The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 01.02.20

Posted on | January 2, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.02.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks again to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links in December.

357 Magnum: Baltimore’s Murder Rate Goes Up, “Unexpectedly”
EBL: Messiah – A Review
Twitchy: Susan Rice’s Thread Bragging About Her “2019 Whirlwind” And Sharing Her Book Gets ALL The Backfire
Louder With Crowder: Ron Howard “Laughingly” Explains Why Hollywood Hates Trump, also, Okay Conservatives, Time To Make 2020 The Year Of Action

Adam Piggott: A Grim Example Of A Woman Killed By Feminism & The Sexual Revolution, also, Things For Which To Be Grateful
American Conservative: Pelosi’s Game Of Chicken Will Leave Her Party Fried, also, Rich Lowry’s Nationalist Review
American Greatness: Top Twelve “Get Trump!” Bloopers Of 2019, also, DHS Orders Nationwide Review Of State Laws Giving Drivers’ Licenses To Illegals
American Power: “Black Jews” On Twitter
American Thinker: Can The Union Endure? also, The “Transgender” Endgame
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Mixed Bag News, also, Animal’s Daily Dire Predictions News
Babalu Blog: Cuba Celebrates Sixty Years Under Socialism
Baldilocks: I’m Staying On The Battlefield, also, About Blogging & Social Media
BattleSwarm: Jonathan Pie On The Labour Wipeout, also, The Pitch Meeting For Cats
Cafe Hayek: Why Take The “Climate Change” Crowd’s Case For More Government Power Seriously?
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday, also, 355 – Have We Earned It?
Da Tech Guy: Feds Have Their Net Out For Illinois’ Kraken, Boss Michael Madigan, also, Best Of Baldilocks At DTGB In 2019
Don Surber: It Was A Very Good Year, also, Even Democrats Don’t Want Medicare For All
First Street Journal:  This Is Not A Federal Problem, also, We’re Doomed, We’re All Doomed!
The Geller Report: Muslim Migrants Rape French Girl & Video It While Praising Allah, Invoking Koran, also, Murderer Of UK Soldier Lee Rigby Works As Prison “Deradicalization Mentor” At Jail London Bridge Jihadi Was Freed From
Hogewash: What’s Up For January 2020, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Until The End Of The World Predicted Our Digital Demons, also, Eleven Conservative Pop Culture Predictions For 2020
Legal Insurrection: Tulsi Gabbard Warns Impeachment Will Help Trump Win & GOP Retake The House, also, Even CNN Is Calling Out Schumer’s Impeachment Trial “Impartiality” Hypocrisy
Michelle Malkin: Twenty Years – A Syndication Anniversary Reflection
The PanAm Post: Recapping The First Ten Days Of Peronism’s Return To Argentina, also, Maduro Auctions Off Oil, Secretly Exports Millions Of Barrels
Power Line: A Baghdad Embassy Postscript, also, Voter Suppression Iowa Style
Shark Tank: Deutch Still Silent On Omar’s Antisemitism
Shot In The Dark: Resolution
STUMP: French Pension Protests – Macron Flubs By Trying To Force Change
The Political Hat: Happy New Year!
This Ain’t Hell: Top Five 2020 Doomsday Predictions, also, There’s A Disturbance In The Farce
Victory Girls: Iranian-Backed Militants Retreat From U.S. Embassy After Marines Show Up
Volokh Conspiracy: “Essentially [The City] Defendants Request That The Court Resolve This Case Entirely In Secret”
Weasel Zippers: NRA & GOP Mock Clueless Democrats’ Statements On Guns, also, Viral Video Shows Man Getting Shocked While Trying To Steal Electrified Trump Sign
Megan McArdle: Has J.K. Rowling Figured Out A Way To Break Cancel Culture?
Mark Steyn: The Bug’s A-Comin’

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Liberal Jew: ‘Baseless Hatred’ by Blacks Is ‘Stark Contrast’ to White Supremacy

Posted on | January 2, 2020 | 3 Comments


More anti-Semitic violence in Brooklyn:

Two women yelled “F*** you Jew” and “I will kill you Jews” at a Hasidic man in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and shoved him to the ground when he tried to film their anti-Semitic tirade, law enforcement sources and witnesses told CBS12.
The 22 year-old victim was approached by a 24- and 34-year-old female at the intersection of Broadway and Lorimer Street, the New York City Police Department told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
The 24 year-old grabbed the victim’s cell phone and punched him in his throat and the 34 year-old made anti-Semitic remarks, according to the NYPD.
There has been a dramatic increase in the number of violent attacks against Hasidic Jews in the New York area in recent months, including a machete attack in Monsey that left 5 injured.
On Monday evening, according to local reports, two men — one flashing a knife — threatened a Jewish teen in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn.
The two men yelled “Hey Jew boy” at the teen as one pulled out the knife, the New York Post reported.
There are two synagogues located within a block of where the incident occurred, according to the report.

