20 pm

    You have two choices, 1) Moral Principles, or 2) Lex Talionis. Without #1, you will get #2. I grew up when #1 ruled, but am watching #1 fade and seeing #2 displace it. Ben Franklin said it well, “We will be ruled by God, or we will be ruled by tyrants.” It has always been thus.
    #1 allows a society to function in peace. #2 gets you anarchy with the strong doing what they will, and the weak enduring what they must. Given that you may well be one of the weak, you may wish you had grown up and saw the mistake this society is making and do something to help preserve what had been the greatest society the earth has ever seen.
    Instead, you refuse to grow up.

  4. Quartermaster
    January 21st, 2014 @ 12:21 pm

    Dimocraps everywhere like to think they are good people. That’s why they are so willing to give poor people the shirt off your back.

  5. Quartermaster
    January 21st, 2014 @ 12:24 pm

    Like I said….

  6. KnightOfCups
    January 21st, 2014 @ 12:40 pm

    Please……it has always been this way, it’s just that now it’s right out in the open. And as far as this being the “greatest society the earth has ever seen” underneath it all it was rotten and had a history of oppression, slavery, corruption, and genocide. Morality was here for the little people and that’s about all while our superiors played a different game altogether, ignoring any and all rules of decency in order to fulfill their aims. America’s chickens have come home to roost!

  7. DaveO
    January 21st, 2014 @ 1:05 pm

    Wendy Davis, as a person and as a candidate, is not important to the Dems. Like the late, unlamented Dr. Essay Vanderbilt, Davis will become Trayvon Martin for the Dems to use to distract from Obamacare, the tax and regulatory regime, the economy, and Iran fielding fully functional nukes while Russia and China divide the world into 2 spheres of influence.
    Davis is Cindy Sheehan without an honorably dead son. As for Warren, her grand larceny of funds set aside for Native Americans could work against Dems on the reservations, if the RNC was functional or the TEA Party had the infrastructure.

  8. Fishersville Mike: These shoes are made for walking out
    January 21st, 2014 @ 4:08 pm

    […] took a hit over the weekend – from reality. She loves her pink shoes – they're comfortable walking away from your family to seek fame. Posted by Mike at 6:48 AM Email […]

  9. Quartermaster
    January 21st, 2014 @ 6:03 pm

    No “please” about it. You’ve just conceded my point.

  10. Why it’s fun to mock Wendy Davis | The Fog of Law
    January 23rd, 2014 @ 2:06 pm

    […] Stacy McCain finds it worthwhile to keep this story on the front pages: it forces modern “feminists” to either defend Davis’ objectively atrocious actions or abandon her. […]

  11. WhyFeminism
    January 24th, 2014 @ 5:10 pm

    RT @smitty_one_each: TOM Let’s Slut-Shame @WendyDavisTexas! #TCOT

  12. Feminists Lie: Why @WendyDavisTexas’s Dishonest Personal Narrative Matters : The Other McCain
    January 26th, 2014 @ 2:26 pm

    […] “star,” and her personal narrative was a crucial factor in her stardom. So when it turned out that she had been dishonest in describing her “single mom” status, this was […]

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