#WeinerGate: It Gets WORSE
UPDATE: Press Conference 4 p.m. ET UPDATE: ABC News Interviews Woman
LIVE-BLOGGING THE PRESS CONFERENCE * * * * * The congressman gets shirtless in his latest embarrassing photo obtained by Andrew Breitbart. OK, you can start the resignation clock ticking . . . CBS News is now reporting on Andrew Breitbart’s exclusive: “A spokesman for Weiner did not immediately respond to a request to confirm that Weiner had, […]
#WeinerGate Fallout: Democrats Criticize Weiner for Missing Israel Day Parade UPDATE: Breitbart Releases 2nd Photo
Jennifer Epstein at Politico: Rep. Anthony Weiner was MIA at this weekend’s big Israel Day parade in New York City, drawing fire from members of his own party who said he should have shown up. With the scandal still swirling and questions unanswered over a lewd photograph of an underwear-clad man sent via his Twitter […]
New #WeinerGate Allegations?
UPDATE: Weiner’s Photo: ‘It’s Me’
UPDATE 8:35 a.m. ET: Andrew Breitbart has released the first photo, reportedly sent to a young woman via Anthony Weiner’s AOL account, “after she asked him to confirm that he was taking photographs contemporaneously, in conjunction with their apparent online communications.” UPDATE: Boston talk radio host Michael Graham: This helps explain why Weiner hasn’t just […]
‘Is He the New Tiger Woods?’
The title quote is from Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition in a story by Matthew Boyle of the Daily Caller: Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin told The Daily Caller Weiner’s “long history” of “skirt-chasing” raises more questions about the New York Democrat’s Capitol Hill sexual secrets and expects more women with similar stories to come forward. […]
‘You Can’t Lawyer the Media’
So said Andrea Tantaros during a panel discussion of WeinerGate today on “Fox News Watch”: Colby Hall of Mediaite.com was interviewed on MSNBC today about the continuing scandal: “When it broke, all there was left we could do was to speculate reasonably, until his statement that he could not say with certitude whether or not […]
(Or, #WeinerGate Explained)
Mark Steyn quotes Little Miss Attila in regard to The Story That Won’t Go Away. (“If you experience an erection lasting more than four news cycles, call a spin doctor.”) Attila said: Everyone lies about Twitter-flirting, and everyone knows that everyone lies about Twitter-flirting. Kellie Jane said that it is actually not so unusual for […]
Draft Reynolds 2012?
“The people who think they’re smart enough, and morally superior enough, to run everyone else’s lives are risible. They’re not smart enough to run their own lives competently, and they’re actually, overall, morally inferior … They pursue power, and they exercise power, as much for deference as anything else.” — Professor Glenn Reynolds He’s got […]
Luke Broadwater of the Baltimore Sun really wanted to believe Anthony Weiner was innocent . . . But then I heard Weiner start to explain himself and everything changed. The more he talked, the more it became obvious that not only is the photo of him, but he sent it. . . . “I think […]
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