The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Red-Pill Wisdom From the Blues

Posted on | April 21, 2019 | Comments Off on Red-Pill Wisdom From the Blues

If you don’t want me, baby,
Mama, you sure don’t got to stall.
’Cause I’ve had more pretty women
Than a passenger train can haul.

Lynyrd Skynyrd, “T for Texas”

Last week, Professor Glenn Reynolds offered this hypothesis: “Changing society in ways that the minority of women who identify as feminists found congenial has made society worse for the large majority composed of everyone else.” And this is certainly correct, as I’ve often pointed out — including during Saturday night’s episode of “The Other Podcast” — that modern feminism did not begin in the political mainstream, but rather on the far-left fringe of 1960s radicalism. The feminist movement was not intended to increase happiness for the vast majority of women, who were not radicals; rather, like other radical movements of the 1960s, feminism was purely destructive in its goals. Deriving their ideological inspiration from Marxism, feminists identified “society” as an oppressive system of male supremacy, so that the goal of “equality” and “liberation” for women could only be achieved by destroying the social structure as it existed circa 1968. The feminist vision of “equality” was no more concerned with promoting happiness than the radical vision Pol Pot sought to implement in Cambodia. So if young women today are less happy than their grandmothers were in 1968, it’s not because of patriarchal oppression, but rather because of feminism’s destructive “success.”

In offering his hypothesis, Professor Reynolds linked to a rather weird article by feminist writer Lauren Vinopal:

Men might be the unhappiest they’ve ever been. Many causes have been cited for a recent slide in male satisfaction, evident in a number of social science data sets, everything from the 24-hour news cycle, to the economy, to the decline of sex, marriage, family, and religion respectively. The male crisis du jour, though, might have more to do with internalized attitudes than external factors. As traditional masculinity, which has historically normalized many unhealthy behaviors, demanded emotional avoidance, and stigmatized close relationships, has lost some traction, men have failed to take full advantage of new-found freedom. Instead, they have surrendered to a sort of lonely ennui, taking what was bound to be a difficult transition poorly.

What the actual f**k is she talking about? Were the troops who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day — paragons of “traditional masculinity” — engaged in “unhealthy behaviors,” other than, y’know, risking death in order to free Europe from Hitler’s monstrous grasp? And what manner of “new-found freedom” have men gained, that they should “take full advantage of,” but haven’t? Never mind. She continues:

“The current focus on toxic masculinity has many men feeling consciously and unconsciously that they are toxic as individuals,” psychotherapist Carla Manly explains. “This results in a sense of wariness and constant fear. This fear — much of it unprocessed — can lead to detachment from relationships. This, of course, can lead to a sense of loneliness that feeds a general sense of unhappiness.” . . .
Toxic masculinity is often misunderstood as the notion that masculinity is inherently harmful, when the reality is that it’s inherently unstable. Unlike femininity, masculinity is regularly challenged, policed, and taken away. This causes more “toxic” men to behave badly and many other men to live unhappy lives.
The anxiety Manly describes . . . appears to be almost universal among men. Experts at the American Psychological Association suspect that male sadness, specifically male sadness derivative of anxiety about masculinity works like a snare trap. . . .
In short, even men who recognize the need to change their attitudes may not succeed in doing so and men who are being forced to change their attitudes are unlikely to succeed in doing so. . . . Equally terrified of the #MeToo movement and being misconstrued as gay, men stumble down an untenably narrow middle path.
“Although these shifts are exceedingly positive, they can be daunting and intimidating for men,” Manly says. “This is a rather off-putting shift for those who have found safety in the left-brain, ‘logic is superior’ mentality.”

You can read the rest of that, but having done a quick bit of research into Dr. Carla Manly, I’m not sure you’re going to be able to figure out what the actual f**k she’s talking about, either.  What “shifts” in masculinity does she mean have been “exceedingly positive”? For whom?


There is more wisdom to be found in old R&B songs than you’re ever going to get from peddlers of psychotherapeutic nonsense about men’s “unprocessed” fear, or from feminist writers who want to lecture men about what’s wrong with our masculinity, namely everything. That brought to mind the old blues lyric, written by Jimmie Rodgers in 1927: “If you don’t want me, mama, you sure don’t have to stall,” which is to say, he’s prepared to deal with rejection, but stop wasting his time, because he’s got other opportunities to pursue. And this is the proper attitude, whenever a man encounters hostility from a woman.

That’s what feminism is — hostility — and I would never dream of arguing with a feminist, because it’s a complete waste of time. Feminism is an anti-male hate movement, and why bother arguing with someone who hates you? Hate is irrational, and thus impervious to argument.

I’d rather drink your muddy water,
Sleep down in a hollow log,
Than be in Atlanta, Georgia,
Treated like a dirty dog.

Ain’t it the truth, though? Life is too short to let some evil woman treat you bad — in Atlanta or anywhere else — when you can just move along and find a woman who knows how to treat you right. Is this “emotional avoidance,” as Lauren Vinopal says of “traditional masculinity”? No, it’s a refusal to let yourself be dragged around for the sake of a cold-hearted woman who doesn’t properly appreciate your companionship. If a woman really loves you, she’s not going to be playing any games, see? She’s going to make an effort to keep you coming back for more.

Next month in Orlando, the 21 Convention will bring together some of the superstars of the “red-pill” manosphere, including Hunter Drew, Rollo Tomassi, George Bruno and Jack Murphy. I mention this for two reasons: First, because Lauren Vinopal says this in her article:

Research suggests that group therapy experiences are especially effective for men because men are generally more responsive to advice from peers than advice from authorities. . . .
“Men are desperate to be a part of groups of other men,” [psychologist John] Moore says. “The opportunities for men to bond with one another have become fewer and fewer, and so they feel more isolated and less connected, and in come cases become depressed.”

Somehow, I don’t think next month’s “red-pill” gathering in Orlando would meet with feminist approval, which brings me to my second reason for mentioning it: I’ve been invited to cover it. This isn’t going to be the “group therapy experience” Lauren Vinopal had in mind. No, it’s real men talking about real manhood. Readers can estimate my travel costs, and contribute whatever they think is appropriate, because the Five Most Important Words in the English Language are:




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