The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

TV Shows I Never Watched

Posted on | June 7, 2018 | Comments Off on TV Shows I Never Watched


Feminists have an annoying habit of identifying some sort of misogynist behavior or attitude then attributing this to “society” or “culture” as a very general condemnation of “patriarchy.” An example of this is a new article about the so-called “incel” movement by feminist Sady Doyle. The article is actually an interesting history of how frustrated losers came to identify as “involuntary celibates” and developed a deranged belief system by which they justify terroristic violence.

There is a lot about this article that annoys me, however, particularly when Doyle makes reference to a couple of TV shows I never watched:

VH1’s The Pickup Artist aired for only two seasons, in 2007 and 2008. Yet it may turn out to be one of the defining pop culture products of the decade, both for what it contained — Ed Hardy! Reality competitions! Guyliner! — and for what it conveniently left out. The show featured a house full of “lovable losers,” described on screen with captions like “Scott, 26: Awkward and uneasy,” who were forced to admit on camera that they were virgins before submitting themselves to the sexual tutelage of the self-proclaimed “world’s greatest pickup artist,” Mystery.
Mystery, born Erik von Markovik, was the lead character in Neil Strauss’ bestselling 2005 PUA guide, The Game. . . .

When was the last time I watched VH-1? Honestly, I can’t remember, but it was a long time ago. Maybe the 1990s. Anyway . . .

Late-’00s papers and magazines were filled with bemused PUA coverage by male reporters. “Sure, seductionism makes me glad I don’t have a daughter running around out there,” concludes one 2007 Boston Magazine write-up. “But, ultimately, [these] lessons aren’t any nuttier than those of more culturally accepted ‘gurus.’” The New York Times not only published Strauss’ early writings on the PUA culture; it also sent one of its reporters to a club with a pickup student.
The fad even made its mark on sitcom history: How I Met Your Mother included, as part of its core ensemble, a pickup artist named Barney Stinson, played by Neil Patrick Harris. Like Mystery, Barney ran a blog, invented convoluted dating lingo, and performed magic tricks. Several of the character’s tics and catchphrases — referring to male friends as “wingmen,” shoving them in front of random women with a “haaaaaave you met [X]?” — came directly from the pages of The Game.
The PUA lifestyle had been normalized, seen not as anti-feminist extremism, but as a slightly more baroque version of standard frat-boy obnoxiousness. This was a mistake that would cost lives.

Whoa! This is an Evel Knievel-level leap of logic. Is there any evidence that, e.g., Elliot Rodger or Alek Minassian ever read anything that Neil Strauss ever wrote? Were these killers readers of Boston Magazine or the New York Times? Were they fans of How I Met Your Mother?

I’m pretty sure I’ve never watched more than five consecutive minutes of How I Met Your Mother. I don’t enjoy most sitcoms, and that one in particular never interested me. Seinfeld was awesome, and I occasionally catch an episode of The Big Bang Theory, but in general, I can’t stand TV “comedy” from the past three decades. It’s too predictable.

By the way, use of the word “wingman” as describing a buddy who assists in a pick-up attempt, was not originated by Neil Strauss. Credit for popularizing “wingman” in this context goes to Top Gun (1986), deriving from the language of fighter pilots, “Maverick” and “Ice Man.” But the basic tactic involved was understood among guys long before that movie was made. It’s just a simple application of social psychology, and isn’t any kind of nefarious patriarchal plot against women, unless you consider it wrong for guys to try to increase their chances of getting laid.

Guys getting laid is what feminists are actually against, but they never want to admit this. Feminists are anti-heterosexual, at least insofar as heterosexuality makes men happy, as I remarked Tuesday: “Feminism is about eliminating from human existence every source of male happiness — find something men like, condemn it as ‘oppressive,’ and destroy it.”

Anything a man does is bad, and everything a man says is wrong — this is the essential philosophy of feminism, in plain English. To conceal their malicious purposes, however, feminists have created a specialized jargon used to discredit all opposition to their totalitarian anti-male hate movement. It is misogyny for a male to defend his own personal interests against feminist attacks, and it is harassment for him to criticize a feminist. Having silenced all opposition to their agenda in academia, young feminists emerge from university campuses to the shocking discovery that most people in what is quaintly called “real life” do not agree with feminism’s radical anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideology.

Meanwhile, of course, there are these “incels.” Losers and weirdos who can’t get laid, who spend their time huddling online with other losers and weirdos who can’t get laid, and every once in a while, one of them goes on a rampage and murders people. Feminists want us to believe TV sitcoms and the New York Times are somehow to blame for this, because they helped popularize ideas about how guys can get laid.

