‘Mutually Beneficial’?
While updating a post about the sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain, I noticed we had a new BlogAds client and clicked the ad to see what services were being advertised: “Being a Sugar Daddy Has Its Rewards” — no doubt about it — and “College Girls are Creative When it Comes to Arrangements,” as […]
Don’t Forget To Thank ObamaCare For Further Societal Collapse
by Smitty Via Insty, we have Chateau Heartiste Men don’t “treat women as toys”. Men get the sex while the getting’s good because women allow — nay, PREFER — themselves to be toyed with by the kinds of men who are good at it. In other words, Mr. Bennett, women GET EXACTLY THE KINDS OF […]
He’s 36, She’s 33
“Most women who think they can wait until their mid thirties or later and have a baby without medical intervention really can’t. . . . If you’re a healthy woman, most likely your fertility will peak in your mid-twenties and start to decline at about age 27.” — American Fertility Association, “Infertility Prevention Handbook” This […]
If It Weren’t Public School Doing It …
. . . what would you think about someone who wanted to talk to your 11-year-old about masturbation, anal sex, “doggie style” and how to perform oral sex if you’ve got braces? Welcome to New York City in 2012: New York City 11-year-olds will soon be learning sex education from workbooks that include instruction on […]
Don’t Get Castroated
by Smitty This just in from our medical correspondent: A leading Cuban sexologist Saturday urged young men who are worried about the size of their penis not to take advantage of the communist nation’s free health care to have surgery to enlarge their manhood. “It is not necessary that the penis be so long to […]
Come to Think of It — No, Wait …
My unfortunate penchant for double-entendres made it rather difficult for me to read the following article: A lawyer who donated sperm to pay his way through college has learned that he has fathered an astonishing 70 children. More than 15 of those have already attempted to contact 33-year-old Ben Seisler. The donor confessed to his […]
Creeptastic News of the Day
Sitting here in my home office with the cable TV news playing in the background, I occasionally overhear summaries of stories that have nothing to do with politics, but which are nonetheless interesting as news. The case of Utah mother Susan Powell’s disappearance has been much-discussed today. This would be just another one of those “Perils of […]
More Sex, Less Babies?
Reader Matt K. calls to my attention the compare-and-discuss juxtaposition of two items at Instapundit. Item One: NOT SURE THIS APPLIES IF YOU’RE MARRIED: How the ‘price’ of sex has dropped to record lows.“Women are jumping into the sack faster and with fewer expectations about long-term commitments than ever, effectively discounting the ‘price’ of sex […]
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