The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Terrorism and Euphemism

They’re “gunmen” or “extremists” or “militants,” but have you noticed that no one in the media wants to call them “terrorists”? Gunmen have stormed a university in the restive Anbar province west of Baghdad and are holding dozens of students hostage, Iraqi officials said Saturday. Police and army officials say the attack took place Saturday morning […]

This Was Probably Predictable

Ace of Spades: American troops spilled their guts fighting Al Qaeda in Fallujah in 2004. And now, AQ has driven out all representatives of the Iraqi government and raised its flag over government buildings. Like nature, Islamic extremism abhors a vacuum: Black-clad Sunni militants of Al Qaeda destroyed the Falluja Police Headquarters and mayor’s office, […]

Text of Mitt Romney’s Speech at VMI

The text of the foreign policy speech Mitt Romney gave today at the Virginia Military Institute, as prepared for delivery: I particularly appreciate the introduction from my good friend and tireless campaign companion, Gov. Bob McDonnell. He is showing what conservative leadership can do to build a stronger economy. Thank you also Congressman Goodlatte for […]

Romney: Maybe If I Make My Positions Sound Current, I Can Win

by Smitty Byron York, via Instapundit: “You don’t think we would have gone in [to Iraq]?” asked MSNBC’s Chuck Todd. “Well, of course not,” Romney answered. “The president went in based upon intelligence that they had weapons of mass destruction. Had he known that that was not the case, the U.N. would not have put […]

Wow. Just … Wow.

Just caught a glimpse of a TV commercial for this new movie and had to grab the full-length HD theatrical trailer: The Devil’s Double — a movie based on the true story of Saddam Hussein’s evil son Uday — hits theaters Friday night, that has been called “Scarface of Arabia.”

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