The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

You Never Know Whom You’ll Run Into

by Smitty Today I went on a bit of a scavenger hunt in Bagram to turn in some paperwork at NAVCENT. This place is all dust and conex boxes, with a background hum of prop and jet engines, with bonus diesel generator noise at night. Ran into a Navy Reserve Senior Chief after I’d done […]

Epic Rant by Jeff Motherf–g G.

Borrowing the Hammer’s “new tone” motif for a minute, because it’s beautiful when Jeff G. gets his rant on: Here’s what these idiot Madison “protesters” — along with their intellectually bankrupt fellow travelers playing Solidarnosc on f***ing facebook as if this is just another cause celebre the world has ginned up to keep hipsters feeling […]

Wisconsin: GOP Wins, Dems Cry ‘Unfair’

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: With Democrats still in Illinois, the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions for most public workers that have stood for decades, sending a flood of angry protesters into the Capitol. The bill, which has drawn international attention, is to be taken up at 11 a.m. Thursday by the […]

Ohio Unions, Ohio Thugs, Ohio Police

From the Columbus Dispatch: The volatility surrounding the collective-bargaining debate spilled into the night Wednesday when police were called to a German Village restaurant after a group verbally accosted a gathering of Senate Republicans. After the vote on Senate Bill 5, seven Republican senators, including President Tom Niehaus, R-New Richmond, grabbed dinner at the Easy […]

Frank LaRose Denounces ‘Mean-Spirited Personal Attacks and Senseless Threats’

A lawyer representing the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police had seemingly threatened state Sen. Frank LaRose for voting in favor of S.B. 5, a bill to limit the power of government employee unions. Without directly mentioning Ohio FOP lawyer Mike Piotrowski’s “cops hold grudges” remark, LaRose condemned such threats in a statement (PDF) today explaining […]

Lawyer for Ohio Police Union Tells Republican State Senator: ‘Funny Thing About Cops, They Hold Grudges’

Ohio’s state Senate yesterday passed S.B. 5, which would limit the power of government employee unions. Among those voting for the measure was state Sen. Frank LaRose, a 31-year-old freshman Republican from Akron. After the passage of S.B. 5, LaRose’s Facebook page filled up with comments, including one from Michael Sarge Piotrowski who — as […]

Hey, Maybe Glenn Beck Was Right

You may recall that, when the Egyptian revolution first popped into the news, Glenn Beck caught a lot of grief for saying that the American Left was in league with Islamists to destabilize the Middle East. What Beck said — or perhaps the way he said it — seemed a bit kookier than that, but […]

Mob Rules: Wisconsin Protesters Swarm GOP Legislator, Scream ‘Shame! Shame!’

Via Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit; more at Michelle Malkin and Hot Air: If this is what “civility” is supposed to look like . . .

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