The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘She Keeps Score’

Posted on | April 2, 2014 | 68 Comments

“Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining,” Colonel Fletcher says in The Outlaw Josey Wales. For the benefit of those readers not fluent in Redneck, permit me to translate: “Don’t screw me over and pretend like you’re not screwing me over.”

Washington, D.C., is a town crawling with thousands of selfish, cowardly, dishonest, backstabbing piss-ants and — reflecting on my decision in hindsight — I often wish I’d never left Georgia in 1997. Where I come from, a man who does good work is respected for his abilities. In D.C., the only abilities that matters are skillful deceit and treachery.

“The Red Wedding” in Game of Thrones is a daily ritual in D.C.

When you’re in a fight — and I’ve survived a few — you find out pretty quick who your friends are, because they will rush in to defend you and won’t stop punching until the fight is over.

Every man is custodian of his own honor. If an honest man says he has been injured, who will tell him that he is mistaken? Nothing infuriates me more than when someone directly insults me, and then pretends that I am wrong to take notice of their insult.

“Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.”

Being a peaceful man by nature, there are many insults I choose to ignore, but when I deign to take notice of an insult, I don’t expect my friends to question my judgment. If I am wrong — if the person who dissed me is not a lowdown worthless polecat — time will tell, and the responsibility for the dispute is mine alone. Selah.

“Honor culture” is not something you need an anthropology class to learn if you’re from the South. The first warning you’ll get if you insult a man — or his girlfriend — is likely to be a punch in the nose, and it’s rather difficult to protest that you intended no offense while the man is kicking you in the head. (Being a natural-born smart-ass, I share this useful wisdom learned from direct experience.) The reasons for this redneck tendency to fight over perceived insults are deeply rooted in culture, and often lamented by critics of the South, but the alternative to an “honor culture” is the kind of dishonorable backstabbing that typifies life among the cosmopolitan elite, such as the cowardly scum of Washington, D.C.

If you volunteer to be a doormat, you can’t complaint about the footprints on your back. Ignore too many snubs and insults, and pretty soon you’ll be snubbed and insulted routinely. You will notice, then, that Michelle Malkin calls attention to how Frank Luntz and Kellyann Conway sucked up to Stephen Colbert after his stupidly insulting “Ching-Chong Ding-Dong” episode.

Really? I mean, really? In a fight between Malkin and Colbert, you’re gonna side with Colbert? Unfortunately, Luntz and Conway weren’t the only conservative to make that foolish mistake:

Last week, American Spectator contributor Bill Zeiser wrote a blog item with the unfortunate headline, “Michelle Malkin Is Wrong.” The topic of the dispute — Stephen Colbert’s tasteless use of anti-Asian slurs — is interesting, but ultimately irrelevant to the point I wish to make, for the sake of Mr. Zeiser and anyone else who may read this now or in the future: Michelle Malkin keeps score.
On your short list of “People You Never Want to Go to War Against,” be sure to include her name at or near the top, because Michelle Malkin will win that war.
Bill Zeiser is a young fellow, and perhaps did not consider the foolish impropriety of his gesture when he decided to draw attention to himself with such a headline as “Michelle Malkin Is Wrong.” It would be most unfortunate if The American Spectator were to become collateral damage as a result.
The topic of the dispute is, as I say, ultimately irrelevant to the nature of the insult. One may disagree without being disrespectful, and if Mr. Zeiser does not think Michelle Malkin deserves respect, then (a) he needs to do some research, and (b) he needs to consult a psychiatrist, because he’s crazy. . . .

Read the whole thing at The American Spectator. Zeiser expressed remorse on Twitter this morning, and perhaps The Boss will consent to let him live, but I hope the lesson is clear.



68 Responses to “‘She Keeps Score’”

  1. RS
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 2:34 pm

    “Honor culture” is not something you need an anthropology class to learn if you’re from the South.

    True enough, particularly when you’re defending your family or friends. I note only, that my Ozark Mountain bred father once suggested to me that I ignore an offense deliberately given to me by a local shit-bum. He said, “Don’t waste your time. He’ll never amount to anything and for that reason, he doesn’t matter. Nobody’ll care. Save it for when you want to teach other people a lesson.”

    An interesting take, I think.

  2. robertstacymccain
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 2:40 pm

    Yeah, I was once counseled to restrain my appetite for vengeance by my older brother: “Stacy, bad things happen to bad people.”

    Sometimes you just have to let things go. On the other hand, sometimes the cowardly piss-ants need to be reminded that you haven’t overlooked their backstabbing and don’t intend to forget it.

    Just an occasional warning suffices, usually.

