The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mentally Ill Maryland Democrat Senate Candidate Makes Suicide Threat

Posted on | May 29, 2018 | 1 Comment


Earlier this month, the Associated Press did a feature interview with the notorious traitor formerly known as Bradley Manning:

Chelsea Manning is no longer living as a transgender woman in a male military prison, serving the lengthiest sentence ever for revealing U.S. government secrets. She’s free to grow out her hair, travel the world, and spend time with whomever she likes.
But a year since former President Barack Obama commuted Manning’s 35-year sentence, America’s most famous convicted leaker isn’t taking an extended vacation. Far from it: The Oklahoma native has decided to make an unlikely bid for the U.S. Senate in her adopted state of Maryland.
Manning, 30, filed to run in January and has been registered to vote in Maryland since August. She lives in North Bethesda, not far from where she stayed with an aunt while awaiting trial. Her aim is to unseat Sen. Ben Cardin, a 74-year-old Maryland Democrat who is seeking his third Senate term and previously served 10 terms in the U.S. House. . . .
“The rise of authoritarianism is encroaching in every aspect of life, whether it’s government or corporate or technological,” Manning told The Associated Press during an interview at her home in an upscale apartment tower. . . .
She says she doesn’t, in fact, even consider herself a Democrat, but is motivated by a desire to shake up establishment Democrats who are “caving in” to President Donald Trump’s administration.

Manning dramatically made news again on Sunday:

Far-left political commentator, convicted intelligence leaker, and senate candidate Chelsea Manning threatened to commit suicide on Sunday, posting a suicide note and a picture of a rooftop ledge, before being reported to be safe.
“Im sorry – i tried – im sorry i let you all down – im not really cut out for this world – i tried adapting to this world out here but i failed you,” declared Manning in one Twitter post. “I couldn’t do this anymore – i can take people i dont know hating me but not my own friends – i tried and im sorry about my failure.”
Manning then posted a picture of a rooftop ledge, along with the caption, “im sorry.” . . .
Twitter users immediately commented on the threat, attempting to stop Manning from taking further action. . . .
Following the concerned replies, the tweets were deleted, and another post was made on Manning’s account, reading, “chelsea is safe. she is on the phone with friends, thanks everyone for your concern and please give her some space.”


Having failed to serve honorably in the military, and also having failed at masculinity, now add failing to commit suicide to Manning’s shameful record. All in all, a perfect candidate for Democrats.


Rule 5 Sunday: Eponymous Shorts

Posted on | May 27, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

One of the things that made The Dukes of Hazzard worth watching was Catherine Bach playing the role of Daisy Duke, most often seen wearing the cutoff denim shorts that came to be named for the character. For very understandable reasons, Daisy Dukes have remained quite popular with young ladies, as we see in this week’s appetizer.

Continuing a legacy of awesome.

Leading off this week (as he does every week) is Ninety Miles From Tyranny with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #256, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. At Animal Magnetism, it’s Rule Five Oncological Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s heifer collection this week includes Anne Hathaway, World Turtle Day, Milana Yayntrub, Alexandra Daddario, Come Fly With Me, Legs, Westworld‘s Akane No Mai, WW2 Women Vets, Nurses & Doughnut Dollies From Korea & Vietnam, Love Or War, Women Who Fought & Died In Afghanistan & Iraq, and Jerusalem & Tel Aviv Ad.

A View From The Beach brings us Mom’s Girl – Jaime Pressly, RIP: Clint Walker, #HimToo! Morgan Freeman Accused of Sexual Harassment, Follies in Affirmative Action, Liberal Civility on Parade, Baby Got Back!, Reasons #5932 – #5934 That Trump Was Elected, Regrets, They’ve Had a Few, An Old Mystery Solved?, Parts is Parts, Silly Hats from the Royal Wedding and  Crazy People are Dangerous to Themselves and Others.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Alison Sudol, his Vintage Babe is Patti Chandler, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Victoria’s Secret. At Dustbury, Sort Of French Week with Najat Vallaud-Belkacem and Jain.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious linkagery!

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The Value of Silence

Posted on | May 27, 2018 | Comments Off on The Value of Silence

So, this happened, and this happened, and this happened.

In 2011, there was a party at the Right Online conference in Minneapolis. Glad-handing my way around the party — I’m the King of Schmooze — I encountered a handsome young man who wrote for a conservative site and, as is my habit with young people, inquired how soon he would be getting married. Some conservatives seem to believe “traditional family values” is a matter of electing Republicans and passing legislation, but I consider active personal encouragement to be more effective.

