The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Wow! Strange Plot Twists in #WeinerGate’s Third Act

A sentence you won’t see me write very often: Tommy Christopher has done some excellent reporting. Tommy’s story about @PatriotUSA and a 16-year-old girl who (falsely) claimed her friend was involved in Twitter “sexting” with Rep. Anthony Weiner is an absolute must-read. (BTW, Mediaite has posted Tommy’s story as five different pages, without a “single page view” or […]

Because Life Is Beautiful

“I’ve never set out to win a popularity contest. I came from [being previously pro-choice], but when I was confronted with the science — and I spoke to top scientists throughout our country asking, ‘Would you please just show me some shred of evidence that the unborn is not a human being?’ and no one […]

Rachel Maddow’s ‘Man Cave’ Moment: Planned Parenthood Does Oil Changes?

Monday night on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow went off on a tangent so incredibly weird that it is almost impossible to describe. The topic was Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who had apparently signed legislation defunding Planned Parenthood in his state. Maddow then evidently decided that guys in the audience failed to understand why Planned Parenthood is […]

Half A Century In Space

by Smitty (via Digg) Mashable has a nifty graphic showing major space vehicles over the last 50 years. It was 50 years ago when people first flew in space. Here’s an infographic that shows you the spacecraft humans have flown to reach that great void over the past half-century. With just two flights of the […]

New Motherf–g Tone Update: Government Shutdown Edition

“We are heading to a shutdown not because of a debate over money, not because of a debate over cuts but because Republicans continue to push a radical agenda against women . . . throwing women and children under the bus.” — Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Maryland Democrat Ezra Klein of The Washington Post claims that a mere […]

Democrats Draw the Line, Will Shut Down Government Over Planned Parenthood

In her 2006 book, Godless, Ann Coulter called abortion “the holiest sacrament” in the religion of liberalism. Democrats would rather shut down the federal government than de-fund Planned Parenthood: Congressional budget negotiations broke up before dawn on Friday without an agreement, putting the government on a path to a shutdown when financing for federal agencies […]

UPDATE: The Girl Scouts Sex Scandal

My post Saturday about the March 2010 Girl Scouts scandal — involving a Planned Parenthood “Healthy, Happy and Hot” pamphlet made available at a United Nations conference event — drew some blowback from commenter Paul Katz: The whole thing was a far-religious right slander campaign against the Girl Scouts. . . . Anyone or any blog reposting […]

Obama Demands That Taxpayers Fund Sexual Pleasure Training for Girl Scouts

Planned Parenthood wants to teach Girl Scouts to be “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” and the president and Senate Democrats insist that U.S. taxpayers help them do it: President Barack Obama would veto the House-approved long-term spending bill for the federal government that contains the Pence Amendment, a measure that would de-fund the Planned Parenthood abortion […]

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