It is by no means self-evident that feminists actually have anything to do with why “incels” can’t get laid. I mean, autistic freaks would have difficulty getting laid under any circumstances, and their typical mode of retaliation — random rampages targeting strangers who aren’t part of the problem — is a total loser move, naturally. Could I suggest better ways for the “incels” to fight back? Yes, but if were to publish a “Loser’s Guide to Effective Anti-Feminist Terrorism,” I’d be blamed if one of these doomed geeks actually followed my advice. So never mind that idea.

No, go ahead you unf–kable nerds — continue wasting your lives plotting revenge against the world with random rampages, tedious “manifestos” and spastic gestures on social media. The feminists will keep blaming TV shows I never watched and blogs I never read, and the world will continue descending into a Hobbesian war of all against all.


In The Mailbox: 06.07.18

Posted on | June 7, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.07.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Inspector General Found Comey “Insubordinate”
Twitchy: Media Matter Prez Flips Out After Being Caught Pushing Fake News About Hannity
Louder With Crowder: Family Guy Lampoons SJW Getting Their Coworkers Fired

American Power: Dana Loesch – America Doesn’t Watch Samantha Bee
American Thinker: The Corruption Of Science
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Dumb Idea News
BattleSwarm: Our Global Elites And Third Century Rome
CDR Salamander: Fitz & McCain – What Will We Learn?
Da Tech Guy: Are Muslims Included In Sweden’s Home Guard Drills?
Don Surber: Bill Cost Al & Hillary The Presidency
Dustbury: The Opposite Of Retail
First Street Journal: An Illegal Immigrant Sob Story From The NYT
The Geller Report: London Baby Stabbing – Suspect Was Muslim Migrant Awaiting Deportation, also, Merkel Implicated In Migration Agency Scandal
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Peace For Our Time
Legal Insurrection: California To Ration Water In The Name Of Conservation, also, This Is My Shocked Face – Amazon Turns Over Charity Policing To SPLC
Power Line: Just Say No To…McCabe, also, IT Scandal Set To Explode – Or Not
Shark Tank: Gillum Looks To Downplay Financial Reporting Controversy
Shot In The Dark: “But Why Do You Need An Assault Rifle?”
STUMP: Illinois Budget & Pension Buyout – Much Ado About Awful
The Political Hat: The Preponderance Of Pallor – Europe, College, & Superficiality All Too White
This Ain’t Hell: Alleged Spec Ops Vet Becky Margiotta Enlists With Gun Grabbers, also, Poetrooper Returns In Time For The Midterm Elections
Victory Girls: Samantha Bee’s Non-Apology Show
Volokh Conspiracy: Senators Gardner & Warren Introduce Bill Legalizing Weed In States That Have Already “Legalized” It
Weasel Zippers: Facebook, Amazon, Google, & Twitter All Use Far-Left SPLC For Determining What’s Hate Speech, also, Three Soros-Backed DA Candidates Lose In California Despite Heavy Spending By Soros & Allied Leftists
Mark Steyn: Put On A Happy Face, also, Swimming With The Tide

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Father’s Day Gifts

In The Mailbox: 06.06.18

Posted on | June 6, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.06.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #278
EBL: Never Forget – June 6, 1944
Twitchy: Survey Shows College Democrats Less Likely To Reach Across The Aisle In Friendship
Louder With Crowder: Clay Travis Points Out Media Hypocrisy On Visiting The White House

