The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | October 30, 2021 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Do you recognize those mug shots? All of them are the same guy — Walter Wallace Jr. of Philadelphia — who was 27 years old when his lifelong criminal career came to an abrupt end last October. Police were called to the Wallace family home for a domestic disturbance, and Walter was shot dead after he charged at the cops with an 8-inch knife:

Police were called dozens of times in recent months about problems at Walter Wallace Jr.’s home, and had responded twice on Monday to reports of disturbances at the West Philadelphia house before two officers answered a third call and shot him as he approached them with a knife, according to law enforcement sources.
What happened during those earlier visits — including which officers responded and how much they knew about Wallace’s mental health problems — remained unclear Tuesday. Asked at a news briefing, Commissioner Danielle Outlaw declined to offer details about any prior contact police had with Wallace, saying the incident remained under investigation.
But the confirmation of previous visits, by sources not authorized to publicly discuss them, raised questions about the police response to what Wallace’s relatives have described as a mental health crisis.

The death of Wallace was the subject of a blog post here (“Media Promotes BLM Lies in Philadelphia, as Rioting Continues for the Second Night”) as riots left dozens of police officers injured and millions of dollars in damages in the looting and vandalism that followed the shooting. And yet video of the incident clearly showed that the officers had no choice but to shoot the maniac who charged them.

Despite this, Philadelphia taxpayers will pay Wallace’s family:

The city of Philadelphia has agreed to settle a wrongful-death suit filed by the family of a Black man whose fatal shooting by the police last year was recorded on video and prompted widespread protests.
The man, Walter Wallace Jr., 27, had mental health issues and was holding a knife when he was shot by two Philadelphia police officers on Oct. 26, 2020.
The settlement between the city and Mr. Wallace’s family was finalized this week, according to Kevin Lessard, a city spokesman, who said the city was not releasing the figure “without a Right to Know request due to a direct request from attorneys representing the family.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that the city agreed to pay the family $2.5 million. . . .


A city spokeswoman said on Friday that, in response to Mr. Wallace’s death, the city planned to equip and train all uniformed police officers with Tasers. The city this year budgeted $13.9 million to pay for the Tasers.
“In addition, Mr. Wallace Jr.’s death emphasized the urgent need for additional support for those with behavioral health challenges and their families,” Mr. Lessard said, adding that the city “can and will do better to address Philadelphia’s inequities in our criminal justice and health systems.”

So, in addition to paying $2.5 million — TWO-POINT-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS! — to the family of the knife-wielding maniac, Philadelphia taxpayers will also shell out nearly $14 million to equip the police with tasers, even though it is unlikely a taser would have stopped Wallace.

All of this, because the state of Pennsylvania somehow couldn’t find room for this dangerous lunatic who had been perpetrating violent crimes on a regular basis since he was arrested in 2006 for assaulting a teacher when he was only 13 years old. Saying he had “mental health issues” is a way for the media to pretend that Wallace was a helpless victim, rather than a lifelong criminal. What are police supposed to do?

More than 1 in 5 people fatally shot by police have mental illnesses, according to a Washington Post database of fatal U.S. shootings by on-duty police officers. Since 2015, when The Post launched its database, police have fatally shot more than 1,400 people with mental illnesses. . . .
Last month the journal Annals of Epidemiology said in an analysis that police are more likely to shoot and kill unarmed Black men who show signs of mental illness than white men who exhibit similar behaviors.


Excuse me if I seem a bit worked up. Maybe I should ignore the media. Otherwise, the news might drive me crazy and, as everybody knows . . .

Crazy People Are Dangerous.



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