The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Men and Women Are (Still) Different

  How did basic biology become “controversial”? Girls have to file a federal lawsuit to prevent males from competing in girls’ sports, and you’re a bigot — a hater, a proponent of transphobia — if you take the side of the plaintiffs in what would seem like a slam-dunk case to anyone with an iota […]

Feminist Witch/University Professor Advocates Human Extinction

  She seems nice: On January 23, 2020, Bloomsbury Academic published a call to action for all those who care about “climate change.” The Ahuman Manifesto: Activism for the End of the Anthropocene by Patricia MacCormack, a professor of continental philosophy at Angelia Ruskin University, cuts to the chase and advocates for the ultimate solution […]

Elizabeth Warren Is Doomed, and Feminists Can’t Understand Why (And a BONUS Bidenfreude Update)

  Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren placed fourth in yesterday’s New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary with less than 10% of the vote, as she was eclipsed by Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who more than doubled Warren’s vote total. Dana Pico at First Street Journal called attention to feminist Amanda Marcotte’s “hot take” on Warren. “If Warren […]

Can We Ever Forget the Tattoo-Covered, Mentally Ill Ex-Stripper Whose Real Name Is Chelsea Van Valkenburg?

  Alas, we can never forget. #GamerGate is newsworthy again. Over the weekend, without warning, I noticed a surge of traffic to one of my posts about “Zoe Quinn,” whom I’ve described thus: “Zoe Quinn” was Patient Zero of the #GamerGate controversy. A tattoo-covered, mentally ill ex-stripper whose real name is Chelsea Van Valkenburg, Quinn […]

Why Does @Victoria_Spratt Hate Men?

  We could laugh at the recent headline — “The Dangerous Rise Of Men Who Won’t Date ‘Woke’ Women” — if the sense of panic weren’t indicative of a larger social problem, but there are probably a lot of women as worried as British journalist Vicky Spratt. They have been in a condition of despair […]

Is 2019 Destined to Be Known as the Year Everything Became ‘Fascist’?

  The world’s craziest feminist, Amanda Marcotte, was upset about the controversy surrounding a commercial that showed two lesbians kissing, which drew complaints when it aired on the Hallmark Channel. Having long since grown accustomed to Marcotte’s craziness, even I was surprised by where she took it: Running down this year’s schedule of Christmas movie […]

The Men Who Subsidize Feminism

  Wendy “Wednesday” Martin is the second wife of New York lawyer Joel Moser, and the author of several popular books. In 2015, she published Primates of Park Avenue, a memoir described as “a well-heeled combination of the Real Housewives and Sex and the City.” Martin, who has a Ph.D. from Yale, did a sort […]

She Paid the Toll, So to Speak

  When we are angry, we are apt to say things we regret, and because I know why @ProfaneFeminist was angry, I’ll take it for granted that she did not mean to insult me personally, and I should hope that others would extend the same courtesy to me, in similar circumstances. You see, I’m angry […]

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