Teaching Literary Feminism
“Why invite the potential headaches of teaching a lesbian graphic novel in a religious institution?” asks Professor Scott A. Dimowitz in an essay published in an academic anthology this month. “In the course of several iterations of a class on Literary Feminism that I teach at Regis University, a Jesuit school in Denver, Colorado, I […]
What’s Causing the ‘Acid Jihad’?
Headline via @GatewayPundit: Rejected Lover Hurls Acid in Face of Former Model If you want to know what this does to a woman’s face, Pamela Geller has photos of “acid jihad” victims who include Shameem Akhter, 18, Najaf Sultana, 16, Munira Asef, 23, Memuna Khan, 21, Zainab Bibi, 17, and Naila Farhat, 19, all of […]
News Flash: Liberals Hate Christianity
“And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” — I Corinthians 2:1-2 (KJV) Jesse Lee Peterson’s WorldNetDaily column: LGBT groups have been effective […]
Death Toll 147 After Muslim Terrorists Target Christians at University in Kenya
The latest atrocity in the global jihad: Up to 150 people have been murdered by masked al-Shabaab terrorists who stormed a Kenyan university and shot and beheaded Christians in the worst attack in the country in 17 years. The group raided the Garissa University College campus shortly after 5am local time yesterday, overwhelming guards and […]
How Irrational Is ‘Islamophobia’?
A few headlines today at the Drudge Report: MUSLIMS TO OUTNUMBER CHRISTIANS ‘IN 50 YEARS’ REBELS CAPTURE PRESIDENTIAL PALACE IN YEMEN… Al-Qaida storms jail, frees 300 inmates… This morning, I quoted a young Canadian feminist blogger who denounced “Islamophobia” as racial prejudice and “baseless hatred” that causes “the suffering of countless victims.” Meanwhile, there is this breaking news: […]
‘Islamophobia … Baseless Hatred’?
An astonishing phenomenon of the 21st century is the perversely ironic way in which the Information Age has actually increased ignorance. With all the knowledge in the world just a quick Google search away, many people have somehow managed to seal themselves off inside cocoons of confirmation bias, where they only encounter narratives that fit […]
TV Reporter’s Cheap ‘Gotcha’ Story Incites Hate Mob Against Indiana Pizza Shop
“RFRA: Michiana business wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.” “Restaurant denies some services to same-sex couples.” That’s how Alyssa Marino “reported” a story Tuesday on ABC affiliate WBND-TV in South Bend, Indiana, with the result that a firestorm of hatred came raining down on a pizza shop: There were no complaints nor denials of service to […]
Poll Finds ‘Clear Majority’ of Americans Are Hopelessly Gullible Fools
That’s not the headline in the Washington Post, however: Poll: Clear majority supports nuclear deal with Iran We’re conducting diplomacy by referendum now? Exactly how much does the average American know about the details of this “deal”? Are folks sitting around over dinner at the Olive Garden chatting about centrifuges and enriched uranium? Have random […]
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