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Radical Vegan Transgender Cult Implicated in Border Agent’s Death
UPDATE: Landlord ‘Impaled With a Sword’ by ‘Vegan Sith’ Cult Members

Posted on | January 27, 2025 | Comments Off on Radical Vegan Transgender Cult Implicated in Border Agent’s Death
UPDATE: Landlord ‘Impaled With a Sword’ by ‘Vegan Sith’ Cult Members

Jack Lasota, a/k/a “Ziz”

You’ve never heard of the “Zizians,” and neither had I until this afternoon, but you’re probably going to be hearing a lot more about them now that this weirdo California cult has been connected to the shootout in Vermont last week that left a Border Patrol agent dead. Credit to Andy Ngo for putting together the pieces of this bizarre puzzle. When the shootout went down in Vermont on January 20, the initial reports were very thin, but piece by piece, we’ve learned more about the two suspects, Teresa Youngblut, a 21-year-old from Seattle, and Felix Bauckholt, a math genius from Germany who had worked in the financial industry on an H1B visa. About seven months ago, Youngblut’s parents had reported her missing, saying she had cut off contact with them and they were concerned she might be in a coercive relationship. The police didn’t do anything, saying that as an adult, she couldn’t be considered a runaway.

Youngblut and Bauckholt showed up in Vermont a couple of weeks ago and attracted suspicion because they were wearing black “tactical” gear and Youngblut had a pistol in a visible holster. Eventually, this led to an attempted traffic stop on I-91 in which both Youngblut and Bauckholt pulled pistols. Bauckholt was killed in the resulting shootout, but Younglut survived and will face charges. This was mysterious. Why were they in Vermont? What were they doing with the tactical gear, an “arsenal” of weapons and even night-vision goggles? But then there’s this:

In court papers filed earlier Monday, federal prosecutors in Vermont said Youngblut and Bauckholt both possessed firearms purchased by a resident of the state in February 2024. That person, who was not identified, is a person of interest in a double homicide in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, prosecutors said.
Bauckholt flew into the U.S. in the hours before the Pennsylvania murders. Prosecutors also said that Youngblut has been in “frequent contact” with an individual who was detained during the investigation into the double homicide.
That individual is also a person of interest in a murder investigation in Vallejo, California, federal prosecutors said. No other details were provided.

That’s three other murders that this is connected to. And then, thanks to Andy Ngo (and @jessi_cata) we learned that both of the suspects in the Vermont shootout were transgender, Youngblut identifying as “Milo” and Bauckholt calling himself “Ophelia.” Furthermore, it appears that both of them were involved with the Zizians, whose leader Jack Lasota, a/k/a “Ziz,” became notorious for a 2019 protest against CFAR (Center for Applied Rationality). Among other things, the Zizians are radical vegans. The Pennsylvania double homicide was in January 2023 and the victims, Richard Zajko, 72, and his wife, Rita, 69, were the parents of a Zizian cult member named Michelle “Jamie” Zajko.

It appears these highly intelligent people lacked common sense. They got sucked into the vortex of radical vegan transgender craziness, despite being warned about this cult, and now Bauckholt is dead, as is a Border Patrol agent, while Youngblut is likely facing life in prison.

Have I mentioned lately that Crazy People Are Dangerous?

UPDATE: Thanks to Ms. EBL for pointing this out:

The theoretical basis for Zizian social conduct is Yudkowsky and Soare’s “functional decision theory”. “Functional decision theory” is designed as an answer to Newcomb-like problems where the actions of others are conditional on which decision theory an agent uses. In normal English, it’s about situations where the environment will change depending on who you are. . . .
In Zizian thought this concept is expanded to justify behavior that would make a Sovereign Citizen blush. Zizians do not think it is ever valid to surrender. The reasoning goes that if someone is trying to extract a surrender from you, giving in is choosing a strategy that gets coerced into surrender. If you fight bitterly you prevent the coercion in the first place by making it too costly to fight you.

As I remarked in the comments, the philosophical basis of Zizian belief is a lot of lunatic gibberish about “ethics” and “effective altruism.” Meanwhile, mainstream journalism catches up:

Two young people who applied in November for a marriage license in Washington have each been charged by authorities in separate January killings that claimed the lives of a Border Patrol agent in Vermont and an 82-year-old landlord in Vallejo, according to police and court records obtained by Open Vallejo.
Maximilian Snyder, a 22-year-old data scientist arrested in Northern California on Friday on suspicion of murder, and Teresa Youngblut, the 21-year-old computer science student charged last week in connection with the shooting death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent David Maland, appear to follow a fringe, self-described “vegan Sith” ideology that started in the Bay Area and has connections to violence . . .
Vallejo police arrested Snyder around 12:40 a.m. Friday in Redding, California, in connection with the Jan. 17 stabbing death of Curtis Lind . . .
In 2022, Lind was allegedly impaled with a sword and blinded in one eye during an attack by several young people who lived in box trucks on his Vallejo property and had stopped paying Lind during the pandemic-era rent moratorium. Court records obtained by Open Vallejo show that Lind was set to testify against his alleged assailants as the sole eyewitness in a criminal trial scheduled for April.

Latter-day Manson gang, a gigantic pancake stack of craziness.

UPDATE II: Vegan Transgender Death Cult Update.


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