The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.13.18

Posted on | June 13, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.13.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #285
EBL: Trump’s Video Message To Kim Jong-Un
Twitchy: Wonkblog Claims Minimum-Wage Workers Can’t Afford A Two-Bedroom Apartment Anywhere
Louder With Crowder: Study Shows That Lifting Weights Reduces Depression

Adam Piggott: Judeo-Christian Values
American Power: President Trump Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize, also, Bruce Cumings, Origins Of The Korean War Vol. 1
American Thinker: The Key To Trump’s Success In North Korea
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Singapore Summit – Trump, North Korea, Dennis Rodman, And The Continuing Liberal Freakout
CDR Salamander: Off Yemen, The Future Speaks
Da Tech Guy: Ten Thoughts Under The Fedora, also, The Work of The Worcester Tea Party
Don Surber: If California Splits, Do We Have To Accept All Three States?
Dustbury: Living With The Seven Sisters
The Geller Report: Muslim Uber Driver Kicks Lesbians Out Of Car, also, Muslim Migrant Who Beat NYU Prof To Death Previously Arrested For Rape But Released For No Apparent Reason
Hogewash: A Hermit Galaxy, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: Building Confidence
Legal Insurrection: New Poll – Mueller’s Image Has Dropped To All-Time Low, also, Media Freaks Out Over Trump’s Video Diplomacy At Singapore Summit
Michelle Malkin: NYC’s War On Academic Excellence
Power Line: In Venezuela, The End is Near, also, Rosenstein’s Rot
Shark Tank: DeSantis Fires Back At Putnam Ad
Shot In The Dark: As A Million Men Agree Vigorously And Stay Out Of The Way
STUMP: Wisconsin Wednesday
The Jawa Report: America Welcomes Abdullahi Ahmed Abdullahi
The Political Hat: Infanticide And The Ignoble Savage
This Ain’t Hell:  Indiana VA And Gay Pride Flag, also, Taliban Continues Attacks During “Cease Fire”
Victory Girls: Campaign Follies – Progressive Democrat Maces Himself For School Safety
Volokh Conspiracy: Deerfield IL Gun Confiscation Ordinance Blocked By State Court
Weasel Zippers: Trump Campaign Manager Calls For Acosta’s Press Credentials To Be Pulled, also, Leftist Activists Storm Republican Lawmaker’s Office For “Die-In”
Mark Steyn: Sea Change

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Report: Brett Kimberlin and DNC Staffer Helped Push ‘Russiagate’ to Feds

Posted on | June 13, 2018 | Comments Off on Report: Brett Kimberlin and DNC Staffer Helped Push ‘Russiagate’ to Feds

‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981

From the Populist TV Morning Report:

In an exclusive report, Lee Stranahan highlighted a Facebook post by operative Alexandra Chalupa made the day after the 2016 election where Chalupa said: “Homeland Security / DOJ teamed up with a group that is part of Anonymous based in Washington D.C. called “The Protectors.”
The alleged hacking group “The Protectors” is believed to actually be convicted serial bomber Brett Kimberlin, who worked with Chalupa during and after the election.
A 2012 story about The Protectors has more details on the sketchy claims about the group that Chalupa said worked with the Obama administration.

If you don’t follow Stranahan on Twitter, you may have missed this important news, which Lee livestreamed via Periscope.

Before he went live on Twitter with this report, Lee called me to explain what he had discovered. Alexandra Chalupa was a DNC staffer who left that job in summer 2016 to focus full-time on the Trump/Russia angle. Her association with Kimberlin was reported in 2017. Yet until Lee started poking around, no one seems to have caught the significance of her Facebook post, in which she asserted that “The Protectors” (apparently an online front for Kimberlin’s tax-exempt Justice Through Music Project, and likely involving Neal Rauhauser) had “teamed up” with federal agencies to encourage investigation of the phony Russian “collusion” narrative. Such a connection, if proven, would almost certainly be of interest to current DOJ officials trying to get to the bottom of so-called “Deep State” efforts by federal employees to sabotage the Trump administration. Expect more news about this.

UPDATE: Linked by Vox Day — thanks!