  3. texlovera
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 2:41 pm

    Stephen Colbert is a “poor man’s” Jon Stewart.

    I’m not sure who that makes the bigger douchebag…

  4. Anamika
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 2:55 pm

    Side effects of authority and hierarchy in traditionalist conservatism

  5. robertstacymccain
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 2:59 pm

    Brett Kimberlin is a bigger douchebag than either of those two clowns.

  6. Anamika
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:06 pm

    “The Red Wedding” in Game of Thrones is a daily ritual in D.C.

    That’s over-exaggeration, even for RSM.

  7. PGlenn
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:11 pm

    When good writers like RSM employ evocatively hyperbolic analogies like that, they get poetic license. But, yeah, you couldn’t relate to that.

  8. PGlenn
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:13 pm

    When a good writer like RSM employs evocatively hyperbolic analogies like that, he gets poetic license. But, yeah, you couldn’t relate to that.

  9. Anamika
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:17 pm

    Case in point:

    I expected this to be deployed by RSM as soon as I started reading the artcicle:

    “Furthermore, we may ask, why is Mr. Zeiser unable to find any liberal targets who deserve his critical attention? Have all the Democrats seeking re-election this fall been thoroughly exposed as shameless stooges for the Obama administration’s disastrous agenda? Have we completely vanquished left-wing radicalism from academia? Has liberal bias in the news media ceased to be a problem? That is to say, are things now so hunky-dory for conservatives that we may devote our leisure to nitpicking the “tactics” of Michelle Malkin?”

    Not really surprised with this cheap herd mentality tactic.

    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:21 pm

    Not really surprised with this herd mentality tactic.

    Yep, you definitely project.

    Thing is, RSM is criticizing a conservative writer. That’s hardly “herd mentality”, even if you are deploying this new “traditionalist conservatism” jargon. What ever happened to “paleocon”?

  11. Anon Y. Mous
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:22 pm

    Furthermore, we may ask, why is Mr. Zeiser unable to find any liberal targets who deserve his critical attention?

    I don’t with this criticism, as a general matter. True, there is a certain kind of supposedly right wing commenter who seems to spend all of his or her time targeting the right. I’m not familiar with Mr. Zeiser, so if he is that sort of opinionator, then that is a different matter. But, that doesn’t seem to be what you are saying. Rather, it looks like you are saying that it is just a bad idea to criticize your allies.

    That is just wrong. Some of the best political writing comes with critically examining your own side. Ace of Spades, someone who you quote kindly on many occasions, does this frequently. It is more interesting to read someone who will make you think, instead of someone who just puts out the party line 100% of the time.

    The Zeiser piece is actually pretty supportive of Malkin, except for the one aspect of aligning herself with the Twitter tag #CancelColbert. Whether or not you agree with the criticism, it is a fair criticism to make, and it was done respectfully. I don’t know where you get the whole disrespect thing. Perhaps if the piece’s headline wasn’t so provocative? But, Malkin herself is not shy about calling out people on the right when she thinks they are wrong, often in a very provocative manner. Why should she be off limits? Just because she is usually right does not mean that she is never wrong, or that she shouldn’t be called on it when she is.

  12. PGlenn
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:24 pm

    The point is, once the punches start flying, you immediately jump in to defend your compatriots, even if you were fighting with them, yourself, ten minutes earlier. Unfortunately, the left adheres to that principle all too well – a hell of a lot more consistently than conservatives and libertarians.

    And if you’re looking for a herd mentality, spend a few hours on a university campus lately. Or, you could drop in to one of your favorite “progressive” blogs and express an unapproved opinion.

    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:24 pm

    Nope — hyperbole is supposedly limited to leftie journalists working to whip up hysteria amongst the uninformed voters of America.

  14. Anamika
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:31 pm

    House of Cards analogy would have been more appropriate and tolerable. The Red Wedding is unique and special to Game of Thrones fans. Pains to see it wasted as part of a trivial conservative skirmish.

  15. RS
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:33 pm

    Why should she be off limits? Just because she is usually right does not mean that she is never wrong, or that she shouldn’t be called on it when she is.

    I agree with this point. I tend to listen more when someone I respect and generally agree with says something contrary to my view and, more importantly, contrary to the party line. It’s good to reevaluate one’s reasoning process, even if one’s conclusion remains unchanged.

    (The problem with blog comments, though, is that one risks being labeled a “concern troll.” One has to have long commenting history before one’s able to buck the consensus, it seems. Present company excepted, of course.)

  16. RS
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:35 pm

    Um, fans don’t own something used as an analogy or metaphor, especially when it is so apt.

  17. NeoWayland
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:38 pm

    I don’t always agree with Malkin, but I do respect her. Not only does she have one of the best noses for news around, but she behaves honorably and with respect. Even to those she tries to take down.

