The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Does New York Hate Freedom?

  New Yorkers are not allowed to celebrate the Fourth of July: More than a dozen people were arrested in separate fireworks busts across New York City as part of a new crackdown. Two men in Staten Island were arrested on Tuesday as part of the crackdown. The FDNY posted pictures of the $6,000 worth […]

We Found Another Joe Biden Voter

  Say hello to Rashid Brimmage, 31, a resident of New York City where, in 2016, Hillary Clinton got 87% of the vote. Manhattan is represented in Congress by three Democrats: Jerry Nadler, Carolyn Maloney, and Adriano Espaillat. Rashid Brimmage is typical of the kind of New Yorkers who elected Chuck Schumer to the Senate, […]

How Much Did Her Life Matter?

  Tessa Majors made the mistake of attending Barnard College. If your child ever expresses an interest in attending Barnard College, you probably should have them committed to a psychiatric institution, because you’d have to be crazy to go to Barnard, one of the worst colleges in America. The cost of attendance is $75,524 a […]

‘Protester’ Who Made Terroristic Threats on Live TV Is a Brooklyn Lawyer

  New York’s legal profession attracts top-quality people: A George Floyd protester was arrested after he made a threat on live television to burn down Manhattan’s ritzy Diamond District, cops said Sunday. Israel Burns, 34, of Bath Beach, Brooklyn, was arrested about 8 p.m. on Saturday after he was interviewed on Fox News earlier in […]

U.S. Coronavirus Daily Deaths Have Decreased 43% in the Past Four Weeks

  Since peaking April 21, the daily number of U.S. deaths from COVID-19 have decreased from an average of more than 2,000 per day to fewer than 1,200. This decrease has been mainly due to sharp reductions in the rate of death in the two hardest-hit states of New York and New Jersey. During the […]

New York’s ‘Curve’ Has Been Bent

  Look very closely at that image from New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s press briefing Sunday. The daily peak of new COVID-19 hospitalizations — 3,177, based on three-day rolling averages — was three weeks ago. The latest number, 1,087 on Saturday, represents a 66% reduction. Think about this, and remember that the whole point of […]

Gov. Cuomo: ‘You Can Go to Work and You Can Be an Essential Worker’

Are you currently unemployed because your governor declared your employment to be “non-essential” and you can’t get a job working for a cable news channel? Don’t worry, says the governor: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday that protesters calling for the state to reopen the economy so they can go back to work could […]

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Is the ‘Hero of the Fascist Lockdown Lobby’

  So dubbed by Ace of Spades: John Ekdahl has been on a helluva tear on Twitter. He wonders why it is that the New York-based media is scolding Floridians for visiting the beaches in small numbers, but yet all of New York City’s parks remain open. He wonders why people are being told they can’t drive but New […]

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