The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Destructive Meaning of ‘Equality’

Posted on | December 22, 2020 | Comments Off on The Destructive Meaning of ‘Equality’

Comrade DeBlasio last week declared: “I’d like to say very bluntly our mission is to redistribute wealth. . . A lot of people bristle at that phrase. That is, in fact, the phrase we need to use.”

The subject, believe it or not, was K-12 schools in New York City. How could anyone view public education as having a “mission to redistribute wealth”? And yet this is indeed what DeBlasio considers the “mission” of his city’s schools. In a remarkable press conference (and by “remarkable,” of course I mean, insane), the mayor spoke of his plan to “more equitably redistribute resources” in the city’s schools: “We can never accept a broken status quo. . . . We can never go back to a past that didn’t work.”

What is so “broken” in the status quo of New York schools? What was it about those schools that “didn’t work” in the past? Well, the outcomes were unequal and, because inequality is unfair (according to “progressives” like DeBlasio) therefore the entire system must be destroyed. This idea is summarized in a headline, “De Blasio to destroy New York’s top public schools to run an experiment in diversity.”

You see that vague goals like “equality” and “diversity” are really just a pretext for destruction, as part of a war against achievement.



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