The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mostly Peaceful™ Protesters Shoot Two Police Officers in Louisville Riot

Posted on | September 24, 2020 | 1 Comment


This is actually good news, relatively speaking. When I saw the mob unpacking riot supplies from a U-Haul truck (allegedly supplied by Soros-funded radical Holly Zoller), my thought was, “Uh-oh. This is gonna be bad.” Fortunately, Louisville is not Portland. There are about 120,000 black people in Louisville, but the protest mob — at least half of whom were white — was never more than a few hundred people.

Whatever the public opinion about the Breonna Taylor case in Louisville, the vast majority of residents there clearly do not support the radical cop-hating mob, and so the city didn’t burn down Wednesday night. The cops maintained a perimeter and, when the protesters did not disperse after the 9 p.m. curfew, they arrested everybody (apparently including Daily Caller reporter Shelby Talcott). All in all, the situation in Louisville was not nearly as bad as it could have been.

For me the most disturbing moment of the night — I mean, besides the two cops getting shot — was when I briefly watched CNN and had to listen to Ben Crump run his mouth for a couple of minutes.

If any sociologist is interested in researching the cause of racism in America, there it is — Ben Crump. I defy any white person to listen to Ben Crump for two minutes without having racist thoughts. The very idea that some college gave this fool a law degree? That’s got to be worth a few thousand recruits a year for the neo-Nazis. Meanwhile . . .

Organized hatred is a frightening thing to behold, and no one can blame Americans for being terrified by what happened Wednesday in Louisville. After it was announced that a grand jury had indicted only one of the police officers involved in the death of Breonna Taylor, an angry mob began shouting threats punctuated with obscenities. “We didn’t get it! Burn it down!” was one of the threats. Another voice in the protest mob was still more specific, shouting at police: “All y’all get ready to f***ing die!”
There followed the inevitable confrontations between police and the “mostly peaceful” protesters, who engaged in vandalism and arson. By 8:30 p.m., Louisville police reported that one officer had been shot in a confusing scene on East Broadway near the Interstate 65 overpass. Subsequently, it was reported that two officers had been shot, which perhaps the #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) movement will consider adequate to satisfy their slogan of “Justice for Breonna.” . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.



One Response to “Mostly Peaceful™ Protesters Shoot Two Police Officers in Louisville Riot”

  1. Hazards of the Trade : The Other McCain
    September 24th, 2020 @ 3:54 pm

    […] Earlier today, I mentioned that Shelby Talcott of the Daily Caller had apparently been arrested while covering the Louisville riot, now it turns out she wasn’t the only one who got the cuffs: […]

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