The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Posted on | April 20, 2021 | Comments Off on CHAUVIN GUILTY

Despite the big win for the “social justice” crowd, it can be expected that there will be nationwide riots tonight. Kind of like BLM won the Super Bowl of racial grievance, and now must celebrate by looting.

UPDATE: Time to go grab a free TV or whatever:

Nice country we had for a while. Shame it all had to burn down.

UPDATE II: Quote of the day:

“Thank you, George Floyd,
for sacrificing your life for justice.”

— Nancy Pelosi

She forgot to thank George’s fentanyl dealer.

UPDATE III: Contrary to widespread concern, there appears to have been no riots Tuesday night, at least not in Minneapolis. Of course, Antifa smashed windows in Portland, but that’s just the nightly routine there now, I guess.



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