Adam Piggott: Podcast #84 – The Bim Bam Boom! Episode
American Power: CA Primary Results – Gavin Newsom, John Cox To Face Off For Governor, also, Christina Hoff Summers, Who Stole Feminism?
American Thinker: Wrapping It Up
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Virginia APC Chase Ends Without Injury
CDR Salamander: Japan Steps Out From History’s Shadow
Da Tech Guy: Civics With Civility, also, Public Comment Period Now Open On Proposed Title X Rules
Don Surber: Why The Anti-Trump Plan Failed, also, Don’t Let McCabe Escape Justice
Dustbury: Old Times There Are Not Forgiven
First Street Journal: I Should Have Written Something Today
The Geller Report: Muslim Workers Complain Of “Unfair, Dangerous” Workload During Ramadan
Hogewash: Cold War II? also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Lots To Criticize For The DOJ IG
Legal Insurrection: Obama Lied To Congress, Tried To Give Iran Access To U.S. Banks, also, Trump Invokes War Of 1812 To Insult Canada, Journos Again Prove Their Ignorance
Power Line: The Ordeal of Omaha Beach, also, The High Price Of Stale Grievances
Shark Tank: New Ad Highlights Curbelo’s Climate Change Efforts
Shot In The Dark: This Great And Noble Undertaking
STUMP: Wisconsin Wednesday – Is Benefit Growth Moderate?
The Political Hat: Progressives’ Dream Constitutional Convention
This Ain’t Hell: Pointe Du Hoc, also, Bergdahl Sentence Approved
Victory Girls: Stanford Rapist Judge Allen Persky Recalled, also, We Just Lost Kate Spade And Some People Make It All About Trump
Volokh Conspiracy: Our Amicus Brief In Major Property Rights Case Before SCOTUS
Weasel Zippers: Obama Administration Lied To Us. Repeatedly. Here’s The Proof, also, Trump Commutes Sentence Of Alice Marie Johnson After Meeting With Former Unspeakable Armenian Kim Kardashian West
Mark Steyn: The Flower Arranger, also, Dear Prudence

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Melinda Gates, SJW

Posted on | June 6, 2018 | 1 Comment


The Real Billionaire Housewives of Seattle:

Melinda Gates has decided to enter the venture capital world by sending her money to people based at least partly on their sex and skin color, she said in a recent Fortune interview.
“It’s been incredibly disappointing to watch how few women-led businesses are getting funded,” Gates said. “Ultimately, if we want more innovation and better products, we’ve got to put more money behind women and minorities. That wasn’t happening, so I decided to step in and see what I could do to help a little bit.” . . .
“I am specifically looking at funds who over-index on women-led and minority-led businesses.
“I’m asking a lot of business questions about how they will go about their funding, how they will over-index on women’s businesses, and how they will hold themselves accountable for a great return.
“Some of these big firms often believe in the white guy in a hoodie disrupting a whole industry. So we’re going to disrupt it by making sure we’re indexing for women and minorities because they’ve got great ideas.
“Many of them think if they have one female at the table, they’ve done their job. Another big one is when they say that they have trouble finding women. Those are just excuses. They  don’t know what investing in these areas looks like until they get several women who are partners in their firm.”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) Obviously, I’m no expert on high-tech venture capital, but is it self-evidently true that “women and minorities” have a monopoly on “great ideas”? Because that seems to be what Mrs. Gates is implying: By “over-indexing” such ventures — putting a thumb on the scale, to discriminate against white males — she expects to make more profit. Or is profit even her goal? Doesn’t her rhetoric suggest that she sees this quota-mongering approach to investing as an end unto itself? In other words, Mrs. Gates is less concerned about whether her investments produce profit than whether they advance her social-justice goals.

My prediction? “Get woke, go broke,” as Professor Reynolds says. Being married to one of the richest men in the world, Melinda Gates has a lot of money to throw away in such a manner, so it’s unlikely she could spend herself into bankruptcy. However, we can expect her to do a lot of damage in the meantime. Social justice is a bad business strategy.

What’s weird is that Mrs. Gates thinks minorities have “great ideas,” while she’s doing everything to abort Africans out of existence.


In The Mailbox: 06.05.18

Posted on | June 5, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.05.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Kate Spade RIP
Twitchy: Is Dana Loesch Being Shadowbanned By Twitter?
Louder With Crowder: Miss America Will No Longer Judge On Personal Appearance

American Power: Donald Barclay, Fake News, Propaganda, And Plain Old Lies
American Thinker: New Jersey And Gun Control
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Red Wave News
BattleSwarm: Greg Gutfeld On California
CDR Salamander: Decisions And Outcomes
Da Tech Guy: DHS Makes A Blogger Watchlist
Don Surber: Press In 2016 – If Indicted, Hillary Could Pardon Herself
Dustbury: To Go, And Then Some
First Street Journal: Democrisy – The Hypocrisy Of Kamala Harris
The Geller Report: UK Firefighter Suspended After Writing In Support Of Tommy Robinson
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Joe “The Plumber” Ten Years Later – Modern Solutions For Modern-Day Problems
JustOneMinute: Fly Eagles, Fly
Legal Insurrection: Sick Of Democrat Stonewalling, McConnell Cancels August Recess
Power Line: Bobby, Fifty Years On
Shark Tank: DeSantis Raises $3 Million, But Is It Enough?
Shot In The Dark: You Never Count Your Money When You’re Sitting At The Table
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – Pity The Poor Blue State Billionaires
The Political Hat: Health Care Collapse In South Africa
This Ain’t Hell: Samuel F. Dabney RIP
Victory Girls: David Hogg’s Reaction To His House Being SWATted Is Very Odd
Volokh Conspiracy: Political Ignorance And Voting For A Lesser Evil
Weasel Zippers: Andrew McCabe Requests Immunity To Testify In Clinton E-Mail Probe
Mark Steyn: The Post-Slick Dotage Of Slick Willie