In The Mailbox: 06.12.18

Posted on | June 12, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.12.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Seattle City Council Caves to Amazon Pressure
Twitchy: Conservative Group You Never Heard Of Bails On TPUSA Event After Candace Owens’ #MeToo Remarks
Louder With Crowder: Alec Baldwin Tells Howard Stern “I Could Totally Beat Trump”

Adam Piggott: The Art Of Changing Negative Behavioral Patterns
American Thinker: The Democrats’ IT Scandal Coverup
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Alpha Centauri News
BattleSwarm: Interesting Essay On Anthony Bourdain’s Suicide, also, Klein ISD Tries To Pull A Fast One
CDR Salamander: When You’re Weak In M & E, Push D & I
Da Tech Guy: Social Media Produces Lots of Unfinished Business, also, LGBT Community Forces @Jack To Give An In-Kind Contribution To The GOP
Don Surber: Terms of Surrender
Dustbury: Weird Scenes Inside The Pyrite Mine
First Street Journal: So? That’s It?
The Geller Report: Muslim Rape Gang Crisis Comes To Canada, also, Germany’s Far-Left Green Party Wants To Ban Alcohol During Ramadan
Hogewash: Who’s Next?
Legal Insurrection: Trump Ending War Games, Signs Vague Agreement With Kim, also, Domino’s Pizza Has New Offering – Filling Potholes
Power Line: Donald Trump As Goldenhair? also, The Agreement
Shark Tank: Governor Scott Declares June 12 As Pulse Remembrance Day
Shot In The Dark: To Fact Check The Afflicted And Afflict The Factual
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – Suck It Up, Buttercup, The IRS Is Going To Block “Cleverness”
The Jawa Report: Nork Summit Boogie!
The Political Hat: California To Ration Water
This Ain’t Hell:  Trump & Kim “Commit” To Recover Remains Of U.S. Troops, also, Fake Cop Falls For Mother’s Taco Gambit
Victory Girls: Italians Say “Turn The Migrant Ship Around”
Volokh Conspiracy: The Clever Red State Lawsuit Against The Individual Mandate And DOJ’s Disappointing Response
Weasel Zippers: Weeping Dennis Rodman Praises Trump, Says Kim Wanted To Talk Five Years Ago But Was Ignored By Obama, also, WaPo’s Eugene Robinson Praises Trump, Compares Him To Reagan
Mark Steyn: The Changing Face Of Anti-Globalists, also, Soliloquies For Dummies

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‘Operation Broken Heart’: Feds Bust More Than 2,300 Online Sexual Predators

Posted on | June 12, 2018 | 1 Comment

Department of Justice press release:

The Department of Justice today announced the arrest of more than 2,300 suspected online child sex offenders during a three-month, nationwide, operation conducted by Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces. The task forces identified 195 offenders who either produced child pornography or committed child sexual abuse, and 383 children who suffered recent, ongoing, or historical sexual abuse or production of child pornography.
The 61 ICAC task forces, located in all 50 states and comprised of more than 4,500 federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies, led the coordinated operation known as “Broken Heart” during the months of March, April, and May 2018. During the course of the operation, the task forces investigated more than 25,200 complaints of technology-facilitated crimes against children and delivered more than 3,700 presentations on Internet safety to over 390,000 youth and adults.
“No child should ever have to endure sexual abuse,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. “And yet, in recent years, certain forms of modern technology have facilitated the spread of child pornography and created greater incentives for its production. We at the Department of Justice are determined to strike back against these repugnant crimes. It is shocking and very sad that in this one operation, we have arrested more than 2,300 alleged child predators and investigated some 25,200 sexual abuse complaints. Any would-be criminal should be warned: this Department will remain relentless in hunting down those who victimize our children.”
The operation targeted suspects who: (1) produce, distribute, receive and possess child pornography; (2) engage in online enticement of children for sexual purposes; (3) engage in the sex trafficking of children; and (4) travel across state lines or to foreign countries and sexually abuse children.

(Hat-tip: An Open Secret on Twitter.)

UPDATE: Among those arrested in this federal sweep was a Maryland man who was an employee of the U.S. Secret Service.


Trump Wins, and the Left Complains

Posted on | June 12, 2018 | Comments Off on Trump Wins, and the Left Complains


No matter how much President Trump succeeds, the Left simply will not acknowledge his success. The headline on Robert Kuttner’s American Prospect column — asserting that Trump is inflicting “damage” by his “disastrous diplomacy” with North Korea — shows how the Left is committed to denying any recognition of Trump’s success.

What is Professor Kuttner’s argument?

It’s hardly a surprise that Donald Trump blew up the Group of Seven summit. In his warped view of the world, America’s closest allies are enemies, and nations that represent dangerous threats are friends.
Thus Russia is to be welcomed back, while Canada, about as benign a neighbor as exists, is a menace for taking advantage of the United States on trade. (Fact check: The U.S. government’s own data suggest the United States ran a small trade surplus with Canada in 2017.) The European Union, whose subsidy and open-market policies are on a par with our own, is seen as a bigger threat than mercantilist China. And North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-Un gets warmer words than the leaders of Europe.
Has the world gone mad? No, only Donald Trump.

