The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Police Kill Juan Hernandez

Posted on | February 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Police Kill Juan Hernandez

Don’t expect to see the #Justice4Juan hashtag trending on social media, nor is it likely that the police shooting of Juan Hernandez will give rise to a #LatinoLivesMatter movement. No, I think everyone in America will agree, Juan Hernandez needed killing:

A former Camp Lejeune Marine who was convicted in 2014 for the shooting death of his wife was gunned down by police in Pennsylvania after officers say they witnessed him beating a transgender woman, who later died as a result of her injuries.

(Did you catch that? Just seven years ago, this guy was convicted of murdering his wife, but was already back on the streets where he was in the process of beating a tranny to death when cops killed him. Explain to me again about our “mass incarceration” problem?)

At about 11 a.m. Friday, New Wilmington police were called to a home on South New Castle Street. When officers arrived, they found 33-year-old Juan Carter Hernandez beating 24-year-old Chyna Carrillo with a blunt object. When officers ordered Hernandez to stop, he ignored them and continued beating her, according to Pennsylvania State Police.
The officer shot and killed Hernandez at the scene. Carrillo was taken to St. Elizabeth Hospital in Youngstown, where she died.
The officer who killed Hernandez has been placed on administrative leave, which is standard procedure during the investigation process.
Hernandez was released from prison in North Carolina in 2019 after he pled guilty to second-degree murder in Onslow County Superior Court. He was sentenced to 8-10 years and four months in prison for shooting and killing his 20-year-old wife Kandace Hernandez in their home in Richlands, N.C. on July 20, 2011.
At the time of the 2011 shooting, he was wanted on a federal warrant for desertion from the United States Marine Corps.

No one — absolutely no one — is protesting this guy’s death. However, the family of the wife he killed in 2011 is speaking out:

Tammy Larew, Kandace’s mother, says she was always worried Hernandez would hurt another girlfriend after killing her daughter.
Now that she’s seen news of Chyna Carrillo’s killing, she says her worst fear has come true.
“I just scream. This should not have happened. I knew it was going to happen,” Larew said.
Kandace grew up around Youngstown and began dating Hernandez here.
The couple moved to North Carolina due to his career in the military and got married. . . .
[P]olice had been called to their home several times for domestic disputes.
“Kandace was on the phone with my husband six minutes before she was killed, wanting a bus ticket home,” Larew said.
In July 2011, Hernandez killed Kandace in their home. In court, he pleaded guilty to second degree murder and claimed he reacted in self defense.
But Larew wanted to go to trial.
She thinks Hernandez should’ve served more than eight years in prison.
“They say there wasn’t enough evidence and they were going to get him to take a plea deal, and I did not want that,” Larew said.
She thinks a longer sentence would’ve protected Chyna and other women from Hernandez.
“A few people ask me, ‘Do you feel that you got justice now because he’s gone?’ No. I mean, he’s gone, but he still did what he did to my daughter and to Chyna,” Larew said.

Police say Hernandez knew Carillo and they don’t think it was a “hate crime.” So I guess it was . . . a love crime?

Welcome to 2021. Lots of “social justice” out there, allegedly.


FMJRA 2.0: High Energy Protons

Posted on | February 28, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: High Energy Protons

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Rule 5 Sunday: Niece Waidhofer
Animal Magnetism
Harsh Brutus
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Media’s Squirrel Patrol

Arithmetic Is Now ‘White Supremacy’?
Proof Positive

Philadelphia: Carjack City, U.S.A.
Bacon Time
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Imperial March
Harsh Brutus
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 02.22.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 02.23.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

‘She Frequented the Truck Stop Often’: Murder Exposes Ex-Model’s Sad Decline
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 02.24.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Why Wasn’t He Already in Jail?
357 Magnum

Criminal Dies in Minnesota Shootout
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 02.25.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

The Left’s Tucker Carlson Fixation
Dark Brightness
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 02.26.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending February 26:

  1.  EBL (14)
  2.  357 Magnum (10)
  3.  A View From The Beach (8)
  4.  Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

