The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Death Toll Mounts in ISIS Moscow Attack

When I got up this morning, the reported death toll was 115 from the terrorist attack on a concert at Crocus City Hall in Moscow. As of this writing, the total is 133, and it may go higher, as many of the wounded are in critical condition and might not make it. State media reported […]

Illegal Alien From Eritrea on Terror Watch List Arrested in Gates County, N.C.

Do you remember the uproar in 2018 when Donald Trump reportedly referred to Haiti and certain African countries as fecal depositories? Of course, he was accused of using more blunt language than that, but the point is that he allegedly made this remark in a discussion with Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin about a “bipartisan […]

‘Progressives’ Become Hitler Youth Targeting the ‘Zionist War Machine’

Nineteen-year-old Calla Walsh was already notorious before Monday’s protest violent attack against a Jewish business in New Hampshire: Protesters voicing support for Palestine were arrested in connection with vandalism Monday at Elbit Systems of America, a defense contractor in Merrimack, police said. Three people were arrested on several charges, including riot. Police before 8 a.m. […]

Hamas Attacks Israel

More than 100 people have already been killed, according to reports from Israel, which is under a sustained attack from Hamas terrorists based in Gaza: The Palestinian militant group Hamas launched unprecedented terror attack on Israel, which has included the firing of thousands of rockets onto the Israel and the infiltration of Israeli territory by […]

Feds Are Mystified Why Syrian Named Mohamad Planned Terrorist Attack

Almost as soon as the July 14 shooting happened in Fargo, North Dakota, the media rushed to emphasize that nothing was known about the gunman’s motive. On a Friday afternoon, on a busy street just blocks away from the city’s Downtown Street Fair, there was a traffic accident. When police responded to the accident, they […]

The Antifa Scum in Atlanta

The “mostly peaceful” mob of Antifa who rioted Sunday at the site of a planned police training center in Atlanta were mostly out-of-state, including this habitual rioter from North Carolina: Jamie Marsicano, who was booked under the name “James Marsicana,” is a 29-year-old law student at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, according to the […]

News From Down Home: Another Antifa Riot, More Out-of-Towners Arrested

Antifa terrorists set fire to construction equipment at the site of a planned Atlanta police training facility Sunday, hurling rocks and fireworks at officers who responded to the riot scene. And this vandal horde of commies is almost entirely composed of outsiders: Atlanta police identified 23 suspects charged with domestic terrorism after allegedly launching an […]

State of Emergency: Gov. Kemp Issues Order to Deal With Atlanta Rioters

He’s ready to call up 1,000 National Guard troops: In the wake of a shooting between Antifa terrorists and law enforcement at the site of a future public safety training facility and domestic terrorist activity in downtown Atlanta, Gov. Brian Kemp (R-Ga.) declared a 15-day state of emergency that allows him to call up the […]

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