The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles

Posted on | March 30, 2016 | 101 Comments


Last month, I wrote this:

Irony much? @AlisonRapp is an advocate of perversion who hates #GamerGate. She is an enthusiastic promoter of Japanese anime videogames that have been criticized as fantasy fodder for pedophiles and, in fact, Ms. Rapp has denounced as “censorship” the criminalization of child pornography. Twisted freaks like Ms. Rapp are welcome on Twitter’s platform, whereas criticism of self-described pedophiles like Nicholas “Sarah” Nyberg will get your account suspended in the name of “Trust and Safety.” Making cunnilingus jokes about teenage anime characters? That’s OK with Twitter. Calling Anita Sarkeesian a totalitarian ideologue, however, could be construed as “targeted abuse.” . . .
The methods by which progressive Thought Police silence dissent involve blatant double-standards, raising all kinds of questions about what the world will look like once the forces of “social justice” have destroyed every possible source of opposition to the weird agenda that @AlisonRapp and @srhbutts are permitted to promote on Twitter.

Alison Rapp was employed in public relations for videogame maker Nintendo. This became controversial when it was discovered that in 2012, Rapp wrote a thesis entitled “Speech We Hate: An Argument for the Cessation of International Pressure on Japan to Strengthen Its Anti-Child Pornography Laws.” This was featured on her LinkedIn page, which also lists a conference proposal in which Rapp wrote:

At the University of Minnesota, I conducted work on a variety of intersectional topics related to gender, sex, queerness, and new media . . .
Prior to my work at the University of Minnesota, I conducted research at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minnesota on bisexuality in Tokugawa Japan, representations of women in Nintendo’s popular Legend of Zelda series, depictions of gay and lesbian relationships in yaoi and yuri (two genres of manga written by and for heterosexual women but about MSM and WSW), and on how the West and Japan regulate real and fictional child pornography.
I have a continued interest in LGBT/queerness and technology, including the internet and tech, but also other media such as manga, comics, television, and pornography.

Quite simply, Rapp is a defender of child pornography, particularly as it relates to her “continued interest in LGBT/queerness.” This may be tolerated at Augsburg College and the University of Minnesota, but is it what Nintendo wants in its public relations department?

For some reason — and I don’t even pretend to understand the background — Rapp was associated with the anti-#GamerGate forces, and #GamerGate activists exposed Rapp’s pro-pedophile activism, much as they had previously exposed Nicholas “Sarah” Nyberg’s pedophilia.

The claim that Rapp is a victim of “harassment” — which some of her supporters call a “witch hunt” — requires us to ignore the history of what it was that led to #GamerGate. A group of feminists, including Anita Sarkeesian, had begun accusing the videogame industry of sexism. These so-called SJWs (“social justice warriors”) were very interested in blackmailing the industry into hiring their friends and firing their enemies. Basically, they wanted to punish game makers from hiring heterosexual males, and also to punish these companies for producing games that heterosexual males enjoyed playing. Everything in the multi-billion-dollar videogame industry, from its employment policies to its products and marketing, was targeted by this feminist bullying campaign.

#GamerGate was a grassroots rebellion against these forces of political correctness, to prevent the industry from being taken over by SJWs. That someone like Alison Rapp, a promoter and defender of genuinely vile perversions, should have been considered fit to hold a public relations position at a major company like Nintendo, shows just how deeply into the crazy vortex of “social justice” the industry has descended.

The irony, of course, is that Sarkeesian and her feminist allies had made “objectification” of women in videogames a target of their criticism — proof, they said, that the industry was run by sexists. Yet what is “objectification,” in this context, except the depiction of women in ways that appeal to heterosexual men? In other words, feminist criticism of “objectification” is really a way of saying that men’s entirely normal interest in women is wrong. But while Sarkeesian does not want men ever to see a good-looking woman in videogames, she is perfectly willing to support Alison Rapp, the pro-pedophile advocate of “LGBT/queerness” in “manga, comics, television, and pornography.”

Seriously, go examine the case against Alison Rapp. She has never disavowed any of her controversial views, never apologized or said she was mistaken in defending child pornography.

“The Queering of Feminism” means that students like Alison Rapp are indoctrinated in an anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideology which no one on campus is permitted to criticize. Subjected to cult mind-control methods, young feminists graduate college with the fanatical conviction that the only wrong kind of sexual behavior is normal sexual behavior.

