The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘A Historic, Flawlessly Run Campaign’

Posted on | November 12, 2024 | Comments Off on ‘A Historic, Flawlessly Run Campaign’

At some point, we will get past the Gloat Zone. Conservatives will begin to grapple with the difficult business of governance, and move on from the cheap thrills of election schadenfreude. Someday, and perhaps one day soon, we will stop mocking liberals and their idiotic “hot takes,” but my dear friends, today is not that day. In the perennial competition for Dumbest Liberal on Cable TV News, you may have your particular favorites — Brian Stelter or Brianna Kellar or whoever — but all of them are mere also-rans compared to the undefeated champion, Joy Reid.

Someone posted a “highlight” compilation video of MSNBC’s coverage on Election Night, which includes this declaration — made before any of the results were known — from the aforementioned Ms. Reid:

“So what you’ve seen in the last couple of weeks, if this is an audition for managing a complex organization like the United States, Kamala Harris has passed the audition flawlessly. This has been, in many ways, a perfect campaign.

Not to give away any surprises — in case you just logged on after a week of isolation and don’t know how the election turned out — but “flawless” and “perfect” are perhaps not the correct adjectives for describing how the Kamala Harris campaign was run. Reid’s enthusiasm early on Election Night might be excusable, when you consider that several polls had shown Harris either leading or tied in key battleground states. In Pennsylvania, for example, the final Washington Post poll had Harris ahead by one point, and a Marist College poll had her leading by two points. Even if the Real Clear Politics average of Pennsylvania showed a fractional lead for Trump, no one could blame a Democratic Party hack (which, let’s face it, is Joy Reid’s job description) from hoping that Kamala could pull out a victory there, or in any other battleground state.

As I said before the polls closed, anybody could do the arithmetic and see that if Trump won Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, that was all he needed to reach 270 Electoral College votes and win back the White House. It was past 11:30 p.m. ET before MSNBC called North Carolina for Trump, and past midnight before they called Georgia for Trump. Meanwhile, Steve Kornacki was at the map going through Pennsylvania county-by-county to show that Harris was underperforming there, compared to Joe Biden’s 2020 numbers.

All the signs of a Trump victory were obvious and, about 12:45 a.m. ET, MSNBC cut away to Howard University, where the Harris campaign co-chairman made a brief statement basically telling the crowd to go home because they wasn’t going to be a victory celebration. Then they returned to the studio where Joy Reid said:

“And nothing that was true yesterday about how flawlessly this campaign was run is not true now. I mean, this really was a historic, flawlessly run campaign. … You could not have run a better campaign.”

What was this about? It was about staking out a position, that no matter how bad it was, none of the blame could be cast on Kamala Harris.

You can watch the entire nine-minute highlight reel:

And now, for the post-election denouement:

She raised and spent a billion dollars in her losing presidential campaign and left behind a stunning $20 million debt.
Now, Vice President Kamala Harris is begging tired donors for more money for her “fight fund.”
In a new fundraising email to donors, Kamala HQ wrote, “Is there anything we can say to convince you to make a contribution to support the Harris Fight Fund program today?”
The memo from the Harris Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Harris for President, the Democratic National Committee, and several state Democratic Parties, said the money will help fund races that have yet to be decided.

Absolutely flawless!


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