The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#MeToo: ‘No Idea That the Famous Actor Was an Alleged Sexual Predator’

Posted on | December 25, 2018 | Comments Off on #MeToo: ‘No Idea That the Famous Actor Was an Alleged Sexual Predator’

Kevin Spacey (right) with Hillary and Bill Clinton.

One of the ironic consequences of Hillary Clinton’s defeat in 2016 is the #MeToo movement, which has destroyed the careers and reputations of so many prominent liberal men, including movie producer Harvey Weinstein, CBS chief Les Moonves and NBC Today host Matt Lauer.

Perhaps none of these famous men would have been exposed if not for Hillary’s defeat, which inspired a feminist fury seeking male targets to satiate their appetite for vengeance. In the summer of 2016, however, the homosexual actor Kevin Spacey still enjoyed liberal protection:

Actor Kevin Spacey is facing a felony charge in an alleged sexual assault of the teenage son of former Boston news anchor Heather Unruh at a Nantucket bar in July 2016, the latest legal entanglement for the two-time Academy Award winner over claims of sexual misconduct.
Cape and Islands District Attorney Michael O’Keefe said Monday that Spacey, 59, was scheduled to be arraigned on a charge of indecent assault and battery at Nantucket District Court on Jan. 7, after a Dec. 20 public show-cause hearing where clerk magistrate Ryan Kearney issued a criminal complaint. . . .
Spacey is being investigated after numerous sexual assault accusations, which began surfacing in the fall of 2017 and prompted his removal from Netflix’s “House of Cards,” the former popular political drama. His role in a Ridley Scott film was also cut.
The charge Spacey faces carries penalties of up to five years in prison or up to two and a half years in jail or house of correction and a requirement to register as a sex offender, according to court documents.
“I’m pleased that the case is moving forward in the judicial system,” Unruh, who had worked for WCVB-TV, said Monday. . . .
The case emerged during an emotional news conference in November 2017, when Unruh publicly accused Spacey of sexually assaulting her son.
Unruh said that in July 2016 her then 18-year-old son was at The Club Car, where the actor was among the late-night crowd in the dimly lit restaurant. Her son was mesmerized by Spacey and told him he was old enough to drink, Unruh said previously.
Unruh said Spacey purchased alcohol for her son until he was drunk and then stuck his hand inside the teenager’s pants and grabbed his genitals. During the encounter, Unruh said, her son tried to shift his body away from Spacey but was “only momentarily successful.” The actor urged her son to accompany him to an after-hours party to drink more, she said.
Unruh said her son fled the restaurant when Spacey excused himself to use the bathroom and a woman urged the youth to run. He sprinted to his grandmother’s house and told his sister what happened, Unruh said. The siblings then called Unruh, who traveled to Nantucket in the morning, she said.
“The victim, my son, was a star-struck, straight 18-year-old young man who had no idea that the famous actor was an alleged sexual predator or that he was about to become his next victim,” Unruh said at the 2017 press conference accompanied by attorney Mitchell Garabedian and her daughter, Kyla. “This was a criminal act.”
Unruh said her son reported the incident to Nantucket police in the fall of 2017 and provided evidence to investigators.

The important question is why the famous actor’s reputation as a sexual predator was kept secret for so long. Isn’t it true that, as with Bill Clinton, liberals were devoted to protecting men like Kevin Spacey from scandal as they pursued their predatory sexual habits? In the same way that Harvey Weinstein and other Hollywood liberals purchased protection by their support of the Clintons, Kevin Spacey was a loyal supporter who emceed the 2014 gala tribute for the 10th anniversary of the Clinton Presidential Library, and who described his friendship with Bill Clinton in a 2015 television interview:

“Well, we’ve known each other a long time. We’ve had a lot of different experiences over the years,” Spacey said. “Both in his first and second terms, I did a great number of things for him either at the White House or for the Democratic Party, hosted a lot of events, did a lot of things privately, did a lot of things on the campaign.”
Spacey said that he never doubted Clinton and was always there for him.
“And I suppose that perhaps I never waited to see which way the wind would blow in respect to him. I was always there,” Spacey said. “And I was a true friend. And never doubted him. Never stopped believing in him. Thought he was an extraordinary man.”
“Took him as he was?” Rose interjected.
“Took him as he was,” Spacey said. “And I think that may be part of the reason why we became close.”

Birds of a feather, etc.



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