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In The Mailbox: 02.26.21

Posted on | February 27, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.26.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual deadlines in effect for the usual weekend linkagery.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Because Keeping Violent Criminals In Jail Is Unfair
EBL: National Review And Facebook Hook Up
Twitchy: Sounds Like Talcum X Is Starting To Believe Trump Did A Better Job Than Biden
Louder With Crowder: Clay Travis Has Bad News For Liberals
Vox Popoli: When Will They Learn? also, Google Locking Down Chromium
According To Hoyt: Freedom Of Speech By LawDog
Monster Hunter Nation: I Couldn’t Make It One Day Back On Facebook Without Getting Banned

Adam Piggott: Update On That Rush Guy
American Conservative: Laura Ingalls Wilder In The Big Woke Woods
American Greatness: President Trump Planning To Launch New Super PAC, also, The Imaginary Menace Behind Everything Wrong In America
American Power: Effort To Recall Gavin Newsom Taps Into Pandemic Anger
American Thinker: Kavanaugh & Barrett – John Roberts Retreads? also,  The Democrats Are Not Governing
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Stumbling Into War Friday
Babalu Blog: Viral Anticommunist Rap By Cuban Artists Has Castro Regime Rattled
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For February 26
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, Virgin Galactic Delays Its Next Suborbital Flight Again
Cafe Hayek: David Henderson On The Economics & Ethics Of Lockdowns
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: A Slightly Depressing Reminder About The Biden Nominations, also, Zilla Update – Down To $900 Needed By 9 AM Monday
Don Surber: DeSantis Flips Off The GOPe In CPAC Speech, also, Rush Limbaugh’s Message
The Geller Report: ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC & NBC  Ignore Andrew Cuomo Sex Harassment Claim, also, Amazon Prime Stops Streaming Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month
Hogewash: It All Depends On What You Mean By “Equality”, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Rush To Judgment Shames Media, Twitter – And Us, also, Amazon Cancels Clarence Thomas Documentary, Sparks DVD Sales Frenzy
The Lid: “COVID” Bill Gives $570 Million Gift To Teachers’ Unions
Legal Insurrection: Senate Parliamentarian Kicks $15 Minimum Wage Out Of COVID “Relief” Bill, also, Red China Rushes To Crush Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Voice Of The Anglo-Saxons
Outkick: NFL Denies It’s Reached New Deal With ESPN/ABC, also, Ta-Nehisi Coates To Write Movie About Black Superman
Power Line: Uncle Joe Stares Into The Future, also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: Rick Scott Says Stephanie Murphy Has No Shot To Beat Rubio
Shot In The Dark: Meet The New Law – Not Remotely The Same As The Old Law
The Political Hat: Cyberpunk Catgirls In Nevada?
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, U.S. Launches First Air Strike Under Biden
Transterrestrial Musings: A Space Shanty, also, Propellant Depots
Victory Girls: Rand Paul Questions Transgender HHS Nominee’s Stance On Puberty Blockers
Volokh Conspiracy: After A Year Of Pandemic, State Legislatures Move To Strip Governors Of Emergency Powers
Weasel Zippers: Washington State School Forces Kids Into “Band Pods” Over COVID Fears, also, Joe Biden Repeats Lie That There Was No Trump Vaccination Plan
The Federalist: Amazon Strips Clarence Thomas Documentary From Streaming During Black History Month, also, The Border Surge Is Underway And Sleepy Joe Isn’t Ready
Mark Steyn: Playing Defense, also, Assuming The Position

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The Left’s Tucker Carlson Fixation

Posted on | February 26, 2021 | Comments Off on The Left’s Tucker Carlson Fixation

Tucker Carlson makes a lot of money, so he can afford to live almost anywhere, but lately he’s been living rent-free inside the heads of liberal journalists like Megan Garber of The Atlantic. Some of us can remember when The Atlantic was not a partisan propaganda operation, and it’s sad to them in “skin suit” mode, as Iowahawk would say.

Ever since Carlson rode to the top of the heap at Fox News, he’s had a target on his back, and has manfully stood firm under the scrutiny. And by “scrutiny,” of course, I mean, relentless defamation. Last summer, one of Carlson’s top writers got exposed as a Thought Criminal, and yet the departure of Blake Neff seemed to have no effect on Carlson’s performance. He never flinched, so to speak, and it must be driving his enemies crazy (or crazier, actually, since they were pretty much bonkers to begin with) that nothing they do seems to faze him.