Has the world gone mad? No, only Professor Kuttner. He engages in the simple tactic of argument by assertion — he says that Trump views our “closest allies as enemies,” and expects us to accept this as fact, without further discussion. Likewise, Professor Kuttner contrasts the “warm words” Trump expressed during the negotiations with Kim to what Trump has said about “leaders of Europe,” without regard to context.

Trump’s deliberate disruption of the diplomatic status quo, his willingness to re-examine our relationship with “America’s closest allies” is one of those crazy-like-a-fox moves that cannot be understood by those committed to defending the convention wisdom, Left or Right. Professor Kuttner expresses the Establishment’s sense of a “world gone mad” without bothering to ask the fundamental question: Why?

Isn’t it obvious that Trump’s unpredictability is a tactic?

Trump knows a simple truth of business: You will always negotiate from a position of weakness if you are unwilling to walk away from the deal.

Embrace the power of “no.”

The United States possesses both the world’s most powerful economy and the world’s most powerful military. Why should “America’s closest allies” be permitted to treat us disrespectfully, as if such alliances are a one-way street with no reciprocal obligations on their part? Why should Canada or the European Union be allowed to act as though America’s friendship can be taken for granted, and that we have no way to prevent them from enacting policies that are harmful to American interests?

As for Trump’s “warm words” for the North Korean dictator, was his conduct not influenced by the advice of Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, two of the most hawkish Republicans imaginable? Do these men understand better how to deal with Kim than does Professor Kuttner? Maybe these men, with access to every bit of information our intelligence agencies can supply, know something that the professor doesn’t?

What matters, in diplomacy as in business, is results. President Trump has been in office less than 18 months. It is too soon to know what the long-term consequences of his policies will be. But the man has a winning record so far. Almost no one imagined Trump could ever have been elected President, but he did it. Trump’s behavior intimidates and mystifies people, and I don’t think this effect is accidental. Trump doesn’t care whether you like him personally or understand what he’s doing. Trump cares about exactly one thing: Winning.

As the man said, the United States has the power to wipe the Pyongyang regime off the face of the Earth with “fire and fury.”


If it came to war, America would not lose, and Kim would certainly be dead. Trump knows this, Kim knows this, and if Professor Kuttner doesn’t understand this, what kind of “expert” is he?

Aren’t Japan, South Korea and Taiwan among our “closest allies”? Haven’t these allies grown tired of America refusing to take action to halt the North Korean nuclear threat? Is it not also the case that North Korea is dependent upon support from China, so that by playing hardball with Kim, Trump thereby sends a message to Beijing? And isn’t this helpful to our “closest allies” in Asia, as well as Australia and New Zealand?

Donald Trump is not stupid. Crazy maybe, but not stupid.

It’s his craziness that unnerves Trump’s enemies, both foreign and domestic. They cannot predict his behavior — does he really mean all those crazy things he says? — and this unpredictability puts Trump’s antagonists at a disadvantage. Furthermore, Trump has a knack of getting away with errors that would destroy anyone else in politics. When the Access Hollywood tapes became public in October 2016, I thought, “That’s it. He can’t possibly win now” — and I was wrong.

Trump was proven right. He really could grab them by the you-know-what and they didn’t mind — 53% of white women voted for him.

Nobody voted for Professor Kuttner, and American women wouldn’t want to be grabbed by him. This probably bothers Professor Kuttner more than anything Trump said or did during the Singapore summit.

Winners win, and losers complain. As one of my college professors liked to say, the dogs may bark, but the caravan rolls on.


Late Night With Rule 5 Monday:
Eunice Gayson, RIP

Posted on | June 12, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I am indebted to Mark Steyn, whose obituary post “Trenchant Dialogue” today noted the passing of the first Bond Girl, Eunice Gayson, as well as some of the interesting circumstances pertaining to her role in Dr. No. Read the whole thing, by all means. Here we see Miss Gayson in the scene Steyn refers to.

Sylvia Trench, working on her short game in something comfortable.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny opens with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #279, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism continues our Journey Into Summer with Rule 5 Government Theft Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL brings us Coordination, National Cheese Day, Senta Berger, Tallulah Riley, Baseball Beer Girl, Two Kinds Of Girl At 2 AM, Hottie, Miss America, Caps Fan Reactions Rule 5, and Elke Sommer.