Father’s Day Gifts

On Courtesy and ‘Gender Equality’

Posted on | June 5, 2018 | 2 Comments

Where I come from, to insult a man is to challenge him to a fight. Perhaps “progress” has eroded that old-fashioned sensibility down home since I was a boy growing up in Georgia, but surviving to adulthood was not necessarily guaranteed in the culture in which I was raised. My junior year of high school, a quarrel arose between two boys over some no-account, two-timing girl. Neither of those boys made it to graduation. One went to the graveyard, and one went to prison.

Avoid trouble, if possible, but be prepared to defend yourself. Don’t be a bully, don’t let some fool taunt you into throwing the first punch, and don’t go around insulting people just to start trouble.

We were raised by old-fashioned country people. Douglas County, Georgia, started growing fast in the 1970s, but it hadn’t yet become the overcrowded suburb it is now. A rural ethos still prevailed, and you couldn’t just call 911 if somebody started trouble. Fistfights were regarded as just part of life, and it wasn’t the kind of culture where people filed assault charges. People settled their own quarrels, and maybe a boy would get suspended a few days for fighting, but unless there was a knife or a gun involved, fighting wasn’t generally regarded as a crime.

“Never hit a girl” was a rule we were taught from childhood. Only a coward would ever raise his hand to a woman. Did “domestic violence” happen? I’m sure it did, but such people were considered trash.

Life was actually more civilized, in many ways, before we had so much “progress,” and I’m sure I’m not the only old guy who perceives this. The late, great Southern humorist Lewis Grizzard once published a book called I Haven’t Understood Anything Since 1962 which summarized his attitude toward “progress.” Fortunately, I was able to continue understanding things up until about 1993, at least, but I digress . . .

Many times when I remind readers that Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, some commenters will object to my categorical statement: “Not all feminists.”

Sure. OK. Maybe there are women who call themselves “feminists” who aren’t fanatically devoted to the idea that stabbing babies in the head is among their constitutional rights. Maybe there are women who call themselves “feminists” who aren’t blue-haired “nonbinary queers” with facial piercings who enjoy beating up anyone who “misgenders” them. It’s possible, I suppose, that there are some women who call themselves “feminists” who are not constantly ranting about “misogyny” and “the male gaze” while demanding the destruction of “our capitalist imperialist white supremacist cisheteronormative patriarchy.” However, where are these sane, normal “moderate feminists” whose existence is so often alleged, but are nowhere to be seen in the Year of Our Lord 2018?


When they aren’t sadistically gloating about male tears, feminists are busy collecting book royalties and fees for campus speaking appearances where they tell college girls that they are helpless victims of a “rape culture” in which all college boys are complicit. In 2018, no boy smart enough to get admitted to any reputable university in America would dare so much as speak to a female classmate for fear of being accused of “harassment.” And if a man complains about the hateful anti-male propaganda with which our universities are indoctrinating young women, feminists will cite his complaint as proof that he’s a misogynist.

You see that feminist rhetoric has become nothing but a series of insults. Feminists falsely impugn men as perpetrators of oppression. A man need not say or do anything to deserve these insulting accusations; his mere existence as a male places him in the category of “oppressor.”

If he is also (a) white and (b) heterosexual, he is literally Hitler.

Where I come from, as I have said, to insult a man is to challenge him to a fight, but it is never permissible for a man to hit a woman. The obligations of courtesy in traditional society would thus generally require women to avoid insulting men. But “progress,” you see?

Miss America is scrapping its
swimsuit competition, will no longer
judge based on physical appearance

Miss America is scrapping its swimsuit competition and will no longer judge contestants based on physical appearance, the organization announced Tuesday.
“We are no longer a pageant,” Gretchen Carlson, the first former Miss America to be named chair of the Board of Trustees of the Miss America Organization, said on “GMA.” “We are a competition.”
In place of the swimsuit portion of the competition, Miss America contestants will now take part in a live interactive session with the judges, according to the organization. . . .
The organization is also getting rid of the evening gown portion of the competition and instead asking contestants to wear attire that makes them feel confident and expresses their personal style. The contestants will also discuss how they will advance their chosen causes, called “social impact initiatives” by the Miss America Organization.
“We’ve heard from a lot of young women who say, ‘We’d love to be a part of your program but we don’t want to be out there in high heels and a swimsuit,’ so guess what, you don’t have to do that anymore,” Carlson said. “Who doesn’t want to be empowered, learn leadership skills and pay for college and be able to show the world who you are as a person from the inside of your soul.”

