The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

David Katz: Jacksonville Shooter Proves (Again) Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | August 27, 2018 | Comments Off on David Katz: Jacksonville Shooter Proves (Again) Crazy People Are Dangerous


How many more psycho killers will it take to convince you?

The suspect in the deadly shooting at a video game competition in Florida had a “weird” online presence and spent time in and out of psychiatric facilities as a teenager, according to court records and people who knew him.
The suspect, David Katz, 24, of Baltimore, killed two and wounded 11 before taking his own life, according to Jacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams. Katz came to Florida to participate in the Madden NFL 19 competition at the Jacksonville Landing entertainment complex.
New details about Katz emerged Monday, including the fact that he had been hospitalized for mental illness.
Divorce filings from Katz’s parents say that as a teenager he was twice hospitalized in psychiatric facilities and that he was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications.
The suspect’s father, Richard Katz of Baltimore, and his mother, Elizabeth Katz of Columbia, Maryland, did not respond to phone messages from the Associated Press Sunday or Monday. . . .
Shane Kivlen, a friend of one of the people killed, said Katz didn’t talk much with fellow gamers, either online or when they met face-to-face for Madden tournaments.
He said much of what he and others knew of Katz, they learned from his baffling style of playing the game.
“(Katz) would do kind of weird stuff online that other people wouldn’t do,” Kivien said. “He would catch a ball and just start jumping out of bounds and stuff when he could have gotten more yards, just hurting himself. I don’t know what he was doing.”
Kivlen said Katz was smart, “but something was off about him.”
The game’s maker, EA Sports, lists a David Katz as a 2017 championship winner.

He “would do kind of weird stuff.” Quiet. A loner. Didn’t socialize or talk much. Something was “off” about him. Nevertheless, he was allowed to carry firearms and travel around to videogame tournaments.

Y’know, “mental health advocates” have spent many years lecturing us about the stigma of mental illness, and nobody ever summons the courage to suggest that maybe there’s a reason for the stigma. Like, perhaps people who act weird actually are weird? And just letting these kooks run around unsupervised could possibly be a bad idea?

Crazy People Are Dangerous.

UPDATE: Liberals are claiming that more gun control is the answer, but John Hoge points out that Maryland laws are rather strict:

All handguns legally sold in Maryland since 1 October, 2013, have been registered with the Maryland State Police. This includes private transfers which must be run through a licensed dealer in order to create a paperwork trail for a background check.
Part of the MSP background check includes the purchaser’s mental health history. A release form for the check is part of the paperwork submitted to the MSP.

It’s as if criminals don’t obey laws, or something.



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