The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Blogging Is Re-Blogging

Smitty has already mentioned Little Miss Attila’s blogging guidelines, from which I noticed this: After you’ve posted something, editing should be limited to fixing typos, smoothing out the grammar, and modifying an egregious word choice. Be careful in doing this: once someone quotes your entry somewhere, you’re going to look like an idiot if you’ve […]

‘Countless Hearings Took Place’

by Smitty Would ‘countless’ be synonymous with ‘infinite’? If an infinite number of hearings, each lasting a second long, took place, then it would seem that this series of hearings must have been all that occurred last year.

Pudding and Other Sex Scandals

Let’s face it, when Samantha from “Day By Day” joins the AOSHQ Pudding Patrol, a genuinely transformative viral phenomenon has begun. And when Little Miss Attila decides to dip the girls, we could be on the verge of a synergistic online breakthrough. PuddingBalls 2.0! All because of one man with balls. And one man with pudding. […]

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