The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Joe Biden: DACA Recipients Are ‘More American Than Most Americans Are’

Posted on | February 18, 2020 | Comments Off on Joe Biden: DACA Recipients Are ‘More American Than Most Americans Are’


Remember, he’s the Democrat who’s gonna win working-class voters:

During a campaign rally in Reno, Nevada [Monday], former Vice President Joe Biden (D) said illegal aliens who are shielded from deportation by former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are “more American than most Americans are.”
While speaking to a crowd of supporters, Biden accused American citizens of being less American than even the roughly 800,000 to 3.5 million DACA illegal aliens living in the United States while touting his plan to provide them all with amnesty:

Once again, legalize all the DACA students. These DACA students are more American than most Americans are. No, I’m serious. Think about it. They come along when they’re eight-years-old and their mom says they’re crossing the … they don’t know where they’re from. They’ve never been [to their native country]. They’ve been good, decent citizens and they’re great additions. By the way … you know our Social Security system is still solvent? Because of immigration. They didn’t cost us anything, they’re paying for it … and there’s a reason why it’s moving. . . .

Biden has routinely used this talking point on the campaign trail, most recently telling Iowa voters that DACA illegal aliens are “more American than most Americans” because they have “done well in school.”

From Biden’s open-borders perspective, being an American is not about anything except going to school, paying taxes and voting Democrat. If you don’t vote Democrat, you’re un-American, according to Democrats, who are determined to import good “Americans” who will vote for them.



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