The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Fun With Fireworks

Watch this low-breaking shell set off car alarms: Being a serious fireworks buff, let me explain what appears to have happened here: The shell was either fired from the wrong size mortar or else the lift charge was just weak, resulting in the “break” being at least 50 feet too low for safety. Judging from the […]

Rednecks: A Global Phenomenon

It’s like the punchline of a Jeff Foxworthy joke: BEIJING, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) — Two people were killed and 223 have been injured in the Chinese capital amid traditional New Year fireworks frenzy that lasted from Wednesday evening to Thursday noon. . . . On Thursday, Beijing dispatched more than 20,000 street cleaners after a […]

VIDEO: Awesome Fireworks

Being a total fireworks fanatic, I just have to share this video of the Bastille Day (July 14) show in Paris. It’s 31 minutes of pure awesomeness, although if you’re not as much into pyrotechnics as I am — and honestly, very few people are — you may wish to skip to the last couple […]

Featuring McCain’s Jaunt ‘Round America

by Smitty FMJRA salutes Stacy McCain, out tracking down the news the less gonzo journalists simply cannot. Props to Fishersville Mike for two years longevity. Now I’m off to the big GOTV event for Patrick Murray!

VIDEO: Rick’s Awesome Fireworks

This year, for the first year in . . . well, forever, I didn’t get to shoot my usual super-awesome Fourth of July fireworks show. Darling Daughter scheduled her wedding for this week, so I was forced to scrap my annual Alabama expedition. One day, I’ll find it in my heart to forgive her, but Sunday […]

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