The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fat Queer Feminist: Diets Are Hitler and Also Rape Culture or Something

  Say hello to Sonalee Rashatwar (@thefatsextherapist), who is against white supremacy, fatphobia, and “penis in vagina intercourse.” Probably I could think of some crude jokes to insert here, but that would be too easy, and also cruel. But let’s ask, what are Ms. Rashatwar’s credentials as a “fat sex therapist”? Well, she is a […]

#GetWokeGoBroke: Australian Feminist Coffee Shop Goes Out of Business

  In August 2017, a female-owned coffee shop in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, made headlines by announcing an unusual policy: The owners of Victorian cafe, Handsome Her, have found themselves at the centre of a polarising debate after its introduction of an 18 per cent “gender surcharge” for its male customers. The vegan cafe […]

‘Hypergamy Doesn’t Care’

Rollo Tomassi (left) and Anthony Johnson (right) at the 21 Convention. As previously mentioned, I’ve been invited to cover next month’s 21 Convention in Orlando, featuring an all-star schedule of “red pill” speakers, including Rollo Tomassi, author of The Rational Male. If you follow Rollo on Twitter, you know he has a habit of speaking […]

Red-Pill Wisdom From the Blues

If you don’t want me, baby, Mama, you sure don’t got to stall. ’Cause I’ve had more pretty women Than a passenger train can haul. — Lynyrd Skynyrd, “T for Texas” Last week, Professor Glenn Reynolds offered this hypothesis: “Changing society in ways that the minority of women who identify as feminists found congenial has […]

She Took the ‘Cool Mom’ Thing Too Far

  So cool, she’s going to prison: A Tulare woman who plead guilty to multiple sex-related charges involving two teenage boys was ready to accept her sentence Monday, but a Tulare County judge put a stop to it. Now, instead of serving a possible year in county jail, Coral Lytle, 41, could be sent to […]

Are You an ‘Anti-Fat Troll’?

  Elizabeth Di Filippo (@mselizabethr on Twitter) is a Canadian feminist who is a “lifestyle editor” for Yahoo News, and she is offended that some people consider it unhealthy to be fat: Earlier this week, Gillette Venus’s social media accounts shared a photo of Anna O’Brien . . . frolicking in the ocean with the […]

#GetWokeGoBroke Update: Gillette Now Pandering to Fat Feminist Market?

Anna O’Brien (@glitterandlazers on Instagram) is a 330-pound lesbian who, among other things, made headlines last year by posing in a bikini in Times Square and then complaining that men “sexualized” her. (Because she hates all men, being “sexualized” by them is a bad thing.) — Gold-Senpai (@JakeSenpaiLives) April 4, 2019 — Nicolás […]

‘Creepy Uncle Joe’ Gets Busted by #MeToo (Hint: She’s a Bernie Supporter)

  After years of inappropriate public contact with women and girls, Joe Biden has finally been called out by a fellow Democrat: Lucy Flores, a former Nevada Assemblywoman and 2014 Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor has accused former Vice President Joe Biden of inappropriately touching her in 2014. In a riveting piece published today at The […]

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