The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Julian Assange, Prince of Trolls

Malware, viruses, denial-of-service, hacking — a troll attack of global proportions: A small army of activist hackers orchestrated a broad campaign of cyberattacks on Wednesday in support of the beleaguered antisecrecy organization WikiLeaks, which has drawn governmental criticism from around the globe for its release of classified American documents and whose founder, Julian Assange, is […]

Clearing the Browser Tabs

Borrowing Jimmie Bise’s meme once more, it’s been a heckuva few days, with offline work stacked up like cordwood, various Dad-the-taxi-driver errands to run, etc., and so many trolls and feminists to smack around. Honestly, I’d ignore those pests, but it’s Holiday Traffic Suckage Season. At this time of year, the potential traffic lost by not […]

Jill Filipovic and Amanda Marcotte to Denounce Keith Olbermann in 3, 2, 1 . . .

Defenders of Julian Assange are now “downshifting from Camille Paglia to Three Days of the Condor,” resorting to a conspiracy-theory defense of the WikiLeaker’s First Amendment right to condom-free sex with Swedish socialists: Here’s how an evidence-free, innuendo-filled personal attack on a rape accuser trespasses the mainstream political debate. On his Twitter feed, MSNBC host […]

‘I Feel As If I’m in a Surreal Swedish Movie Being Threatened by Bizarre Trolls’

No, this has nothing to do with Barrett Brown. Rather, the quote is from Mark Stephens, lawyer for Julian Assange, describing his feelings at attempting to get his client off the hook for his not-entirely-consensual hook-ups with two Swedish socialist women. The same quote would also fairly describe my surprise at finding none other than […]

Julian Assange Arrested in London

BBC: The founder of the whistle-blowing website Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has been arrested by police in London. The 39-year-old Australian, who was the subject of a European arrest warrant, denies allegations he sexually assaulted two women in Sweden. . . . Scotland Yard said Mr Assange was arrested by appointment at a London police station […]

Unintentional Hilarity: Feminists Ask If Julian Assange Committed ‘Rape-Rape’

Exactly why this showed up on Memeorandum, I don’t know, but with a headline like “Some thoughts on ‘sex by surprise,’” I had to click and it’s Jill Filipovic at Feministing: There’s a lot going around in bloglandia and on the interwebs about WikiLeaks honcho Julian Assange’s sexual assault charge in Sweden; commentators are saying […]

WikiLeaks and the Totalitarian Impulse

“The dissolution of the distinction between the private and public spheres was one of the great aims of totalitarianism.” — Theodore Dalrymple, “What’s Really Wrong with WikiLeaks” Coincidentally, last night I was thinking along very similar lines not only in regard to Julian Assange’s info-terrorism, but also in regard to what Betsy Rothstein does at […]

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