The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

NY-26 Update: New TV Ad; NRCC Gets Involved; Whither David Ballavia? UPDATE: Holy Freaking Crap! Donald Trump Now Blaming Paul Ryan?

Lots of new developments in New York’s 26th District special election campaign since I blogged about it yesterday. First, here’s a look at that new TV ad from American Crossroads: They’re targeting Crazy Jack Davis, the fake “Tea Party” candidate who ran three times unsuccessfully as a Democrat in 2004, 2006, and 2008. Meanwhile, in a […]

NY-26 Special Election: Stealth Democrat Crazy Jack Davis Plays ‘Tea Party’ Spoiler

You may remember in February when “fit fun classy guy” Rep. Chris Lee (R-Stupid) resigned from Congress after being caught trolling Craigslist for dates. That set up a special election to fill the seat, now scheduled for May 24 — two weeks from today. Republican county chairs picked Assemblywoman Jane Corwin as their candidate, while […]

Amity Shlaes Has a Big Sexy Brain

  Back in February we took notice of the “Draft Amity Shlaes for Senate” campaign proposed by Adam Brickley, who was the first to suggest Sarah Palin as GOP vice-presidential timber in 2008. It seems to have gotten an enthusiastic response — “Amity Shlaes Senate” yields 278,000 Google results. Her credentials are impressive, and she would certainly […]

Chuck You, Schumer

Jay Homnick of The American Spectator contemplates the shamelessly sleazy senior senator from New York: By a weird quirk of fate, I was present as a sixteen-year-old boy at a local meeting of well-meaning Jews who were gulled into making him State Senator for the neighborhood where I grew up, in Brooklyn, New York. The […]

NY-25 Flashback: Dan Maffei Still Trying to Comprehend His Own Defeat

Perhaps you can imagine the big grin with which I’m writing this, as I think back on that day last October when Da Tech Guy and I arrived in New York’s 25th District and the front-page headline was: “Dan Maffei leads Anne Marie Buerkle by 12 points in new poll.” That would be former Democratic […]

Weiner Schnitzeled?

by Smitty Trying to go for a slightly less gruesome title than The Lonely Conservative. I can’t think of too many people I’d rather see squeezed out of Congress due to gerrymandering. If they screwed up and left me in charge, I should like to see an open source map algorithm, as well as completely […]

Economic Terror Plan for ‘Redistributing Wealth and Power in the Country’

Such eminences as Barbara Ehrenreich and Cornel West were featured speakers at Left Forum 2011, a conference held this past weekend at Pace University in New York City. Left Forum traces its history to a series of events first organized as the Socialist Scholars Conference and sponsored by Democratic Socialists of America. The theme of […]

Syracuse Post-Standard Portrays Buerkle as Supporting ‘Massive Budget Cuts’

Freshman Republican Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle is the most vicious, reckless, wild-eyed budget-slasher in American history, according to the largest newspaper in her district. The editors of the Syracuse paper — evidently picking up the “slash-and-burn” theme used by the New York Times — obviously think their readers are idiots who can’t do math. If […]

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