So I glanced at Memeorandum this afternoon and saw a link to Megan Garber’s article, “American Cynicism Has Reached a Breaking Point,” which is . . . something else. What triggered Garber was Carlson’s Tuesday monologue in which he mocked CNN’s Brian Stelter for claiming that the QAnon conspiracy theory is being spread by the “right wing” and “radicalizing Americans.” And let’s just make clear that there is no amount of mockery greater than Brian Stelter deserves. He can never be mocked too much or too often. For some reason, however, this Carlson monologue inspired Megan Garber to write a 3,000-word essay in which she mentions a lot of things that have nothing to do with Tucker Carlson, but never once does she mention the name “Brian Stelter.”

What lies at the heart of Garber’s grievance — other than the fact that Tucker Carlson hasn’t been banished from TV, deplatformed on social media, and generally silenced — is that millions of Americans don’t believe Joe Biden actually won the 2020 election. As I have elsewhere explained, skepticism toward the 2020 election is entirely justified, once you realize that Biden’s combined margin in four states — Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada — adds up to slightly more than 75,000 votes. A little less than 13 million total votes were cast in those four states, which means that the average margin was around 0.6%. Flipping those four states from Biden to Trump would have shifted enough Electoral College votes to re-elect Trump. If you don’t think Democrats could find a way to fabricate an extra 12,000 Biden votes in Georgia or Arizona, you suffer from a deficit of imagination.

So while I certainly do not claim to have specific proof that the presidential election was “rigged,” it seems to me ludicrous for liberals to claim it’s a “conspiracy theory” to doubt the outcome. And that’s what the liberal media’s endless blabbering about QAnon is really about. What they’re saying is, “See? These right-wing kooks believe this bizarre stuff about satanic cannibal pedophiles, which is just slightly more outrageous that believing that Biden didn’t win the election.”

QAnon, in other words, is a special breed of “squirrel.” On the one hand, calling attention to a kooky fringe belief distracts from the real issues surrounding the 2020 election (e.g., universal mail-in balloting as an avenue for fraud) while, on the other hand, it serves as a convenient smear to discredit anyone expressing skepticism toward the result. If it can be shown that some election skeptics are also into QAnon, then it is easy to imply that every election skeptic is a conspiracy theorist.

Megan Garber does not want to give an inch to anyone who doubts the legitimacy of Biden’s election, and therefore she dubs anyone expressing doubt about the result as promoting “The Big Lie”:

Cynicism, at scale, makes democracy’s most basic demand—seeing one another as we are—impossible. And America, at the moment, is saturated with it. Cynicism makes daily appearances on Fox (and on Newsmax, and on One America News Network). It was the molten core of Donald Trump’s presidency, and the only real message Rush Limbaugh had to give. It lurks in the language of QAnon. It lives in the Big Lie. It seethed in the violence of the Capitol insurrection. It has made suspicion an easy sell.

Do you see how easily she slides from one thing to another? Fox News, NewsMax and OANN are all part of the same vast iceberg of right-wing “cynicism,” which connects Trump to Limbaugh to QAnon to “The Big Lie” to the Capitol “insurrection.” So if you ever listened to talk radio, you’re a deluded conspiracy theorist, and if you ever watched NewsMax, you’re complicit in the January 6 “insurrection.” It’s all connected, see?

Two words, my friends: Pepe Silvia.

Do you see how the rage at Tucker Carlson — from Megan Garber, from Brian Stelter, from every other liberal journalist inside whose head Carlson has been living rent-free for months — is driven by fear? If these liberals were really confident in the effectiveness of their influence, if they really believed they were capable of persuasion and that the facts were on their side, why would they care what Tucker Carlson says?

I don’t lose any sleep over the fact that millions of people watch Rachel Maddow. It doesn’t bother me that people I disagree with have TV shows with enormous audiences. As much as I despise the New York Times, I haven’t organized a campaign to get them kicked off Twitter.

What bothers Megan Garber is the haunting fear that most people aren’t really buying what she’s selling. Her fear about the Capitol “insurrection” has little to do with any actual crimes committed by the 800 or so people who trampled down the barricades on January 6. Her fear is based in the knowledge that there are tens of millions of Americans who, while they might not be willing to storm a police barricade, nonetheless have some basic sense of agreement with those who did. These tens of millions of law-abiding citizens might frown on the rowdiness of the mob that rioted at the Capitol, but they harbor profound doubts about the legitimacy of Biden’s election. Garber knows this, and she realizes that it is basically impossible to overcome those doubts. There is no way you’re ever going to convince me that the vote total in Fulton County, Georgia, was legit, and I know that there are many millions who would say the same thing.