A View From The Beach brings us more fun in the form of A Plus for Robin Lawly, Charlie Sheen Spent $300,000 – $400,000 on Hookers, All The Better to Check for Ticks, More Resounding Russiagate, French Actress Thanks Jesus for Bondage, Another Reason Not to Watch the Miss America Pageant, Russiagate, Now with More Meat, Just Another Wet Shirt Monday, “I Eat Cannibals”, “Canada” and The Morning Workout.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Karen Gillan, his Vintage Babe is Hazel Brooks, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Miranda Kerr. At Dustbury, it’s Wanderlea and Barbara.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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Late Night With In The Mailbox: 06.11.18

Posted on | June 12, 2018 | Comments Off on Late Night With In The Mailbox: 06.11.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Benadryl is a hell of a drug.

EBL: Twitter’s @Jack Dorsey Celebrates Pride Week By Eating Chick-Fil-A
Twitchy: Larry Kudlow Suffers Heart Attack – Pollster, Social Media Guru Call It Karma
Louder With Crowder: There Are Only Two Genders – Change My Mind (Second Edition)

Adam Piggott: The Rising Saxon Rage In One Photo
American Power: Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential, also, Jordan Peterson – Post-Modernists Are Teaching Your Kids
American Thinker: Bourdain – Casualty Of Leftist Mindset
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Austria Says “Enough!”
CDR Salamander: British Frigates
Da Tech Guy: Little Red Riding Hood Meets The Big Bad Wolfe In The Swamp, also, Trump Tells NFL Players “Bring Me A List”
Don Surber: Trump – “It’s Going To Stop, Or We’ll Stop Trading With Them”
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, International House Of Blather
First Street Journal: Ethics, In Journalism? Don’t Make Me Laugh!
The Geller Report: Indian Muslim Slits 4-Year-Old Daughter’s Throat As Ramadan Sacrifice, also, Muslim Candidate For MI Governor Touts Medical Degree, But Never Practiced
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: Waiting For Little Rocket Man
Legal Insurrection: Twitter CEO Apologizes For Eating Chick-Fil-A After Leftist Outrage, also, Net Neutrality Ended Monday – Somehow The Internet Still Works
Power Line: How The Democratic Party Mainstreamed Anti-Semitism, also, A Victory For Election Integrity
Shark Tank: Putnam Says Democrats Will Reverse Rick Scott’s Accomplishments
Shot In The Dark: What Would be Better Than Buzzfeed’s “Journalistic Reputation” Being Hung Like A Pinata And Beaten With Rebar?
STUMP: Mornings With Meep and Memory Monday
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler Suggestions – Us To Drop Pro-ISIS Fighter In Syria, Please Add GoPro Live Feed
The Political Hat: Fleeing The Venezuelan Hellhole
This Ain’t Hell: YouTube Cancels Brownells’ Video Channel, also, Gurkhas To Provide Security For Singapore Summit
Victory Girls: Obama Records Missing From National Archives
Volokh Conspiracy: NY Set To Criminalize “Verbal Abuse” Of Minors Online
Weasel Zippers: “A Ticking Time Bomb” MS-13 Threatens Middle School, also, Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John Undermines President In Message To Allies
Mark Steyn: Trenchant Dialogue, also, Rocket Man In Singapore

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A Progression of Madness

Posted on | June 11, 2018 | 2 Comments

‘James’ in 2015 (left) and in 2018, after ‘top surgery’ (right).


“James Waters” is a 22-year-old self-declared Marxist who uses the pronouns “he/xe/it.” She used to have breasts, but had them amputated (double mastectomy, known as “top surgery” in the jargon of the transgender cult) earlier this year, after two years of testosterone treatment. You can watch a 2016 YouTube video of “James” mumbling about her/“his” hormones, but did I mention “he/xe/it” is schizophrenic? And has a Tumblr blog? Yes, “James” is “a gay schizophrenic indigenous artist,” as she/“he” explained in a January post soliciting donations:


You see the transgender 22-year-old schizophrenic Marxist had “just moved out of an unhealthy home situation” last year, but then began having problems with a “homophobic landlord” who wanted to evict her/“him” and her/“his” roommate. You also see that “James” had been “working full time hours and trying to get on disability,” although she/“he” found it was “really hard . . . to save anything for the cost of living let alone the surgery i have to pay for,” as if getting a double mastectomy was necessary. But you can’t expect a transgender schizophrenic Marxist to be able to prioritize expenses, right?

