The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is Your Kid a Weirdo?

  America is in the grip of a crisis, namely a shortage of normal people. Evidence indicates that the population of kooks and freaks is rapidly increasing, and there are simply not enough sane people to keep the weirdos under control. Especially among the under-30 demographic, the United States is struggling to cope with the […]

Quotable Jonah

by Smitty What I find interesting is that many of the same people who clutch their pearls at the mere suggestion that Islamic terrorism has anything to do with — oh, what’s the word again? — oh right: Islam, seem to have no problem making the case that “Christian terrorism” is like a real thing. […]

On ‘Fragile Masculinity’

Sarah Taylor Gibson (@s_t_gibson on Twitter) is a young Christian college student who also calls herself a feminist, evidently having failed to understand what feminism actually requires. “There are no Christian feminists, because feminism is a sort of narcissistic idolatry, wherein women deny God and instead worship themselves as their own divinity.” — Robert Stacy […]

Taiwanese Animators Own Her Majesty

by Smitty This one just keeps getting better. Bravo zulu, ye mighty animators!

‘Rape Culture’ as Stalinism: Propaganda Tactics by ‘Hunting Ground’ Makers

Erica Kinsman is featured in The Hunting Ground. “All these people were praising him; they were calling me a slut, a whore. . . .I kind of just want to know, like, why me?” — Erica Kinsman Even while the new movie Trumbo engages in a whitewash of a notorious Communist, dishonest Stalin-era Soviet propaganda […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty “The natives probably had some rituals surrounding the berry harvest.” “You mean your people don’t even use this?” “What for? We shop at the big box store like everyone else.” “Whatever. We’ve already talked about the funky native attire–” “That Chinese supplier says they can deliver by the end of January.” “Excellent. We’ll […]

Barney Frank Channels The Onion

by Smitty Barney Frank epitomizes the basic religious belief in government that has led to the success of large scale endeavors throughout human history such as the Tower of Babel and the United Nations. But there’s another, perhaps deeper reason, one that’s both a cause and an effect of the political dysfunction from which we […]

Your Heterosexual Feminism Is Wrong

  Miriam Mogilevsky (@sondosia on Twitter) describes herself as “queer, gay, femme, and homoflexible . . . a lesbian with exceptions,” furthermore explaining: “I’m on the asexual spectrum somewhere . . . I don’t experience primary sexual attraction.” Also, she is into polyamory, “which means that I’m open to multiple committed and loving relationships, but […]

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