You can send a link to this post to Megan Garber on Twitter and ask her: Do I seem stupid? Am I ignorant? Uninformed? Deranged? Am I crazy — and are the many millions of others who agree me also crazy — to suspect that the Magical Mail-In Ballot Bonanza was a pre-planned fraud?

Sweetheart, I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.

Tucker Carlson’s mockery of Stelter annoys people like Megan Garber because she knows we’re all laughing along with Tucker. And in laughing at Stelter, we’re also laughing at anyone who takes him seriously. Now let Megan Garber write another 3,000 words about that.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! Normally, I might suggest you hit my tip jar, but as our friend Pete Da Tech Guy explains, longtime blog friend Zilla of the Resistance is experiencing some financial problems so please go hit her tip jar. Thanks in advance.



In The Mailbox: 02.25.21

Posted on | February 26, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.25.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

I told you Atago-chan looked better in 2D. 🙂

357 Magnum: The End Of Daft Punk
EBL: The Strokes – Bad Decisions
Twitchy: “If You Don’t Believe That There’s White Privilege, Please Don’t Teach”
Louder With Crowder: White Women On TikTok Sing About White Privilege & How Racist White People Are
Vox Popoli: Thought-Policing The Nations, also, Motivation

Adam Piggott: Death Of A Boomer
American Conservative: Cuomo’s Other Negligence Crisis
American Greatness: GA Secretary Of State Refuses To Support Bills Targeting Voter Fraud, also, Lamestream Media Ignore Cuomo Aide’s Explosive Sexual Harassment Allegations
American Power: The “Equality Act” Makes Women Unequal
American Thinker: The Latest Battleground In The War Against Truth? Math, also, COVID-19 Case Counts Are Incorrect
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Rhino Horn News
Babalu Blog: Starvation, Violence, & Corruption – Living Through A Socialist Collapse In Venezuela
BattleSwarm: The 30th Anniversary Of 73 Easting 
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, First Launch Of Blue Origin’s Orbital Rocket Delayed Until 2022
Cafe Hayek: Again, Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Or Shut Up
CDR Salamander: What Is One Word That Will Terrify An Entire Ship? also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: There’s No “Suck It Up Whitey” Clause In Hostile Workplace Laws & Rules, also, “For The People Act” Will Make Stealing Elections The New Normal For Democrats
Don Surber: NBC’s Latest Lie About Trump, also, Neera Tanden & The Problem With A Figurehead President
First Street Journal: The Philadelphia Inquirer Finally Publishes A Story About A Murder Victim
The Geller Report: Biden Reverses Trump Crackdown On Illegal Alien Child Sex Traffickers & Sex Offenders, also, Liz Cheney Insists Trump Shouldn’t Be Playing A Role In The GOP’s Future
Hogewash: Elections Have Consequences
Hollywood In Toto: Run Hide Fight Producer Says Hollywood Wouldn’t Touch His “Dangerous” Film, also, Disney’s White Fang – No CGI, All Heart
The Lid: The Pelosi Payoff
Legal Insurrection: Over Thirty House Democrats Ask Biden To Give Up Sole Control Of Nuke Trigger, also, Obama The Healer Strikes Again
Nebraska Energy Observer: “Watch The Skies. Everywhere. Keep Looking. Keep Watching The Skies!”
Power Line: The Shame Of Joe Biden, also, Investigative Journalism, Russian Style
Shark Tank: Mast Calls For Slashes To “COVID Relief” Bill
Shot In The Dark: Correlation Does Not Equal Causation, But It Does Equal Correlation
STUMP: GameStop Follies – The Long & The Short Of It
The Political Hat: Anti-Racist Education – Woke Demands, White Accountability Groups, & Unlearning Whiteness
This Ain’t Hell: Air Force Wants New Low-Cost Fighter To Supplement F-22 & F-35, also, Thursday’s FGS
Transterrestrial Musings: Internal Divisions, also, Steak
Victory Girls: Biden Eviscerates More Trump Executive Orders
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Court Declares CDC Eviction Moratorium Unconstitutional
Weasel Zippers: Biden HHS Nominee Refuses To Condemn Partial Birth Abortions Or Abortions Based On Sex, Disability, also, Biden Interior Nominee Won’t Rule Out Blocking Use Of Existing Pipelines
The Federalist: How The “Equality Act” Viciously Attacks Christians, Freedom, Society, Sex, & You, also, Rand Paul Blasts Biden’s Transgender Nominee For Endorsing Sex Changes For Young Children
Mark Steyn: Appealing Jokes, also, When Harry Met Hillary

