The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘I Saw Her Standing There’

Posted on | April 3, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘I Saw Her Standing There’

Lately, I’ve been watching YouTube videos by Mike Pachelli, a guitarist, singer and producer who has done a series of tutorials on how to play classic Beatles songs note-for-note. What’s really fascinating to me is that Pachelli was able to isolate John Lennon’s rhythm guitar parts so well. For years, in listening to Beatles records, I simply couldn’t hear these parts. The way the records are mixed, George Harrison’s lead guitar is much more prominent and the two guitarists usually play together on rhythm parts, although each plays different riffs.

Pachelli breaks down each part in an instructive way, and then ends each lesson by performing the song all the way through. Watch and learn, as he does the 1963 classic, “I Saw Her Standing There”:


Maybe you’re not a Beatles fan as I am, so you may not enjoy that as much as I did, but do you remember how the lyrics of that song begin?

Well, she was just seventeen,
You know what I mean,
And the way she looked
Was way beyond compare.

Speaking of 17-year-old girls . . .

A Justice Department investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz and Joel Greenberg is focusing on their involvement with multiple women who were recruited online for sex and received cash payments, according to people close to the investigation and text messages and payment receipts reviewed by The New York Times.
Investigators believe Greenberg, the former tax collector in Seminole County, who was indicted last year on a federal sex trafficking charge and other crimes, initially met the women through websites that connect people who go on dates in exchange for gifts, fine dining, travel and allowances, according to three people with knowledge of the encounters. Greenberg introduced the women to Gaetz, who also had sex with them, the people said.
One of the women who had sex with both men also agreed to have sex with an unidentified associate of theirs in Florida Republican politics, according to a person familiar with the arrangement. Greenberg had initially contacted her online and introduced her to Gaetz, the person said.
Gaetz denied ever paying a woman for sex.
The Justice Department inquiry is also examining whether Gaetz had sex with a 17-year-old girl and whether she received anything of material value, according to four people familiar with the investigation. The sex trafficking count against Greenberg involved the same girl, according to two people briefed on the investigation.
The authorities have also investigated whether other men connected to Gaetz and Greenberg had sex with the 17-year-old, two of the people said.
Gaetz, 38, was elected to Congress in 2016 and became one of former President Donald Trump’s most outspoken advocates.
The Times has reviewed receipts from Cash App, a mobile payments app, and Apple Pay that show payments from Gaetz and Greenberg to one of the women, and a payment from Greenberg to a second woman. The women told their friends that the payments were for sex with the two men, according to two people familiar with the conversations.
In encounters during 2019 and 2020, Gaetz and Greenberg instructed the women to meet at certain times and places, often at hotels around Florida, and would tell them the amount of money they were willing to pay, according to the messages and interviews.
One person said that the men also paid in cash, sometimes withdrawn from a hotel ATM.
Some of the men and women took ecstasy, an illegal mood-altering drug, before having sex, including Gaetz, two people familiar with the encounters said.
In some cases, Gaetz asked women to help find others who might be interested in having sex with him and his friends, according to two people familiar with those conversations. Should anyone inquire about their relationships, one person said, Gaetz told the women to say that he had paid for hotel rooms and dinners as part of their dates.
The FBI has questioned multiple women involved in the encounters, including as recently as January, to establish details of their relationships with Gaetz and his friends, according to text messages and two people familiar with the interviews. . . .
One of the sites the men met women through was called Seeking Arrangement, which describes itself as a place where wealthy people find attractive companions and pamper them “with fine dinners, exotic trips and allowances.” The site’s founder has said it has 20 million members worldwide.

After this story broke on Tuesday, I was willing to give Gaetz the benefit of the doubt. But it now appears that this isn’t just a smear job, and that there is some substance to the case. Even thought Gaetz continues to deny any wrongdoing, if there are CashApp receipts for his hook-ups with “sugar babies,” there’s no way he survives this scandal. Like the song says, he’ll never dance with another, except maybe in prison.



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