The fact that black people are responsible for this “dramatic increase” cannot be denied, but as Ace of Spades points out, the media keep trying to blame Trump for these crimes committed in Democrat-controlled cities by people who certainly don’t seem like MAGA-hat types.

Consider this “argument” by Jay Michaelson at The Daily Beast:

New York is reeling from a wave of anti-Semitic attacks, and speaking as a Jewish parent who lives in Brooklyn, I can tell you that it’s terrifying.
It is also confusing. The vast majority of anti-Semitic attacks in this country are carried out by right-wing white supremacists. But most of the recent New York-area attacks have been carried out by people of color expressing very different grievances, or none at all. So is this the same phenomenon, or a different one? Hate, yes, but what kind of hate?
The answer is not simple. The recent street violence and acts of terror are based, in part, on anti-Semitic conspiracy theories similar to those on the Right. And yet, it is dangerous and misleading to see this as the same phenomenon, because the social contexts, the dynamics of race, and the relationships to power are all quite different. . . .

See? Michaelson is a liberal, and therefore “the dynamics of race” must be considered, as if a machete-wielding black psycho in New York deserves sympathy in a way that, say, Dylan Roof does not. In fact, he claims, “it is dangerous and misleading” not to employ a double standard:

As Mark Potok recently discussed in these pages, the Black Hebrew Israelites are a tiny sect that blames Jews for degrading American culture and accuses them of being self-interested moneymakers. Like those of the Nation of Islam, these doctrines of hate are not dissimilar to right-wing anti-Semitic tropes of Jews being foreigners who destroy their host countries for their own enrichment.
But in these cases, the anti-Semitic themes are sometimes wedded to quasi-progressive concerns about racial justice, or, more broadly, to grievances against Jews as usurious landlords or agents of gentrification. . . .

(Translation: Hating Jews is OK if you’re “quasi-progressive.”)

And in some cases, there are glimmers of ideology. For example, the Crown Heights riot of 1991 was in part about city resources, housing, gentrification, policing and political power, but also shot through with conspiracy theories and the blaming of all Jews—or, more specifically, all Hasidic Jews—for the misdeeds of a few. . . .
This combination of baseless hatred and socio-economic grievance stands in stark contrast to the wordy theoretical manifestoes of white supremacist anti-Semitism. And while some attackers cite conspiracy theories similar to the ones on the nationalist right, such as the Black Hebrew Israelite doctrines noted above, the social contexts and relationships to power are utterly different.
While conspiracy-mongering exists on the left and the right, there is no left-wing or African-American equivalent of President Trump . . .

(At last, Michaelson arrives at his main point:”ORANGE MAN BAD!”)

When you play with fire like this, vulnerable populations get burned. Especially Jews.
Finally, right-wing anti-Semitism is connected to right-wing political ideology and power. Obviously, most conservatives are not anti-Semitic. But anti-Semitism often exists on a nationalist continuum from populists who traffic in anti-Semitic stereotypes, like Trump or Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, to outright anti-Semites like Orbán’s hero, Miklós Horthy. There is a reason the Pittsburgh attacker was frustrated that Trump wasn’t anti-Semitic enough.
And in terms of scale, there is simply no comparison between right-wing anti-Semitism, which arguably stretches into the White House itself (if not Trump, then some of his recent advisers), and the fringe sects, street violence, and bigotry found among small segments of the African-American community.
It cannot be a coincidence that the rise in anti-Semitism coincides with the rise in Trumpism. . . .

You can read the rest of that, but Michaelson’s flourish here — “It cannot be a coincidence!” — is the essence of every conspiracy theory. And it could be argued that liberal Jews have succumbed to a mentality of political paranoia in which every Republican is a would-be Hitler. Because of their monomaniacal obsession with right-wing white supremacists, they cannot make sense of “people of color” who hate Jews.