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Criminal Dies in Minnesota Shootout

Posted on | February 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Criminal Dies in Minnesota Shootout

It’s always heartwarming news when cops shoot a white criminal. CNN won’t notice and there won’t be any riots — no “say his name” hashtags on behalf of Dominic Lucas Koch, who was 27 when he died of multiple gunshots after leading police on a 40-mile chase in Minnesota.

We’ll get to the events that culminated in Koch’s death in just a minute, but first allow me to recount his criminal record. Like so many of the felons we routinely highlight in our crime coverage here, Koch was a repeat offender. In his hometown of St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, Koch was 18 when he was arrested in connection with a case in which one of his buddies, Tyler Chute, had assaulted a sheriff’s deputy. Chute escaped, and two days later, cops got a tip about where he was hiding:

Deputies went to the home Saturday night and were allowed inside. But they were told Chute was not there.
Then something caught their eye.
“A guy was sitting on the couch and cushions were a little askew, and (the deputies) said, ‘Hey, that doesn’t look right,’ ” Sheriff Pete Johnson said.
A deputy asked the man sitting on the sleeper sofa, Dominic Koch, 18, if he knew where Chute was. Koch, who also lives in St. Croix Falls, said he did not, according to a sheriff’s report.
The deputy moved the cushions and found Chute hiding inside the sofa, the report states.
Chute was taken into custody, and Koch was arrested on suspicion of obstructing an officer.

After harboring a fugitive from justice in 2012, Koch’s criminal career next made headlines in 2018, when he got busted with meth:

A Minnesota woman and St. Croix Falls man were arrested in Clark County after police found drugs in their vehicle.
Officials responded to a complaint that someone stole a purse in Fairchild around 3:30 p.m. Friday and found the vehicle belonging to Samantha Waterbury, 24, and Dominic Koch, 24, west of Neillsville, according to a news release from the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. The two denied being in Fairchild and said there weren’t any drugs or weapons in the car.
Officials searched the vehicle and found 38.5 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 1.8 grams of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, the release stated. They also discovered eight cell phones, two iPads and a computer. Officials didn’t find the missing purse.
Waterbury faces charges of possession with intent to deliver, possession of THC and drug paraphernalia, and obstruction. Koch is charged with possession of methamphetamine, possession with intent to deliver narcotics and obstruction.
Waterbury is being held in Clark County jail on a $500 cash bond. Koch is being held under a probation hold and $20,000 cash bond.

What we can infer from Koch being on a “probation hold” is that he was already on probation for some unspecified previous crime, and you might think that getting caught with more than an ounce of meth would have been enough to put him behind bars for a while. An “eight-ball” of meth (3.5 grams, or one-eighth of an ounce) sells for about $50, so Koch had nearly $600 worth of meth on him when he was busted.

That’s second-degree possession, punishable by up to 25 years in prison. There’s a mandatory minimum sentence of three years, if the suspect has a prior drug felony. For whatever reason, however, Koch was back on the street pretty quickly, and he and a buddy were driving a stolen Jeep when Koch decided to go shoplifting at a Kohl’s department store in the Minneapolis suburb of Blaine, Minnesota:

A Wisconsin man and sole survivor of the duo who allegedly carjacked a man and his 9-year-old daughter on Sunday and fled police was charged Tuesday with first-degree aggravated robbery and fleeing police. Both are felony-level offenses.
Joseph William Heroff, 26, of Hammond, Wis., is being held at the Anoka County jail with bail set at $500,000. Dominic Lucas Koch, 27, of St. Croix Falls, Wis., died of multiple gunshot wounds after he was shot by police, according to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
In the criminal complaint, Heroff told police he and Koch had driven a white Jeep Compass to Kohl’s at 10311 Baltimore St. in Blaine on Sunday afternoon. While inside the store, Koch decided to shoplift.
Heroff told police he did not want to shoplift, so he went outside and waited in the car. A short time later, Koch came running out of the store with a cart full of merchandise, which he began shoving into the vehicle, the complaint said.
Heroff admitted to police that he was the driver at this point, according to the complaint. Officers quickly located the Jeep and attempted to stop it, but the vehicle fled through the Kohl’s parking lot into the adjacent Menards parking lot.
Officers caught up with them and maneuvered a squad to stop the vehicle. The two men then ran across a frozen drainage pond towards the Conquer Ninja Gym facility.
After reaching the parking lot, Heroff reported that Koch pulled out a gun and ordered a man and his 9-year-old daughter out of a pickup truck.
The father told police he and his daughter were waiting in the truck for a birthday party that was about to start at the gym when the men approached and they exited their vehicle, which the men then stole. They sped away.
The two fled north on Minnesota 65. The vehicle was disabled just north of Minnesota 107 near Braham and the men ran. Police said they pursued and gunfire was exchanged.
Koch was killed and Bravo, an Anoka police dog, was injured. He is recovering. Heroff was arrested and uninjured.

Good-bye and good riddance, criminal scum. Watch the video:


When I first watched that video, I had no idea who the suspects were. A carjacking in a Minneapolis suburb? So I had to Google it, and was honestly surprised when I saw the names and mugshots of the suspects. Two white meth freaks on a criminal rampage? Not what I’d expected, but it’s nice to be able to report a bit of “social justice” news:


You’ll never see that headline at CNN, though.


Why Wasn’t He Already in Jail?

Posted on | February 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Why Wasn’t He Already in Jail?

News from rural Louisiana:

The Eunice City Marshal’s Office said their agents located and arrested a man wanted on warrants for attempted second-degree murder.
Devidre Domal Doyle, 20
, of Eunice, was wanted on two counts of attempted second-degree murder for a shooting which occurred in the early morning hours on Monday, Feb. 22. He was located by marshals while on routine patrol. . . .
Eunice Police Chief Randy Fontenot said Devidre Doyle was out on bond for an Oct. 26, 2019 incident in which he was charged with attempted first-degree murder.
Fontenot said police responded to a shots-fired call at around 10:30 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 22 at the intersection of Fred and Nimitz streets. Doyle allegedly fired at a passing vehicle with two occupants in it. Video from a nearby home’s security system is being used as evidence for Doyle’s involvement.

So, he was out on bond for an attempted first-degree murder in 2019, now he’s charged with attempted second-degree murder — and it’s on video this time, so perhaps they’ll keep him in jail more than overnight, eh? We keep finding cases like this, where people get shot by someone who arguably should never have been out on the streets, and it’s hard to reconcile this reality with liberal rhetoric about “mass incarceration.”

The “catch-and-release” approach to law enforcement is, of course, more common in liberal states like California, but the crusade to empty the prisons in the name of “social justice” has recently spread across the country. Consider the triple murder in Oklahoma we reported Feb. 19 (“Family Demands Answers”), where Lawrence Anderson had been released from prison just three weeks before he killed a neighbor, then murdered two relatives. This was because the state’s Republican governor commuted Anderson’s sentence:

Convicted cocaine dealer Lawrence Paul Anderson was ordered back to prison in 2017 for 20 more years after being caught with a gun and using drugs.
Anderson “remains a threat to both society and himself,” his probation and parole officer reported at the time.
He got out Jan. 18, after a little more than three years behind bars.
On Tuesday, he killed his uncle and a 4-year-old and attacked his aunt at their home in Chickasha, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation reported.
He since has admitted to also killing a neighbor, The Oklahoman has learned.
Grady County District Attorney Jason Hicks is upset Anderson, 42, was out at all.
“This has to be addressed by the Legislature, sooner rather than later, because more people are going to get killed,” the prosecutor said. “We’re seeing this all over the state. Repeat offenders go to prison. They’re not there very long. And they come home and they’re committing crimes just like this.”
Anderson was released after Gov. Kevin Stitt commuted his sentence last June to nine years in prison, the interim secretary for public safety said. . . .
Anderson was first sentenced to prison in Oklahoma in 2006 for four years for attacking his girlfriend, pointing a gun at her and possession of crack cocaine with the intent to distribute, records show. He was out in less than two years.
He went back to prison in 2012 to serve a 15-year sentence for selling crack cocaine near an elementary school in Chickasha. He also was ordered to spend 20 years on probation after his release. He was out in less than five years and four months.
He was sent back to prison in December 2017 to serve 20 more years when a judge both revoked his probation in full and sentenced him for new crimes.
His probation violations included testing positive for PCP and cocaine use. His new crimes involved having a gun and sneaking PCP into jail.
“He should serve his whole sentence,” prosecutors told the Pardon and Parole Board in a 2017 report.