    Funny thing about the honor culture, it takes generations to “die.” My mom was born in Louisiana, her youngest brother was (barely) born in Arizona. My cousins and I may not agree on much, but you would find our code pretty much the same as my (plural) uncles.

    Good thing too.

  18. Anamika
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:38 pm

    Thing is, RSM is criticizing a conservative writer. That’s hardly “herd mentality”

    Yeah, we have a beta dog going after an omega dog that pissed disrespectfully in the direction of an alpha dog.

    if you are deploying this new “traditionalist conservatism” jargon.”

    What’s so new about it? Traditionalist conservatism is loved by intellectual right. It’s another word for “classical conservatism.”

  19. Rosalie
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:40 pm

    I have the utmost respect for Malkin. I think the title of the post was a bit much. To say someone is wrong is not a good way to start a post. If he wanted attention, he certainly got it. However, he certainly has a right to express his opinion.

  20. Rosalie
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:43 pm

    Pelosi called it a swamp when she was referring to the Republicans. And we know that she never exaggerates.

  21. Anamika
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:47 pm

    …especially when it is so apt.


  22. Rosalie
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 3:49 pm

    The left defend their compatriots IF they stick to their talking points. If they deviate, they’re in deep trouble until they walk it back. In other words, don’t think; just do as I say.

  23. PGlenn
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:04 pm

    Good point – I agree, in a way.

    However, leftists will almost always defend ideological allies who are warring with non-leftists. Then, when that fight is over, sure, they’ll double back and attack their own for wavering from the approved talking points, etc. – but never until the battle with the “Reich wingers” is (temporarily) over first.

    The left is like the four brothers who are constantly pounding on each other, but as soon as anyone else challenges them, they gang up against the outsiders.

    Whereas us conservatives/libertarians will shiv our brothers in the back, and then when an enemy gang attacks us, we’ll point to a few guys on the other side and remark, “Hey, isn’t he a good sport! He’s trying to kill us, but the manner in which he’s wielding that axe is consistent with Marqueess of Queensbury rules.” When someone from our side tries to charge the axe-wielder in a supposedly unfair way, he gets hit in the back by a “friendly” arrow.

  24. Stephen Colbert was making Asian stereotype joke. And Michelle Malkin was justified in calling him on his hypocrisy… | Batshit Crazy News
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:07 pm

    […] TOM defends Michelle Malkin for defending herself (and I join him in supporting Michelle Malkin).  I find those on the right who don’t get that are fools and idiots. […]

    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:11 pm

    oooo! Beta and omega dogs! From failed political ideology to pseudo-anthropology, in one fell swoop. And then back to so-called political science!

    Man, that faux intellect of yours just keeps on churning out …. stuff, huh?

  26. NeoWayland
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:11 pm

    I have to second Rosalie. The left will defend you only as long say the correct words. If you don’t, not only will they hang you out to dry they will manufacture reasons why you can’t be trusted.

    A few weeks ago, I broke one of my own rules and discussed “climate change” with some pagans. It Did Not Go Well. Here were folks who cherished their connection to the planet, and yet the very obvious fact that the climate “models” can’t predict diddly squat was very heretical. They didn’t quite call for my head, but evidently I’m a paid part of a conspiracy to corrupt well meaning pagans. That was news to me and my bankbook.

    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:14 pm

    RS just gave you one, i.e., “Game of Thrones”.

    OTHO, analogies and metaphors are intellectual AND transitional in nature. It’s rather difficult to slap a trade mark on them, although I’m certain there are lawyers who would try.

    But we are discussing fans, not lawyers, so there you are.

  28. robertstacymccain
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:15 pm

    Just shut up and buy the DVD via my Amazon link.

    I’m a shameless capitalist blogger, you know.

  29. NeoWayland
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:16 pm

    Oh, and in my experience, conservatives won’t knife you in the back. They’ll scream in your face, they’ll tell you that you’re wrong, but they’re usually facing you.

    Certain progressives will trot you out for the dog-&-pony show, drape an arm over your shoulder, smile for the cameras, and then slide the knife in so smoothly you never feel it until after you start bleeding and they’ve moved away.

  30. Anamika
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:18 pm

    I mean example of how the Red Wedding analogy is so apt for such incidents happening-everyday-in-DC situation.

  31. Adjoran
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:18 pm

    True, but Kimberlin is trying to be a douchebag.

    Colbert and Stewart (presumably) are not.

  32. PGlenn
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:24 pm

    Yeah, but you’re not a leftist in good standing. If the roles were reversed, and Malkin and Zeiser were both leftsists, Zeiser would not have called her out for essentially practicing “bad form” – i.e., being uncharitable to her ideological opponents.