Ain’t that going to be a Nielsen ratings bonanza?

Yeah, Miss Iowa, tell us all about your “social impact initiative,” so you can “be empowered, learn leadership skills and pay for college,” bitch.

What? Did I actually say that? I would have used stronger language, but I’m not Samantha Bee, so I don’t get a free pass on the C-word.

These miserable bitches have ruined an American institution, not because women will thereby gain, but rather purely for spite, to deny men the pleasure of admiring the beauty of young women. Feminism is about eliminating from human existence every source of male happiness — find something men like, condemn it as “oppressive,” and destroy it.

Feminism is about revenge. It is led by the kind of women that no intelligent man would ever marry, who have created a hate movement that allows them to obtain the sadistic joy that embittered wives derive from humiliating their ex-husbands in divorce proceedings.

This is where “progress” has led us, my friends.

Nevermore shall a man be permitted to gaze upon the shapely figure of Miss Mississippi as she strides down the pageant runway in her swimsuit, thus to objectify her with his beastly heteronormative eyes.

Gone forever! Never to return! Shame upon him who wishes it otherwise! This is the fundamental transformation of the United States of America!

And I’ll tolerate no more commenters telling me “not all feminists.”

Maybe you guys are planning to tune in and watch a bunch of miserable bitches discussing their “social impact initiatives.” Not me.

Next time you see the breaking news that a deranged “incel” has gone berserk with an AR-15, remember who told you: Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It.



‘Doxxing’ and Secondary Boycotts

Posted on | June 5, 2018 | 2 Comments

One of the favorite harassment tactics of the Left is a variation on an illegal labor-union tactic known as a secondary boycott — “a boycott of an employer with which a union does not have a dispute that is intended to induce the employer to cease doing business with another employer with which the union does have a dispute.” This tactic is outlawed under the National Labor Relations Act, but the Left uses it habitually in its efforts to silence opposition. An obvious contemporary example is the so-called “BDS” (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement against Israel, which promotes protests against any person or organization that is associated with support for Israel, however indirectly. Tales of BDS harassment against Jewish students on American university campuses are an alarming testimony to how the “secondary boycott” principle makes targets of innocent people. A protest movement against the policies of the Israeli government ends up promoting hatred of American Jews who bear no responsibility for those policies. Hate must have a focus, a demonized human face as a symbol of the scapegoated enemy, and the soi-disant “progressive” Left is always seeking such targets.

If you’ve ever seen an enraged anarchist mob at close range — as I did when the “Occupy” scum tried to storm the 2011 Tea Party Summit — you realize how dangerously destructive these people can be. “Occupy” organizers had targeted that event because the hated Koch brothers were believed to be in attendance. A handful of innocent people, including journalists who were just there to cover the event, found ourselves trapped in the middle of a chanting mob trying to break down the doors while police inside held them back. What had we done (or what had the cops done) to deserve being caught up in this madness? The safety of the Koch brothers was not seriously imperiled, but the relentless demonization of them by left-wing propagandists had incited these protesters to a frenzy of hatred that was frightful to witness.

Bethany Mandel reports:

There’s a disturbing new beat of journalism emerging: technology reporters using their time and resources to expose the identities of those who choose to use the Internet anonymously. . . .
Huffington Post published an article [May 31] naming a prolific Twitter user who goes by the handle @AmyMek. They couldn’t hide the glee they took in exposing her, which smells more like score-settling than journalism, with the subheadline reading: “@AmyMek anonymously spread hate online for years. She can’t hide anymore.” . . .
There is any number of reasons why someone may choose to write anonymously, and while one could argue @AmyMek chose to turn herself into a public figure, it’s a frightening precedent.
Where Huffington Post absolutely crossed the line, however, was publishing the names of her family members who had no involvement in her online life or activism. This doxxing of her family led to their being forced to repudiate her or risk their businesses to the online mob . . .
It’s not just Huffington Post doxxing the family members of those they don’t like. Before she failed up, er, moved on to The Atlantic, Taylor Lorenz decided to expose the identities of conservative Pamela Geller’s daughters, who had (past tense) a successful Instagram-based career.

