The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Debbie’s Very Bad Day in Iowa

During my Iowa trip, I got lots of photos and videos I wasn’t able to upload at the time due to connectivity issues and the very hectic schedule. One of the items that never made it to the blog was an incident at the Iowa State Fair where DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz got heckled offstage by an […]

Fear and Loathing in the Airport Lounge: The Final Wisdom of My Iowa Journey

The National Affairs Desk, Atlanta Airport, 8:30 p.m. HARTSFIELD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, Atlanta My flight home starts boarding in about an hour, so this will have to be quick. There is no deadline quite so final as the call for final boarding, so I’ll have to jam this together without thinking about it too much. Michelle […]

Michele Bachmann and the Media Scrum

Michele Bachman is surrounded by media as she greets her supporters after the GOP Straw Poll in Ames, Iowa NEWTON, Iowa Yesterday, I was updating my post about the Iowa Straw Poll results when word came that the winner, Michele Bachmann, would be holding a press conference at her campaign bus in 15 minutes. By […]

Tim Pawlenty Quits!

NEWTON, Iowa I was sitting here at breakfast with Ladd Ehlinger just an hour ago when he said, “Pawlenty’s quitting!” Tim Pawlenty told supporters on a conference call Sunday morning that he is ending his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination after a disappointing third-place finish at the Iowa straw poll. Mr. Pawlenty thanked his […]

Santorum: ‘We Feel Very Good’

NEWTON, Iowa — One of the most unexpectedly pleasant dividends of this trip was getting to meet Rick Santorum and his family. It was unexpected because I hadn’t really planned to cover the Santorum campaign, but just happened to notice that he had an event Aug. 6 (a day when I otherwise had nothing to […]


UPDATE 6:41 p.m. ET: AMES, Iowa – Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachmann has won the Iowa Republican Straw Poll of 2012 presidential candidates. UPDATE 6:47 p.m. ET: Bachmann 4,823 (28.5%) Paul 4,671 (27.6%) Pawlenty 2,293 Santorum 1,657 Cain 1,456 Perry 718 (write-in) Romney 567 Quick analysis — obviously, Pawlenty’s toast. He spent more than a million […]

Herman Cain Speaks at Iowa State Fair

DES MOINES, Iowa Here are the photos of Herman Cain’s soap box speech this morning: I counted no fewer than eight TV cameras recording the speech. I’ve got videos, but this McDonald’s where I’m working has crappy bandwidth on the WiFi, so the videos will have to wait for later.

The Butter Cow Is SEXY!

DES MOINES, Iowa Sometime before you die, you must visit the Iowa State Fair. And when you visit the Iowa State Fair, the one exhibit you must see is the world-famous Butter Cow: A sculpture. Of a cow. Made of butter. By the way, I won two blue ribbons for Blogging Excellence:

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