The Other McCain

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Rick Scott Wins, as Democrats Admit Nelson Doomed in Florida Recount

Posted on | November 17, 2018 | Comments Off on Rick Scott Wins, as Democrats Admit Nelson Doomed in Florida Recount


The bungling dimwits in Broward County are still counting ballots, but there’s no hope left for Democrats to keep the Senate seat:

Sen. Bill Nelson has run out of time, run out of favorable court rulings and is about to officially run out of votes.
After losing to Gov. Rick Scott on Election Day, losing after an automatic recount and appearing to not make up the gap following a manual recount Friday, Nelson’s campaign was dealt a mortal blow later that evening by U.S. District Judge Mark E. Walker, who crushed the Democrat’s last major hope by upholding a Florida law that forbids county election offices from counting vote-by-mail ballots received after 7 p.m. Election Day.
“It’s done. But it was done before today. This was a total Hail Mary,” said a top Democrat involved in Nelson’s campaign who didn’t want to speak publicly before the Democratic Party icon conceded defeat to one of the party’s most-hated rivals. . . .
Without favorable court rulings to expand the available ballot pool, Nelson has no way to make up his 12,603-vote deficit with Scott. . . .
The counties officially have to submit their manual recount totals to the state Sunday. The election is supposed to be certified Tuesday. . . .
While party officials refused to discuss the hopelessness of the situation on the record, the Florida Democratic Party on Friday continued to fundraise off the recount, suggesting to donors that Nelson had a shot when his own top backers knew he didn’t.
Nelson, a three-term U.S. Senator, was the last Democratic statewide elected official in Florida for years. . . .
Scott’s defeat of Nelson certifies him as a Democratic giant-killer who continues to prove party elites wrong. In three straight elections, Democratic insiders have predicted his defeat. Scott first beat Alex Sink, the woman once thought to be the future of the party, in his first gubernatorial race. Then he defeated former Gov. Charlie Crist, a once-highly popular governor. And now he has bested the one politician Democrats thought was unbeatable in a Florida general election, Nelson.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) In case you missed it earlier, Republican Ron DeSantis will be Florida’s next governor, defeating Democrat Andrew Gillum by more than 30,000 votes, enough to avoid a manual recount. So, it would appear, #StopTheSteal was effective. Good work.



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