You see the purpose here is like the “secondary boycott.” It is no longer enough for the biased media to smear conservatives by labeling them “racists,” “homophobes,” etc. Now the Left wants to identify their family members, to subject their relatives to terroristic intimidation, thus to socially isolate the targeted enemy. Remember that this is being done by professional journalists employed at publications like Huffington Post and The Atlantic, and keep this in mind the next time you see a liberal complain about “harassment” from their critics. Three years ago, Kurt Schlichter warned, “Liberals May Regret Their New Rules,” and those who don’t regret the new rules yet perhaps soon will.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)


The Democrat Football League

Posted on | June 5, 2018 | 1 Comment

The Philadelphia Eagles hate America:

Less than 24 hours before the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles were set to visit the White House, President Donald Trump rescinded their invitation, citing national anthem protests and boycotts from some team members. . . .
“The Philadelphia Eagles Team was invited to the White House,” [Trump] wrote [on Twitter]. “Unfortunately, only a small number of players decided to come, and we canceled the event. Staying in the Locker Room for the playing of our National Anthem is as disrespectful to our country as kneeling. Sorry!”
After the Eagles victory in Super Bowl 52, several players said they would skip the visit. Safety Malcolm Jenkins, wide receiver Torrey Smith and defensive end Chris Long all said they did not plan to attend.

Let’s clarify one thing: What was the whole kneeling-for-the-anthem protest about? When did it begin? It didn’t begin during the #BlackLivesMatter protests over Ferguson. Nobody was kneeling in 2014. No, it began while the 2016 presidential campaign was under way:

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has willingly immersed himself into controversy by refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States.
His latest refusal to stand for the anthem — he has done this in at least one other preseason game — came before the 49ers’ preseason loss to Green Bay at Levi’s Stadium [Aug. 26, 2016].
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

You know what “getting away with murder” is? Still being the starting quarterback after winning only two games during the 2015 season.

Kaepernick sucks as a quarterback, and he’s even worse as a social critic. Whether or not he was prompted to his insulting anti-American gesture by activists or operatives of the Hillary Clinton campaign, the viewpoint he expressed is endorsed and advocated by the Democrat Party.

Kaepernick was seeking to influence the election, to mobilize anti-police sentiment (and anti-white sentiment) for partisan political purposes. Furthermore, these protests are based on a lie. Heather Mac Donald points out in her book The War on Cops that a police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black man than the other way around (see “Putting Homicide in Perspective vs. the Media’s ‘Atrocity Narrative’ Propaganda,” Oct. 3, 2017). So to promote a false and divisive racial propaganda narrative, in an effort to help Democrats in the fall 2016 campaign, Kaepernick began protesting the national anthem — disrespecting the U.S. flag and all it stands for — and expected the media to celebrate him as a hero for doing this, which they did.


The media’s enthusiasm for Kaepernick’s protest gesture, however, was not shared by the general football-loving public. As the player protests proliferated, TV ratings for NFL broadcasts declined nearly 10% in 2017, and games were being played in half-empty stadiums.

To say the players have a “right” to protest is to say that Americans are obliged to keep buying tickets and watching TV broadcasts to pay the salaries of players who proudly display their hatred for America. Is it surprising that the NFL’s popularity is at an all-time low?

If NFL players want to show their solidarity with “Antifa” anarchists and purple-haired Gender Studies majors, while flipping their middle fingers in the faces of actual football fans, they can do so. But if fans stop watching the games and the team goes bankrupt, what’s the point?

Politics. It was all about the 2016 election, and when this backfired — when pissed-off patriotic football fans voted for Donald Trump — the SJWs of the NFL doubled down, turning the anti-American protests into a symbolic gesture of defiance against the newly-elected president.

Do you think the guy who’s standing up to North Korea’s nuclear missile threat can be bullied by a bunch of spoiled millionaire athletes? Of course not, so when it was learned that the majority of Philadelphia Eagles players were refusing to attend the White House event, Trump was like, “OK, if you’re going to insult me, you’re not invited at all.”

The NFL is no longer the National Football League. It is now a partisan organization, the Democrat Football League. The players are Democrats who don’t want Republicans watching them play. OK, we won’t.

Free-speech rights include the right of football players to insult people by offensive gestures, but you can’t expect people to pay you to insult them, and the NFL will learn this lesson the hard way.

“Get woke, go broke,” as Professor Reynolds says.


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