The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

They Said It Couldn’t Be Done . . .

. . . which is the kind of double-dog-dare-ya thing you should never say to me. Ladies and gentlemen, the Tweet Heard ‘Round the World: My response was appropriately dignified: How long has this been my goal? Remember, this all started when Alyssa Milano re-Tweeted a post by Mickey Kaus last October. At that time, she had […]

ELO Laid Low

by Smitty ELO is the source of my favorite St00p3d Qustion: “In the name, is ‘Light’ an adjective or a noun? Is it ‘Electric Light’ Orchestra, or Electric ‘Light Orchestra’.” Piece of Work in Progress reports the sad demise of a former band cellist. My favorite ELO cut, though I guess the deceased didn’t play […]

Dan Collins Is an Evil Right-Wing Islamophobic Neocon Hatemonger

Really, it’s a miracle he doesn’t have his own syndicated talk-radio show and a primetime slot on Fox News: At least AP journalists are able to refer to it as a mosque, though I’ve been challenged on those grounds as well, by sympathizers who feel that they can defuse the issue by characterizing it instead […]

Alyssa Milano Re-Tweeted This, So . . .

. . . I take that as a hint she wants me to blog about it: Top 10 Reasons I Did Not RT Your DM Request This article is not meant to offend anyone, but I am sure it will. If you have ever been asked to retweet links for someone, at least I think you can sympathize. I […]

Piece Of Work In Progress Is On The
Road Again

by Smitty He’s collecting Road to Damascus moments, when people realized that all or, in my case, some, of their political naivete, and move over to pursuing liberty. The reference, of course is to Saul meeting the Christ while en route Damascus to persecute Christians. The sheer number of these Left=>Right conversions might be an […]

Had A Blast Out Knocking On Doors

by Smitty What a good time. Extroversion really isn’t a preferred mode for someone who’d rather sit around and blog. Nevertheless, supporting Patrick Murray, or whoever the local anti-fascist candidate in your district may be, is crucial. Thus, it’s hard to be happy with the Peter Schiff in the crowd: Connecticut Republican nominee for the […]

Enoch Root’s Triple Bid for Rule 5 Link

For the benefit of newbies, Rule 5 of “How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog” postulates that “Everybody Loves a Pretty Girl,” and Enoch Root of Piece of Work in Progress obviously can get behind that idea. Bloggers who wish their recent posts to be included in our weekly Rule 5 Sunday round-up should […]

Chubby Chick in Sexy Underwear Gets Text Message: ‘Meet Dan for Lunch’

Could this be a reference to notorious chubby-chaser Dan Collins? Never mind. Frankly, we like ladies somewhere in the range between “a little more to love” and “never missed a biscuit.” More to love and all that. So we were pleased to see that when it came time to post a scandalous plus-size lingerie video, our friend Donald Douglas […]

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