Remember, however, that “James” is Canadian, which is relevant, for reasons explained in her/“his” online fundraiser for “top surgery”:

I’ve been trying to be approved for surgery for quite some time — I came out and began transitioning in 2011, but I was made unable to pursue surgery for years because of my disability. At the time, candidates for trans related surgeries had to be approved through CAMH, but I was unable to go that route as CAMH’s policies didn’t allow them to approve patients with some mental health conditions (like mine) for government funding. I tried for some time to raise money myself to pay for surgery privately, but I was unable to consistently work at the time because of my condition.
Thankfully, the government changed their protocol last year and trans related surgeries in Ontario can now be approved by other qualified medical professionals. My endocrinologist and I discussed the pros and cons of surgery, and the potential risks, and we both came to the firm conclusion that I am totally ready for the procedure and everything it entails. . . .
This surgery would be huge for me. I’ve struggled with dysphoria and a lot of related difficulties since childhood — I spent most of my life dealing with an eating disorder and severe self harm problems, as well as other mental health and social issues because of my gender. Coming out as trans was the best thing I’ve ever done for my mental health, and over the past couple years I’ve been happier and more comfortable in my own skin than I ever thought I would be. This surgery is the biggest step I need to take right now to work on recovering and finally feeling like my body is my own.

There is a lot to process here. How old was “James” in 2011, when she/“he” first “came out and began transitioning”? She was a 15-year-old girl, with “an eating disorder and severe self harm problems,” which is not surprising because gender dysphoria has high rates of co-morbidity with other mental illnesses. However, an American reader might ask, what’s this stuff “James” is talking about the Ontario CAMH (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)? This June 2015 article may help:

The Ontario government will expand the number of places where transgender people can obtain approvals for publicly insured sex reassignment surgeries, The Globe and Mail has learned. . . .
The government is not planning a formal announcement, the source said. The news comes on the eve of Friday’s Trans Pride March in downtown Toronto, part of the city’s Pride festivities.
The Globe first drew attention to the bottleneck at CAMH in April when it wrote about the case of Chrystofer Maillet, an Ottawa trans man who paid almost $7,500 out of pocket for a double mastectomy.
The Ontario Health Insurance Plan would have covered the procedure if Mr. Maillet, now 36, had first obtained an approval letter from the CAMH clinic. But he could not endure the wait. . . .
The NDP’s health critic wrote an open letter to Dr. Hoskins on Wednesday chiding his government for moving too slowly to solve the problem at CAMH.
“Far too many trans Ontarians continue to experience elevated risk of depression and suicide in the face of ongoing discrimination, harassment and violence,” France Gélinas wrote. “It is heartbreaking and it is wrong that vulnerable individuals should be confronted by barriers to care that make it more difficult to access the health-care services they need.”
CAMH’s president and the psychiatrist who leads the facility’s small Adult Gender Identity Clinic have both said the rule limiting approvals to CAMH should be scrapped.

Yes, transgender surgery in Canada is funded by taxpayer-provided “insurance,” but the excessive demand for the government gender-identity clinic’s services created a waiting list, so under political pressure, the government expanding the list of who could approve such surgery. As “James” explained, the government clinic would not approve transgender surgery for people with certain mental illnesses, but the change in policy meant that her/“his” endocrinologist was deemed qualified to approve a taxpayer-funded double mastectomy for the 22-year-old schizophrenic.

Canadian taxpayers are being required to foot the bill for this bizarre “treatment,” as if a girl with schizophrenia can be cured by injecting her with testosterone and lopping off her breasts. She is so mentally disturbed that she’s applied to get disability payments — too crazy to work, but sane enough to decide to undergo surgical mutilation.

Socialism is always doomed to fail. Once government makes something “free” (i.e., billing it to the taxpayers), the demand will always exceed supply. The number of crazy people in Canada seems to be infinite, whereas the number of skilled surgeons is limited, and if every wacko and nutjob in Canada has a right to sex-change surgery . . .

It’s the Cloward-Piven strategy, you see: Overwhelm the welfare system with demands, deliberately causing a fiscal crisis, which radicals then blame on capitalism, thus bringing about a revolution.

Whatever government subsidizes, it also thereby incentivizes. By compelling taxpayers to foot the bill for this kind of madness, Canada is ensuring that the madness will become more common. Injecting crazy women with testosterone and amputating their breasts is now the Canadian government’s official definition of “health care,” and anyone who criticizes this policy will be accused of transphobia.

Canada has become a vast insane asylum, and the lunatics are running it.

+ + + + + +

The Sex Trouble project has been supported by contributions from readers. The first edition of Sex Trouble: Radical Feminism and the War on Human Nature is available from, $11.96 in paperback or $1.99 in Kindle ebook format.



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