Japanese “manga” pornography depicting lesbian schoolgirls? Perfectly acceptable to a Third Wave feminist like Alison Rapp, and acceptable also to Anita Sarkeesian, a Commissar of the Feminist Thought Police who will accuse you of “vile harassment tactics” and “gendered abuse” if you disagree with her opinions. Trying to get men fired from their jobs in the videogame industry? That’s not “vile,” that’s social justice.

Speaking of social justice, remember that SJWs Always Lie. In fact, what got Alison Rapp fired had nothing to do with #GamerGate:

Nintendo of America provided the below statement to Mashable.
Alison Rapp was terminated due to violation of an internal company policy involving holding a second job in conflict with Nintendo’s corporate culture. Though Ms. Rapp’s termination follows her being the subject of criticism from certain groups via social media several weeks ago, the two are absolutely not related. Nintendo is a company committed to fostering inclusion and diversity in both our company and the broader video game industry and we firmly reject the harassment of individuals based on gender, race or personal beliefs. We wish Ms. Rapp well in her future endeavors.

What kind of “second job” do you suppose Ms. Rapp was working that was “in conflict with Nintendo’s corporate culture”?

Oh, the irony! It burns! It burns!

Reader support is essential to the Sex Trouble project‘s research into radical feminism. Please buy my book, help promote it to others and don’t forget the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:





101 Responses to “Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles”

  1. M. Thompson
    March 30th, 2016 @ 9:47 pm

    1. She’s married.

    2. Tattoos are not attractive, IMHO. My wife agrees with me on that. Neither of us has one or is interested.

  2. robertstacymccain
    March 30th, 2016 @ 10:01 pm

    “She’s married.”

    And I bet her husband is “Sensitive, Kind, Intelligent, Liberal, and Feminist.”

  3. M. Thompson
    March 30th, 2016 @ 10:31 pm


    Odds are his grad school is something for feeling good not making money.

  4. concern00
    March 30th, 2016 @ 10:39 pm

    That’s unkind – he might just be a pedophile.

  5. Fail Burton
    March 30th, 2016 @ 11:04 pm

    Same pattern in sci-fi. A black writer named Nora K. Jemisin fond of quoting Flavia Dzodan’s “My feminism will be intersectional or it will be bullshit” came blazing into SF several years ago calling everyone a racist, including Robert Heinlein, all of SF fandom and the entire continent of Australia. She has parlayed that into 5 Nebula nominations while claiming her career was “strangled” at birth. All that anti-white Third Wave Feminist racism goes under the heading of “diversity.” No one knows why it is good, only that it is, because white men. Even more laughable is that Jemisin and her feminist hordes have declared the fact black people and women had no interest in reading or writing SFF during the Golden Age as them being “erased.”

    It’s the same racket. They have not one problem with freezer warehouses being 100% male but whine like air raid sirens about diversity in cushy jobs in tech.

    Like all feminists, Rapp calls due diligence and research “obsession.” Sometimes feminists call it “stalking.” That must explain why feminists take the where-there’s-straight-white-males-there’s-fire approach to history where immorality can simply be assumed. That brings you to a funny quote from Rapp I obsessively stalked down by the simple act of reading her public Twitter feed today: “I was asked not to tweet about rape culture because ‘it could become a big story’.”

    It is unfortunately true that a marketing figure lighting up their own customer base as a pack of rapists is as inadvisable as the NBA reminding its players old habits die hard and to lay off convenience story robberies and just use your Multi-Platinum ATM card. The bottom line there is people like Rapp always have a weird definition of the word “harassment” for the simple reason courts decide criminal rape, not sex. Not Rapp. For her “man” defines rape.

  6. Fail Burton
    March 30th, 2016 @ 11:06 pm

    No, he’s studying game dev.

  7. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 12:37 am

    WTH is this “intersectionalism” thing that these SJW idiots are on about? EXCEPT for the non-intersection of “Donald Trump comments” and “truth”, and “the Clintons” and “morality”, doesn’t pretty much every topic intersect? I really hate this stupid SJW language. It makes no sense.

  8. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 12:41 am

    Let’s deconstruct the Nicholas “Sarah” Nyberg tweet. “Crowdsourced”. –>crowd<– In other words, a bunch of people…nay, a majority of people, had one opinion, and the, what, small percentage of people who believe that pedophilia is ok had a differing opinion, and yet, in Nicholas’ mind, the crowd is wrong.

    Uh kay.

