The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Texas Armed Robber Killed by Delicious Fried Chicken and Well-Aimed Gunfire

Posted on | May 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Texas Armed Robber Killed by Delicious Fried Chicken and Well-Aimed Gunfire

Mainly, though, it was the gunfire:

Port Arthur Police have arrested a robbery suspect who was shot and wounded by an armed citizen who intervened shot and killed another suspect outside the Church’s chicken October 1 in Port Arthur.
Police say Desmond Ingram Jr., 33, was taken into custody by deputies with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Warrant Division on Friday, October 8. He’s a suspect in the Aggravated Robbery October 1 at Church’s Chicken, 1849 Jefferson Drive in Port Arthur.
During the robbery, Ingram was shot multiple times and was hospitalized for the injuries he received during the crime. After he was released from a hospital, Ingram was transported to the Jefferson County Correctional Facility, where he was booked for Aggravated Robbery. Ingram is held on a $500,000 bond.
Another suspect, Richardo Guient, 33, was shot and killed during the robbery by the armed citizen who intervened.
Investigators say Guient was also a suspect in the robbery of a Jack-in-the-Box on Twin City Highway September 29, two days before the Church’s chicken robbery. The gunman got away with $200 from Jack-in-the-Box.

Earlier this month, Ingram was sentenced to 30 years in prison. You will probably not be surprised to learn he had “several prior felony convictions, and was out on supervised release at the time of the offense for a federal firearms violation.” The getaway driver, Justin Cunningham, was already wanted on a felony warrant from nearby Hardin County.

The Active Self Protection channel has the video:


Dude was at the drive-through window when the robbery went down, had a concealed carry permit, and went to work on these two robbers. You can understand, like, you’re waiting on your three-piece meal and a large sweet tea, and these robbers cause your order to be delayed.

BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! “OK, now where’s my chicken?”

Folks don’t mess around in Texas. They’ll kill for their fried chicken.



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