The Unnatural Prejudice of Globalists
Sen. Theodore Bilbo could not be reached for comment. Ace of Spades has been using the slur “cuck,” which was popularized by the so-called “alt-right” to describe neoconservatives. I have avoided this term because it derives from a type of pornography, appealing to men who fantasize about seeing their wives have sex with other men. […]
Confirmed: You’ve Got the Racism Virus
Years ago, when discussing amnesty for illegal aliens, I announced one exception to my universal opposition: “Don’t deport the hotties!” Send us your supermodels, your Maxim cover girls, your Miss Universe contestants, we lift our lamp beside the golden door. There is no such thing as too much beauty, and America’s immigration policy should […]
The Backlash of ‘Hate’
For several months, here and at The American Spectator, I have occasionally addressed the theme of “hate” — how Democrats insist that racism or “white nationalism” or some other species of bigotry explains opposition to the liberal agenda in the Trump era. If you are a white male heterosexual Christian, you are are by definition […]
Wait a Minute: Did Joe Biden Suggest Bernie Voters Are White Supremacists?
The same day he claimed illegal aliens “are better Americans than most Americans are,” Biden decided to exceed his daily gaffe quota: Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden said Monday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” white supremacists were “very enthusiastic” about President Donald Trump. While criticizing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for not disowning his […]
Creepy Uncle Joe Ain’t No Ways Tired?
The pathetic old fool has lost whatever sense of dignity he ever had: Joe Biden’s apparent penchant for pandering to minority voters as a political tactic is insulting, and some of his remarks while campaigning in the South are “disgusting,” according to National Review Online’s Deroy Murdock. On “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the host played […]
Zombie Candidate Elizabeth Warren Attacks Billionaire Bloomberg
Let’s hope she inflicts maximum damage: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) hit fellow Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg on Thursday, taking aim specifically at his recently resurfaced comments he made in 2008 about the controversial practice known as redlining. “Now this has been some presidential primary already. We’ve been going about this for about a […]
Mike Bloomberg Is ‘RAAAAACIST!’ (But Actual Racists Still Won’t Vote for Him)
As I have been remarking for years, there are five A’s in “RAAAAACIST!” Bogus accusations of racism have become so commonplace that the word “racist” has been deprived of any meaningful definition in ordinary usage. That’s why the Left has now begun using “white supremacist” and, predictably, overusing it so that everyone except the […]
Bernie Sanders: George Wallace Fan?
Should we muster some “strange new respect” for Bernie? Seven years after Martin Luther King, Jr. referred to George Wallace as “perhaps the most dangerous racist in America today,” a young Bernie Sanders praised the segregationist Alabama governor. In an interview with the Brattleboro Reformer in 1972, Sanders, then 31, said Wallace “advocates some outrageous approaches […]
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