  9. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 12:53 am

    OK. Anita Sarkeesian and her feminist allies take issue with the “objectification” of women in video games.

    Let’s think about this for a moment. Chris Evans as Captain America. Robert Downey Jr. as Ironman, Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, Daniel Craig, et al, as 007. Does Sarkeesian, for one split second, think that these movies are popular because of the sparkling dialog and gut-wrenching social commentary? Hell no, they’re popular because dudes see an action pic starring guys they wish they were, and chicks see hot-looking dudes; in other words, both objectify the actors. For that matter, we specifically see a lot of Ryan Reynolds’ butt in Deadpool. And a fine butt it is.

    Here’s the thing. Does TV/movies objectify all the actors, both male and female? Answer, f**k yeah. That’s why the studios pick these exact people. Having worked in a marketing department for lotsa years, I can tell you that actors are not referred to as “actors”, but as “models”.

    The upshot is, Sarkeesian and Friends are ignorant. Men ARE perceived by their sexual desirability, as are women. Case closed.

  10. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 1:08 am

    @femfreq: “Companies should support their female employees in the face of such attacks…”

    Shyeah. Left unsaid: “Even if it drives them out of business.” Dream on.

    The god of this world right now = Satan. How he manifests himself = $$$. Go head to head with $$$ and you will ultimately lose. End of story.

  11. mole
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:37 am

    Yet in 30 years people like this will be “mainstream” politicians because of the slippery slope they deny exists.

    Im not old enough to remember how being as perverse as this used to be dissuaded, but i can remember laughing with my father at the 80’s drag acts (Boy George etc) because they were so weird. I would never have dreamed that 30 years later its mainstream and positively reinforced.

    Here in Oz an anti-bullying campaign rolled out in schools has a pro-pedo author, as well as an avowed marxist running a SJW indoctrination course for ages 12 and up.
    The MP referred to an article allegedly written by Mr Dowsett from the journal Gay Information to accuse him of being “a long-time advocate of intergenerational sex, otherwise known as pedophilia”.

    “He says ‘how different then is the gentle, tentative sexuality between parent and child from the love of a pedophile and his or her lover. That kind of love, warmth and nurture is an important part of the pedophilic relationship’,” the backbencher said.

    It is understood the article was written 35 years ago.

    La Trobe University have released a statement, according to the ABC.

    “We are appalled that a respected academic has been attacked using parliamentary privilege,” a spokesman said.

    “This is a blatant attempt to distract attention from the independent endorsement of the highly effective Safe Schools program.

    “We stand by the important work of Professor Dowsett and his team.”

    Heres the resources page for the anti-bullying, see anything about fat, ginger, ugly or anything other than sexuality?

    Heres the guide for the actual school…
    “…The person who understands most about their gender

    transition or affirmation is the student themselves. It is crucial

    to the success of this process that they are included in every

    decision made and every action taken. Consideration should

    be given to the age and maturity of the student and whether

    it would be appropriate to involve the students’ parent(s) or

    guardian(s) in each decision.”….

    That is advice for 12 year old kids. Teachers are being told to bypass parents to facilitate gender changes for kids.

  12. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:41 am

    Oh my God in heaven.

    There is nothing more to say than that,

  13. mole
    March 31st, 2016 @ 3:11 am

    You note the university is appalled at the pedo propagandist being exposed, not that they are employing a rock spider.

    Oh and I dont know if “rock spider” is slang over there, but in Oz a rock spider is a child molester, so called because there is nothing lower.

  14. Fail Burton
    March 31st, 2016 @ 3:46 am

    A white woman has one oppression, a white gay woman has 2 intersecting oppressions, a black gay woman 3, etc.

  15. Fail Burton
    March 31st, 2016 @ 3:48 am

    Dzodan and Laurie Penny are having a dust up on Twitter right now. A lot of intersectional feminists hate white feminists and never let them forget it. Penny pushes back but only so far. If she loses that crowd she loses her street cred.

  16. RS
    March 31st, 2016 @ 3:49 am

    Aside: Augsburg College used to be a conservative Lutheran undergraduate institution. Alas, it was consumed by the ELCA, the ultra-liberal Lutheran denomination and destroyed. Those of us with passing acquaintance with the Missouri Synod are indeed grateful the ELCA people picked up their marbles in a huff and went home about 40 years ago.

