The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Issues? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Issues!

Posted on | July 29, 2024 | Comments Off on Issues? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Issues!

Although I usually watch CNN (so you don’t have to), for the past week my office TV has been tuned to MSNBC, so that I can see what “news” is being pumped into the veins of the Democratic Party grassroots.

It’s an endless hype-fest for Kamala Harris, interrupted by occasional “news” about some kind of ginned-up controversy around Donald Trump (everything he says or does is automatically controversial). This theme is being echoed in many other media outlets.

Harris raised $200 million in first week of White House campaign and signed up 170,000 volunteers
Associated Press

Harris campaign reports record-breaking volunteer surge in key swing states

Kamala Harris’ Approval Rating Surges as Donald Trump’s Falls

100 days out, Dems are feeling something unusual: Optimism

How Kamala Harris took control of the Democratic Party
Washington Post

Harris Looks to Maintain Momentum as ‘Honeymoon Phase’ Winds Down
New York Times

There is a lot of horse-race hype — Democrats are winning, baby! They’re full of optimism! The Harris campaign is surging! What is missing, however — and you’d immediately notice this, if you tuned to MSNBC — is any discussion of the real issues facing the country. Inflation? Immigration? National security? You would get no idea, amid all the pro-Kamala cheerleading being treated as “news,” that the U.S. national debt is $35 trillion, or that Iran is targeting U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria, or that U.S. military readiness is at a startling low.

America has a lot of serious problems, and we live in a very dangerous world, but the people who will vote in this election are being ill-informed by the media, who care only about helping elect Democrats.


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