If the first premise of your argument is that Donald Trump is the cause of all evil in the universe, we are not surprised when you conclude that everything bad — including crimes committed by people who obviously aren’t Republican voters — is somehow Trump’s fault.

Michaelson’s “argument” is a crude tautology that proves nothing.


In The Mailbox: 01.01.20

Posted on | January 1, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Administrivia: Tax season starts tomorrow, and I may be moving into a place of my own this month (of course, they said that last month) so things ought to be getting back to normal, barring another extended stay at the VA. Going to punt on Rule 5 Sunday and just serve up an extra-large helping this coming Sunday. In the meantime, a message for the lot of you from Shouko Komi. Couldn’t have survived 2019 without a lot of help from a lot of you. 

357 Magnum: “How Come They Didn’t Show A Search Warrant?”
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #852
Bacon Time: The M1 Garand – Greatest Rifle Of All Time?
EBL: Robert Heinlein Said It Best…
Twitchy: NY Expected To Lose Congressional Seat After 2020 Census; Just Guess Why Occasional Cortex’ Seat Is “Especially Vulnerable”
Louder With Crowder: Eddie Murphy Says He Won’t Change For Outrage Culture

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – My Head Hurts Edition, also, The Greasy Pole Podcast – Getting Lucky With Miss Kentucky Edition
American Conservative: Meet The Cold War Liberals
American Greatness: Can The Senate Dismiss The Impeachment Without A Trial?
American Power: “We’re Not Safe As Jews In New York”
American Thinker: Documenting The Virginia Crackdown
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday, also, Happy 2020!
Babalu Blog: Americans Whose Cuban Property Was Stolen By Castro Finally Get Their Day In Court
BattleSwarm: Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update, also, The Twitter Primary For December 2019
Cafe Hayek: “Discovering Your Inner Economist”
CDR Salamander: LCS Hulls 1-4 – The Market Speaks, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Minecraft Makes Gaming Great Again, also, Why I Stayed In California
Don Surber: Press Silent On The Biggest Story Of 2019
First Street Journal: The Left Lie To Themselves About Antisemitism
The Geller Report: Londonistan Mayor Sadiq Khan’s First Police Unit To Combat “Online Hate Crime” Is Epic Fail, also, Baltimore Surpasses Highest Murder Rate Ever
Hogewash: When The Narrative Appears To Fail, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Think 2019’s Box Office Was Bad? Wait Until 2020, also, Cats – Believe Every Ounce Of The Awful Buzz
JustOneMinute: Happy New Year’s Eve
Legal Insurrection: Denmark Gives Green Light To New US Consulate In Greenland, also, A Personal Thanks
Michelle Malkin: Jill Biden, Meet Cpl. Ronil Singh & Deputy Brian Ishmael
The PanAm Post: After PDVSA Collapse, Maduro Mulls Privatization
Power Line: Anti-Semitism – Once Upon A Time, also, Cancel Culture Claims Another Scalp
Shark Tank: Rep. Mucarsel -Powell (D-FL) Omits Impeachment From List Of 2019 Accomplishments
Shot In The Dark: Little Straw Men
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – Last One For 2019!
The Political Hat: A Variety Of Contact Information
This Ain’t Hell: NYE FGS, also, Military Religious Freedom Foundation Versus Jesus Candy
Victory Girls: Mayor Pete Fails Constitutional History
Volokh Conspiracy: Uber, Postmates Argue California’s AB5 Violates The 9th & 14th Amendments, The Contracts Clause, & California’s Baby 9th Amendment
Weasel Zippers: Pro-Iran “Mourners” Vow To Kill Everyone At Baghdad Embassy, also, Dem Rep Al Green Admits Impeachment Plans Began While Trump Was Still Running For Office
Megan McArdle: The Best Gift Americans Got This Year? A Good Economy
Mark Steyn: Values, Complications, & Evasions, also, Ave Atque Vale 2019

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Biden: Citizenship for 11 Million Illegal Aliens, Miners Should ‘Learn to Code’

Posted on | January 1, 2020 | Comments Off on Biden: Citizenship for 11 Million Illegal Aliens, Miners Should ‘Learn to Code’


At a time when unemployment is at an all-time low, the Democrat front-runner offers a nostalgic return to Obama-era policies:

Democrat presidential contender Joe Biden said that coal miners can learn how to code, reviving a promotion of retraining blue-collar workers for positions in the technology industry.
On the campaign trail in Derry, New Hampshire, on Dec. 30, Biden said: “Anybody who can go down 300 to 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well.”
“But we don’t think of it that way. Even my liberal friends don’t think of it that way,” he added.
Biden was talking about the changing economy and the “jobs of the future,” telling the crowd that “six out of 10 jobs today, today, today, require more than a high school degree.”
“Does anybody think that you’re going to be able to stay in the middle class in the ’20s and ’30s of the 21st century without better education? Now brawn is no longer the measure. I come from a family, an area where it’s coal mining in Scranton,” he said, before making the comment about coal miners learning how to code.
Biden later touted the Obama administration helping Detroit recover, discussing how “anybody who had any talent in terms of technology left” when bankruptcy hit and claiming there was “no one who knew how to turn on the street lights” or “the sewer system.”

In the same appearance, Joe promised citizenship to illegal aliens:

[T]he candidate made it clear at a campaign rally in Derry, New Hampshire that not only will he work to establish a path to citizenship for those in the country illegally, but that he will issue them driver’s licenses.
The issue came up during a Q&A session when an attendee said: “I wanted to ask you about getting driver’s licenses for our undocumented immigrants. Do you have a plan in the works for working on that, as I believe it would help them establish residency and the first step towards possible citizenship.”
“Actually, yes and yes,” Biden answered. “And, by the way, I’m going to fundamentally change the immigration policy we have.” . . .
“The first thing I will do is send — I mean within the first couple of weeks, we already have it written — a bill to the U.S. Congress providing a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented people,” Biden said.

Don’t you just love that word “undocumented”? These are foreigners who have violated federal law, but Democrats want us to believe it’s just a paperwork error: “Oops! I forgot my documents!” And Joe’s reaction is, “Here you go — have a driver’s license and a ‘pathway’ to citizenship!”



Posted on | January 1, 2020 | Comments Off on #MyWishForTheNewDecade

by Smitty

Report: Leader of Attack on U.S. Embassy Met With Obama in 2011

Posted on | December 31, 2019 | 1 Comment


Violent mobs in Baghdad:

Iranian militia leader Hadi al-Amiri, one of several identified as leading an attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday, reportedly visited the White House in 2011 during the presidency of Barack Obama.
On Tuesday, a mob in Baghdad attacked the U.S. embassy in retaliation against last weekend’s U.S. airstrikes against the Iran-backed Shiite militia Kataib Hezbollah (KH), responsible for killing an American civilian contractor. KH is one of a number of pro-Iran militias that make up the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF/PMU), which legally became a wing of the Iraqi military after fighting the Sunni Islamic State terrorist group.
President Donald Trump has since accused Iran of having “orchestrated” the embassy attack and stated that the government would be “held fully responsible.” . . .
The Washington Post reported Tuesday that among those agitating protesters in Baghdad on Tuesday was Hadi al-Amiri, a former transportation minister with close ties to Iran who leads the Badr Corps, another PMF militia.
In 2011, both Fox News and the Washington Times noted that then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki brought his transportation minister, al-Amiri, to a meeting at the White House. . . .
At the time, the outlets expressed concern that al-Amiri had ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which the FBI has stated played a role in a 1996 terrorist attack that killed 19 U.S. servicemen. President Donald Trump designated the IRGC a foreign terrorist organization, the first time an official arm of a foreign state received the designation. . . .
In 2016, Obama secured a deal with Iran which included a payment of $1.7 billion in cash.


‘Cosmic Justice’ in New York City

Posted on | December 31, 2019 | 2 Comments


Steven Haynes is a street thug who punched a cop last week:

The man who was arrested for sucker-punching an NYPD cop in Brooklyn was back at his old stomping ground Sunday — just two days after being released without bail despite a slew of charges.
Steven Haynes, 40, returned to Livingston and Court streets in Downtown Brooklyn — where police say he slugged and brawled with one of New York’s Finest on Thursday — after being cut loose, irritating local merchants who say he’s been a troublesome presence on the block for months.
“No bail. Three hours, he was back in the same spot,” Michael Vitiello, general manager of an Italian restaurant two doors down, told The Post. “They had a cop sitting there, just watching him. He got his own security ‘cuz he’s a celebrity now.”
“They could have locked him up in Bellevue last night, but they didn’t do it,” he continued. “Now he’s back in the street causing problems.” . . .
His scuffle with the cop Thursday, which was caught on video, came after police got complaints he was sitting on the sidewalk drinking and blocking pedestrians.
He allegedly punched the officer and wrestled him to the ground, sending a nearby trashcan flying into the street.
The cop’s partner and other officers eventually subdued Haynes and took him into custody.
Haynes, who has at least 24 prior arrests, was charged with assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, obstructing governmental administration, disorderly conduct and an alcohol violation.
He was cut loose on supervised release Friday, records show.
City judges have begun to release many defendants who are charged with lower-level crimes — in anticipation of a state bail reform measure due to take effect Jan. 1.

If assaulting a police officer is classified among “lower-level crimes,” one wonders what an upper-level crime might be. New York’s “bail reform” legislation is part of a left-wing initiative nationwide based on the belief — widespread among “social justice” activists, and popularized by the #BlackLivesMatters movement — that the criminal justice system is inherently racist. Academia’s embrace of “critical race theory” has helped promote the idea that any statistical disparity between social groups is evidence of “structural inequality”; thus, the fact that black people constitute a disproportionately large share of the prison population is blamed on “white supremacy.” This gives rise to the kind of “reform” agenda that results in criminals — even repeat offenders like Steven Haynes — being turned loose to wreak havoc against innocent people.

This is what Thomas Sowell described as The Quest for Cosmic Justice, where a fanatical commitment to equality justifies policies that often harm the “oppressed” people liberals say they want to help. After all, what could do more to promote racist stereotypes of black people as dangerous and violent than to adopt a policy that puts more violent black criminals on the streets?

A Brooklyn miscreant accused of slapping three Orthodox Jewish women last week struck again on Sunday and was busted for assaulting another woman, police said.
A day after she was released without bail on charges stemming from the Friday attack, Tiffany Harris was charged with assault for slugging a 35-year-old in the face on Eastern Parkway near Underhill Avenue in Prospect Heights at about 9:15 a.m., according to police.
It’s unclear if Sunday’s victim is Jewish — and police weren’t treating the incident as a hate crime. The victim suffered swelling and bruising to her right eye from the pummeling, police said.
On Friday, Harris allegedly assaulted three Orthodox women on Eastern Parkway near Kingston Avenue — one of at least eight anti-Semitic incidents in the city last week.
“Yes, I slapped them. I cursed them out. I said ‘F-U, Jews,’” Harris admitted to cops after that attack, according to a criminal complaint.

It’s almost as if liberals are trying to incite a race war in America. Maybe soon they’ll start issuing free machetes to Jew-haters in New York.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


FMJRA 2.0: Do It

Posted on | December 31, 2019 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Just got out of the VA hospital last night after being admitted on Boxing Day morning for gastrointestinal issues best not described. Going to try and get as much done this afternoon as I can.

Deranged Cyberstalker Deb Frisch Ph.D. Wins Colorado Holiday Vacation

Chicago: Violence Against Women
Bacon Time
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Dance To The Plastic Beat
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Who the F*** Is @EmmaVigeland?

A Fitting Memorial to Lonell Irvin

Rule 5 Sunday: Christmas With Attila The Santa & The Queen Of The Underworld
Animal Magnetism
A View From The Beach

Crazy People Are Dangerous (and They’re All Using Online Dating Apps Now)

The Strange Career of Eric Boehlert

The CIA and Conspiracy Theories
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

The Men Who Subsidize Feminism
First Street Journal
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 12.24.19 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 12.24.19 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 12.25.19
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Why Is Breitbart #Winning?

Is 2019 Destined to Be Known as the Year Everything Became ‘Fascist’?
First Street Journal
357 Magnum

Claiming to Be Victim of Twitter Nazis, Liberal Defends Anti-Christian ‘Joke’

New Year’s Resolution: Don’t Be Hitler
The Pirate’s Cove

The 2019 Media Credibility Bonfire
A View From The Beach

Michael Moore Humbly Declares Himself the Only Good Kind of White Guy
First Street Journal

Top linkers for the week ending December 27:

  1.  EBL (19)
  2.  A View From The Beach (7)
  3.  357 Magnum (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

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