  17. robertstacymccain
    March 31st, 2016 @ 5:02 am

    Thank you for this tip. I mention the ELCA in the final chapter of Sex Trouble. Witches …

  18. robertstacymccain
    March 31st, 2016 @ 5:17 am

    You are making an argument which cedes the premise of “equality,” which assumes that men and women are or should be equal (that is to say identical) in their predispositions and behaviors.

    “Oh, look, here are good-looking men in movies” is not a refutation of feminist complaints about “objectification.” Why not? Because WOMEN ARE OPPRESSED BY HETEROPATRIARCHY!

    The fact is, men and women are different, and men are indeed apt to “objectify” women in ways that women do not (usually) view men. There are reasons why these differences exist, and if we are willing to put aside the moralistic attitude that equality is the measure of all things, we can speak sensibly about why men and women are (and should be) different.

  19. Quartermaster
    March 31st, 2016 @ 5:36 am

    But, actors do become popular with the opposite sex because they are viewed as sexually attractive. This doesn’t deny what you have said previously as the basis of sexual attractiveness is different for a man than it is for a woman.

  20. RS
    March 31st, 2016 @ 6:47 am

    The history of Lutherans in the U.S. is fairly interesting. At the beginning, there were a number of denominations correlating with the national origins of the members, i.e. Germans (The Missouri and Wisconsin Synods), various Scandinavian synods, the Slovaks and the English.

    They began to all coalesce around the Germans until the early seventies when progressives tried to infiltrate and take over the seminaries. The Wisconsin and Missouri Synods held firm, which caused a split. The Scandis and a lot of the old German congregations left and formed the ELCA which went off the rails theologically.

    The rest of the Germans, the Slovaks, the English and about half the Finns stayed with conservative Missouri Synod primarily and the Wisconsin Synod which is centered in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

    Bottom line: With Lutheran institutions, always know your synod.

    (Disclosure: We’re Southern Baptist, but my kids attended Missouri Synod Lutheran Schools.)

  21. Squid Hunt #BootTwitter
    March 31st, 2016 @ 7:00 am

    Seriously, where do these people come from. I want to know. I want to understand the life of a woman that lives like this.

  22. RS
    March 31st, 2016 @ 7:16 am

    The following sounds hyperbolic. Trust me. It is not.

    Bypassing parents is SOP in the U.S. these days, as well. Parents need to know that if they subject their children to public schools, they (the parents) have ceded all control over their children’s lives to the Progressive Left. If parents object, they will be marginalized, vilified, and pilloried. If their children refuse to play along, insidious false statements will be placed in their records, and those records will be difficult if not impossible for parents to review and correct.

    Parents should know, that “local control” of school boards has longed ceased to exist. Between nefarious federal mandates, teachers’ unions promoting candidates, and superintendents steeped in Progressive/Leftist indoctrination, there is no possibility of insulating one’s children from this.

    I know whereof I speak, having seen this transition from the inside. The revelation is what caused me to vow never to let my kids set foot in a public school. For parents who don’t believe me, ask to see a complete syllabus for your child’s class activities. Ask to see all assignments after they’re completed and graded. Then compare what you get to what your child says is discussed in class. You’ll be amazed. Teachers are specifically taught to hide most of this from parents.

    You cannot change it. You cannot fix it. The only option is to refuse to submit your child to the evil designs of these people. Home school or send your kids to a decent parochial school. You cannot not</i afford it. Your children’s very souls are at stake.

  23. RS
    March 31st, 2016 @ 7:16 am

    Whoops. HTML fail.

  24. CrustyB
    March 31st, 2016 @ 7:27 am

    Married to what? A giant tentacle?

  25. Constantine XI
    March 31st, 2016 @ 7:27 am

    Best way for an attractive girl to ruin herself is to tack on the tatts.

    But in Allison’s case she’ll probably top 300 pounds soon and that won’t matter, it’s a feminazi thing.

  26. White Knight Leo
    March 31st, 2016 @ 7:39 am

    Japan has largely resisted the anti-male censorship of modern feminism, so I’m loathe to criticize them for having lax laws about pornography. Especially when fictional (meaning no real people in the depiction) child porn is legal in the West.
    Further, lesbians in manga are just as unrealistic as they are in Western porn: invariably the girls are young and pretty, whereas real Western lesbians are almost invariably fat and unattractive. Of course obesity isn’t a big social problem in Japan, so that might be part of the reason.

  27. Fail Burton
    March 31st, 2016 @ 7:56 am

    Naive, sheltered and stupid usually fits the bill.

