The Other McCain

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Othal Wallace Manhunt Focuses on Atlanta; Reward Now $200,000

Posted on | June 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Othal Wallace Manhunt Focuses on Atlanta; Reward Now $200,000

Updating the previous story about Othal Wallace, who was seen on bodycam video shooting a police officer in Daytona Beach, Florida, the reward for his capture has now been increased to $200,000, and U.S. Marshals have joined the manhunt for the armed and dangerous suspect, who may now be in the Atlanta area:

Atlanta police are on the lookout for an “armed and dangerous” suspect accused of shooting a Florida police officer in the head. . . .
Atlanta police have confirmed with FOX 5 that law enforcement in the metro Atlanta area has been advised to be on the lookout for Wallace.
According to investigators, his vehicle was last “pinged” in an area around Stockbridge, Georgia.
The wanted suspect was last seen driving a gray 2016 Honda HRV bearing California license plate 7TNX532.

Stockbridge is on I-75 southeast of Atlanta, and Wallace is believed to have relatives in the area. The 26-year-old police officer he shot in the head Wednesday night has undergone surgery but is still in critical condition. Notice that there is not “allegedly” about this — the crime was captured on video, and there is no doubt about Wallace’s guilt.

In fact, Wallace is a black nationalist and a member of an anti-white hate group, the NFAC, and posted social media messages boasting about his hatred of police as “pigs” whose blood he intended to shed. He was amassing an arsenal: “Investigators found guns and ammo stockpiled in an apartment belonging to a relative of Othal Wallace where the shooting occurred.” So while the Biden administration is busy prosecuting Trump supporters, this black radical was planning to kill cops:

Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood says an investigation into Othal Wallace has revealed a hatred for law enforcement.
The sheriff says he thinks it was only a matter of time before he tried to kill a police officer.
“What we’re discovering is, any law enforcement officer that came in contact with this guy, was going to get killed. Listen to his manifestos and see what he’s posting … you see the hatred that he’s putting out there to police. We have to eradicate that. We cannot allow hate to dominate our lives, and that’s what this motivation is,” Sheriff Chitwood said.

But you won’t see anything about this on CNN or MSNBC.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! As Ed Driscoll has already informed you, Othal Wallace was captured early this morning.



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