    Now, some on the left actually did criticize Colbert, a leftist in good standing, for being a closet racist, etc., but that’s because they’ve spent decades painting themselves into that corner – they’re earnestly confused about how to negotiate and enforce such matters (leftist-aligned satire versus leftist-aligned Sensitivity Policing). Yes, they will attack each other over this issue, but only on ideological grounds. If a “Reich winger” jumps into the argument, they’ll dismiss that person as an even worse racist as the leftists they’re arguing with and then go back to attacking their own, but again only on DOCTRINAL grounds.

    And, when it comes to subjects on which the left has almost universal doctrinal agreement – e.g., Catastrophic Global Warming Hysteria – effectively ALL of their attacks will be directed outside their own ranks.

  33. Anamika
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:25 pm

    Thanks for the offer! Already have all three seasons in 1080p prints. I also own all 5 hardcover books in ASOIAF series

  34. Freddie Sykes
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:26 pm

    “Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.” is not just redneck.

    I first heard it used in the movie Hester Street, a movie about Jewish immigrants in Manhattan at the end of the 19th Century.

  35. Adjoran
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:26 pm

    Michelle Malkin is 100% dead WRONG on immunization. She opposes mandatory vaccination because some dizzy private school admins screwed up the records and inconvenienced a bunch of parents, including her, demanding they show proof of their kids’ records again. Her own kids are up to date, but if everyone were responsible we would not NEED “mandatory” universal vaccinations.

    When people like Jenny McCarthy start spreading their anti-vaccine BS, kids get sick and some die, and diseases a developed country should never see rise up again. This is happening right now with measles and whooping cough in this country, particularly in California where any anti-establishment conspiracy theory is treated with respect. In Pakistan and India, children are being condemned to polio due to ignorant superstitions.

    So, yeah, Malkin CAN BE WRONG. And there is nothing wrong with calling her out when she is. But she wasn’t wrong in this case.

  36. Adjoran
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:28 pm

    But it is still good advice not to tangle with them Asian chicks.

    They know all that Jew-Ginsu and stuff and can throw you or break a brick or something.

  37. Anamika
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:32 pm

    Wow she is an anti-vac lunatic? I remember vaguely Michelle Bachmann was in the news for the same.

    I always thought it’s only left wing new age liberals who are part of this anti-vaccine movement. Good to know conservatives are not immune to this mostly left-wing lunacy.

  38. SCOTUS: Koch Bros Money Spends Just Like SEIU Money | Regular Right Guy
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:52 pm

    […] ‘She Keeps Score’ […]

  39. Anon Y. Mous
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:54 pm

    No, she is only opposed to mandatory vaccinations. As Adjoran stated, her own kids are vaccinated. She just believes that parents ought to have the liberty to make that choice themselves, instead of it being imposed on them by the government.

  40. Anamika
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 4:55 pm

    oh, ok

  41. Finrod Felagund
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 5:06 pm

    Somewhat off-topic:

    This was originally posted two months ago and apparently is still going on: a triple-amputee veteran had his picture stolen and used by a leftist group connected to Elizabeth Warren, called them out on it, and a veritable shitstorm happened. Leftists have been posting phony accusations (using Kimberlin’s accuse-the-accuser tactics) and generally being hyper-obnoxious leftists:

  42. NeoWayland
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 5:12 pm

    Well, I disagree. But you knew that.

    I promise I won’t denounce you.

    This time.


  43. richard mcenroe
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 5:17 pm

    Ching Chong Adjoran strikes again!

  44. Zohydro
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 5:19 pm

    I’m considering refusing the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) for my kids… I would definitely refuse HIV vaccination were it available!

  45. Zohydro
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 5:23 pm

    I would denounce him were he not what I consider a member of the faculty here at TOM! (Dana is an exception…)

  46. Quartermaster
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 6:07 pm

    It just comes naturally for them.

  47. Quartermaster
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 6:08 pm

    Anamika is in the Dbag class with Colbert and Stewart, at least in her own mind.

  48. Quartermaster
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 6:10 pm

    Much depends on who you are calling “our brothers.” If you are talking about GOPe types like Boner and McConnell, they ain’t our brothers and the prove that on a regular basis.

  49. Quartermaster
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 6:12 pm

    C’mon! Fess up already! You getting those big checks from Exxon, BP and the Koch Brothers. We know it, so you don’t have to hide it.

  50. Quartermaster
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 6:13 pm

    Why would that be tolerable? Mayhaps to you, but kinda doubt that RSM gives a flying flip what a person of your ilk finds “tolerable.”