Oh, and the neighbor woman Anderson murdered? He cut her heart out, took it to his house, then “cooked the heart with potatoes to feed to his family to release the demons,” according to his confession.

Does anyone remember that case last year in Houston? “Judge Releases Satan-Worshipping Murder Suspect, With Predictable Result.”

Have I mentioned lately that Crazy People Are Dangerous?


In The Mailbox: 02.24.21

Posted on | February 25, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.24.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: The Biden Administration Was Happy To See Dead Texans
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1273
EBL: Wild Pink – The Shining But Tropical
Twitchy: Nancy Pelosi Says No State Of The Union From Biden Until COVID Bill Is Done
Louder With Crowder: Woman Accuses Two Bros Of Harassment, Quickly Feels Stupid When They Point To Her Car
Vox Popoli: Armed & Unprepared, also, Solving The F-35 Problem

Adam Piggott: Lifting The Veils
American Conservative: Liz Cheney Lays Down Her Marker
American Greatness: No More School, also, Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rogers Calls Out Democrats Attempting To Censure Free Speech, Compares Them To Chicoms
American Power: For Woke Progressives, Asian-American Achievement Is An Embarrassment
American Thinker: Trump Vs. Big Tech, also, Vatican Papal Academy Sells Out Virgin Mary for Muhammad
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Remembering The Murders Of Orlando Zapata Tamayo & The Brothers To The Rescue Pilots
BattleSwarm: “Never Before Has The Leader of The Free World Been So Cognitively Compromised”
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Another Detailed Essay Demanding SLS Be Cancelled
Cafe Hayek: “Education” In America Today
CDR Salamander: Keeping An Eye On The Long Game, Part LXXXVIII, also, Preflight Your Brain – The Navy Discussion Guide On Extremism In The Ranks Shutdown
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – How The South Was Crippled By A Snowstorm, also, The Violence Of Lockdowns
Don Surber: President Emeritus Donald J. Trump, also, We Are Not The Party Of Liz Cheney
First Street Journal: And Another One Bites The Dust
The Geller Report: Biden Officials & John Kerry Colluded With Iran To Undermine Trump’s Presidency, also, Former Aide To Gov. Cuomo Accuses Him Of Sexual Abuse/Harassment
Hogewash: Lucy & The Seven Asteroids, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Why ReLove’s “Who Calls” Answers Society’s Plea For Help, also, Will Woody Allen Movies Be Canceled Next?
The Lid: GA Senate Passes Bill Requiring Voter ID For Absentee Ballots
Legal Insurrection: Biden Team Reportedly Colluded With Iran To Undermine Trump’s Foreign Policy, also, Judge Indefinitely Bans Biden’s Deportation Moratorium
Michelle Malkin:
Nebraska Energy Observer: Midweek Roundup
Power Line: Shapes of Things (21), also, A Fiery Denunciation Of The Democrats
Shark Tank: Laura Loomer Announces 2022 Congressional Bid
Shot In The Dark: Civil Society & Its Abusers
The Political Hat: Critical Race Theory – An Introduction
This Ain’t Hell: Do You Want To Get Shot In Training? Because This Is How You Get Shot In Training, also, Kids In Cages Redux
Transterrestrial Musings: The Democrats & Censorship, also, Long March 9
Victory Girls: ERCOT Board Members Exit After Texas Outages
Volokh Conspiracy: Conviction For Praising Prostitutes (“Promoting Prostitution”) Upheld
Weasel Zippers: Niagara Falls Has Frozen Over Completely For The First Time, also, Bad Orange Woman Tries To Circle Around Press Corps On Kids In Cages
The Federalist: Five Ways To Help Your Child Not Grow Up Socialist, also, Hey, Liz – Since When Is The GOP A White Supremacist Party?
Mark Steyn: Just A Gigolo, also, Offensively Pre-Canceled

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