  28. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    March 31st, 2016 @ 7:58 am

    Better call Reek!

  29. Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles | Living in Anglo-America
    March 31st, 2016 @ 8:01 am

    […] Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles […]

  30. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    March 31st, 2016 @ 8:02 am

    What about Japanese school girls who are lesbians and race horses?

  31. NeoWayland
    March 31st, 2016 @ 8:35 am

    It’s not supposed to make sense. The jargon is supposed to identify the Anointed and control the conversation. We lesser beings who do not share their Enlightenment are supposed to be confused.

  32. NeoWayland
    March 31st, 2016 @ 8:38 am

    Majority opinion is hardly a good justification of “right.”

    But in this case, yeah, the majority opinion is a good place to start.

  33. Constantine XI
    March 31st, 2016 @ 9:17 am

    I decided years ago that if I ever do write a sci-fi novel I’ll publish it under a female pseudonym to increase my chances of it being published.

  34. Quartermaster
    March 31st, 2016 @ 9:18 am

    If you register, you can fix that. 🙂
    Don’t worry. The CIA’s Sekret Skwirrel won’t pay you a visit.

  35. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    March 31st, 2016 @ 9:19 am
  36. Critical Eye
    March 31st, 2016 @ 9:49 am

    Gasp at the hypocrisy:
    It is acceptable to fire a man because he gave $1000 to a political campaign you disagree with.
    It is unacceptable to fire a woman because her second job (which is against company policy) makes the company look bad.

  37. jolly green
    March 31st, 2016 @ 10:13 am

    Was she a defender of lolicon(animated depictions of child sex), or like actual child rape videos? The former are legal in Japan, although I have no idea what their legal status is in the West? if she’s defending the latter she’s definitely out of her mind, and it’s amazing she got hired in the first place.

  38. Quartermaster
    March 31st, 2016 @ 10:33 am

    Feminist=out of your mind.

  39. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 10:54 am

    Intersectionalism is jargon employed by those with no qualifications or expertise, to pretend that they are finding insights in the interstices of unrelated fields of study..

    For example a person who is neither a historian nor a physicist can say “I am a feminist studying the intersectionality of history with quantum physics.” Then six or seven pages of faux academic buzz phrases will follow.

  40. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 11:34 am

    Well, let’s suppose that I had an idea, and the majority thought it was wrong or stupid. At that point, I, a rational non-idiot, would take a step back and re-examine my belief. Most certainly if my big idea was an illegal one, you know, just in case it’s not worth going to prison for.

    But no, not this guy.

  41. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 11:34 am

    Gotcha. That definition makes perfect SJW sense.

  42. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 11:35 am

    …a black gay disabled woman 4…

  43. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 11:41 am

    That’s messed up on more levels than I can count.

  44. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 11:45 am

    Yes. You only question it because you are a rapey patriarch.

  45. NeoWayland
    March 31st, 2016 @ 12:06 pm

    Sometimes a small idea has profound consequences, even if the majority doesn’t see it at first.

    But in this case, sex between adults and kids has far more harmful consequences than any known social benefit. Maybe things will be different six or seven generations down the line, I don’t know and I won’t presume to guess. But here and now, if they are too young to consent to a contract they are too young for sex.

    Sex is for consenting adults. Amazing how much nonsense that eliminates.

  46. JeffS
    March 31st, 2016 @ 12:25 pm

    12 people are in a room.
    9 are men, 3 are women.
    8 of the men decide it’s a good idea to rape the women. The women don’t like the idea (for obvious reasons), and 1 man is against it (again, for obvious reasons).
    The majority opinion, however, clearly favors gang rape.
    Is this a good place to start?
    Hint: The valid answer to this question is based on unstated assumptions, much like DeadMessenger’s post.

  47. NeoWayland
    March 31st, 2016 @ 12:30 pm

    And sometimes someone just nails a paper on a church door.

    Or declares that it’s time to start a new nation.

    Or decides that they ought to be be served at a lunch counter no matter what their skin color.

  48. Greg
    March 31st, 2016 @ 12:49 pm

    As a born-and-bred Finnish Lutheran, I can attest to the evils of ELCA. My parents were 100% Missouri Synod.

  49. Jeanette Victoria
    March 31st, 2016 @ 1:09 pm

    Lost me at “intersectional”

  50. RS
    March 31st, 2016 @ 1:37 pm

    Life is too short to remember another password.