The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Florida Stripper Had Mass Murder Fantasies

Posted on | January 8, 2019 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous: Florida Stripper Had Mass Murder Fantasies


News from The Crazy State:

An exotic dancer in Florida was arrested Wednesday after writing about her “urges” to undertake a mass shooting in a crowded area, police said.
Brein Basarich, 31, who worked at the Showgirls Men’s Club in Plant City, admitted to posting the threats on her Tumblr account under the username “taking-lives,” Lakeland police said.

(Oh, of course she had a Tumblr blog. Of course.)

She wrote about her “vision” of using an assault rifle to fire into a crowded bar or club that only had one entrance, thus preventing people from escaping, Bay News 9 reported.
“I had a vision… of a very public place, only one way in and one way out,” Basarich wrote, according to the Bradenton Herald. “Preferably a bar/club on a busy night. 2019 has a lot in store if my plans go according!”
Basarich described herself to police officers as a true-crime lover and a “great admirer of serial killers and mass murderers,” according to the station.
“… A lot of us have urges, whether they will admit or not is the question. So yes, I have,” she wrote to another Tumblr user who asked whether she had homicidal urges, according to Action Jax 30.
Basarich was charged with making a written threat to kill or injure. She was taken to Polk County Jail but bonded out Thursday.

See, it’s not illegal in Florida to fantasize about killing people. It’s only illegal if you put it in writing on your Tumblr blog.

By the way, why call a stripper an “exotic dancer”? There’s nothing exotic about taking off your clothes for money. But I suppose it’s like how the word “gay” replaced homosexual — the more descriptive term is considered offensive, because the people to whom it is applied don’t want you to think about what it actually means. And if you were to use certain descriptive Anglo-Saxon slang terms (e.g., synonymous with performer of fellatio) this would be considered “hate speech.” In the Victorian era, the use of euphemisms was intended to uphold public decency, because it was felt that certain unsavory topics should not be discussed in the presence of women and children, lest they be degraded or corrupted by their knowledge of immoral and illegal behaviors. Since the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas ruling, however, every form of sexual behavior is not only legal, but also protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, so that strippers might conceivably claim they have a constitutional right to take their clothes off for money. If you call them what they are, by describing what they actually do, this might indicate prejudice against strippers — how dare you disapprove? — and you might as well be Hitler.

You see that the use of euphemisms — prostitutes are now “sex workers” and pornography is “adult entertainment” — has a different purpose in the 21st century than it did in the Victoria era. Instead of suppressing knowledge of sordid behaviors for the sake of moral decency, we now use euphemisms to abet and encourage immoral behaviors. The corruption of language creates a sort of unreality, wherein we are all required to pretend we don’t know what we actually know. What does “gay” actually mean? What do homosexuals actually do? We know, but we are compelled by political correctness to pretend that we don’t know, and it’s the same thing with “sex workers,” including “exotic dancers.”

Being forced to live in a world of make-believe has consequences; this is not conducive to good mental health. It should be obvious that women who work as “exotic dancers” are not recruited from the more sober and responsible elements of the community, and Brein Basaric’s employment at Showgirls Men’s Club was psychological stressful. While I’m not qualified to speak as an expert on current working conditions in the “adult entertainment industry,” back in the day, strippers were known to consume copious amounts of drugs and alcohol to enable themselves to get through a shift. Quaaludes and cocaine were the drugs of choice.

Social workers might speak of strippers as an “at-risk” group for mental health problems, and less politically correct people would simply say that a lot of these women are just plain crazy. So if Brein Basaric was secretly fantasizing about going on a mass-murder rampage with an assault rifle, well . . . crazy people are dangerous.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)



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