The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Perry Boomlet Already Fading?

In a comment on my own post Aug. 9, I wrote: There have been a few little things . . . that lead me to think Perry is a lot less certain ultimately to win the nomination than some people seem to think. What I fear will happen is that Perry will spend several months […]

Google & Bing Treating Rick Santorum To Some Of That ‘New Tone’

by Smitty Alan Colmes points to Roll Call, where something completely tasteless is on display: Try it for yourself: Enter “Rick Santorum” into Google. In a fraction of a second you’ll have hundreds of thousands of results. But two of the top four cite a graphic definition for a sexual neologism. In this case, the […]

Glenn Reynolds Is Wrong

About this: MY MONEY’S ON SANTORUM: Pawlenty’s Gone, So Who’ll Be The Next Republican To Fold? Having covered Rick Santorum in Iowa, and having met his supporters, I know that he’s nowhere near dropping out. As he told me after our interview Saturday in Ames, they’ve run their entire campaign so far on about $600,000 in […]

2012 Candidates Not Named ‘Herman’

It’s kinda been all-Herman, all-the-time here lately, so let me update you on what’s going on with the non-Hermans: Democrats are running attack ads against Mitt Romney in South Carolina. Exactly why Democrats would be monkeying around in a GOP primary is an interesting question. (Hat-tip: Ann Althouse.) America braces for the onset of T-Paw Fever: Tim […]

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