The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats: The Party of Hate

Posted on | May 21, 2021 | Comments Off on Democrats: The Party of Hate

The national poster child for Racial Derangement Syndrome:

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s spokesperson has reportedly announced that she will only give interviews to “Black or Brown” journalists on the occasion of reaching the halfway point in her term as mayor. . . .
Lightfoot, the city’s first black female mayor, and also the first lesbian mayor, has been a target of public criticism for her harsh policies during the coronavirus pandemic, her failure to manage the Black Lives Matter riots, and a sharp rise in crime throughout the already-violent city.

More on Mayor Lightfoot’s journalistic segregation:

“I’m thinking in this one day when we are looking at the two-year anniversary of my inauguration, as a woman of color, as a lesbian, it’s important to me that diversity is put front in center,” Lightfoot said. . . .
“If I as the black woman mayor, the first ever, don’t challenge us, the collective us, to do better, to really make sure that in every institution it reflects the diversity, nuance and texture, the shame on me,” Lightfoot said. . . .
Political analyst Charles Thomas knows the City Hall beat well, as a former television political reporter. He says although newsroom diversity is an important topic, he questions the mayor’s timing.
“This is a distraction,” he said. “Instead of talking about crime, talking about disarray in her administration, talking about education, talking about city finances, we’re talking about this.”

Exactly right. Identity politics is a distraction from government failure. And certainly Mayor Frogface has failed to keep Chicago safe:

Forty-six individuals were shot, five fatally, during another violent weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.
Breitbart News reported 29 people were shot Friday into Saturday night alone in the Windy City, with five of those shooting victims succumbing to their wounds.
On Sunday morning, two Chicago police officers were shot by an individual who opened fire on them in an alley. The officers were both hospitalized but “stable and recovering,” according to the Chicago Sun-Times.
By Monday morning at 5:08 a.m., ABC 7 / Chicago Sun-Times noted the total number of overall shooting victims for the weekend had risen to 46. So it was a bloody Sunday.
Among the weekend’s wounded were a two-year-old girl who “was shot in Little Village on the Southwest side” while riding in the backseat of a vehicle.

Little children are being shot in Chicago, and all Mayor Frogface wants to talk about is “diversity,” because Amphibian Lives Matter.



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