Whenever I’m at a social gathering and meet young couples, I ask them, “When’s the wedding?” Or I’ll say something like, “You two look so good together, y’all need to get married and have a dozen babies! There’s not enough beauty in the world, you know.” Sometimes I’ll go into a little riff about my Victory Through Breeding™ agenda — liberals are aborting themselves into extinction, you see, so all conservatives have to do is have lots of babies and we’ll control the future. This is expressed humorously, as a sort of conversational ice-breaker, although the subject of demographics is something that I can also discuss seriously.

The future belongs to those who show up for it, as Mark Steyn has remarked, and young conservatives ought to think about this subject. You can ask such of my young friends as Vinnie Vernuccio and his wife Katie how consistently I pursue my program of active personal encouragement. It is good to vote pro-life, or to protest against abortion, but what’s the point of activism if pro-life people aren’t actually having babies?

So there I was at the Right Online party in 2011, doing my usual thing, cheerfully complimenting this handsome young man on his good looks, and telling him he ought to get himself a wife and make a bunch of good-looking conservative babies. He didn’t seem to find this amusing.

It’s OK — not everybody appreciates my Schmooze King routine. My extreme extroversion and my style of breaking the ice by deliberate breaches of decorum is often misunderstood, and I’ve learned to live with the fact that some people get offended by the glad-handing stranger with the habit of saying crazy things to people he’s just met.

Am I thoughtless? Rude? Inconsiderate? Well, you can tiptoe your way through life trying to avoid being “controversial” or “offensive,” and that’s fine, but it’s just not the way I am. All my life, I’ve been a joker and a clown and, while I can put on a façade of  seriousness when the occasion calls for it, my natural tendency is to be humorous. So when my opening joke fell flat with the handsome young writer at that party in Minneapolis in 2011, I played it off with another joke which also fell flat.

Seeing that he was not amused and that my ice-breaking efforts were futile, I cheerfully bid him adieu and circulated around to meet and greet other party-goers. (Like the shark who constantly swims to keep water flowing through his gills, the Schmooze King must always circulate.) Because it’s not unusual for my extroverted style to rub people the wrong way, I considered that encounter just another clumsy social blunder on my part, and did not at that time realize how clumsy it was.

“Oh, that explains it,” I said, four years later, when he came out.

But my public reaction to his coming out? Nothing. Silence.

Which is the best policy, in such cases.

Being a conservative in the post-Obergefell era requires greater discretion on this subject than was hitherto necessary. A concern for the preservation of liberty means that we must be prepared to defend unpopular opinions against the tyranny of those who would demand that everyone approve of homosexuality, and who would silence all voices of disapproval as “hate speech.” In the face of a #Resistance that includes all the major social-media operations, which can suppress or demonetize conservative content, we must be careful how we express ourselves online. Furthermore, to maintain coalition solidarity, we ought not to pick fights with our friends whose labor on behalf of the conservative cause is valuable even though (a) we don’t agree with them on everything, and/or (b) we personally dislike them.

Success in politics requires about teamwork and, in a two-party system, we must build coalitions on the broadest possible basis. Richard Viguerie has often spoken of the “three-legged stool” — economic issues, foreign policy issues and social issues — around which the Reagan-era conservative movement was organized. More generally, I would argue, conservatism is not an ideology. While the history of conservatism as a movement and philosophy has been traced by Russell Kirk and others, the real unifying theme of that history is opposition to liberalism. Because American liberalism is a mutant creature, constantly evolving and shifting its beliefs, its opponents cannot succeed by a static defense.

A dynamic conservative movement is not unprincipled. “We the People” are defending constitutional liberty against its enemies, and this requires constant vigilance against new threats. Conservatives did not invent the fictitious claims by which a Supreme Court majority turned the Fourteenth Amendment into a pretext for same-sex marriage, and therefore we are not responsible for the consequences of Obergefell. However, we must deal with these consequences as they occur.

What I’ve called The Compulsory Approval Doctrine is one of these consequences. It would appear that, in the wake of the Lawrence (2003), Windsor (2013) and Obergefell (2015) decisions, many “social justice” types believe that Americans are required to approve of homosexuality. By this logic, disagreement over public policy becomes “harassment” and disapproval is considered synonymous with “hate.”

Well, I am an American, and you can’t tell me what I’m allowed to think. The monsters who have attacked Christian florists and bakers for refusing to provide services for same-sex ceremonies — seeking to use the force of law to compel such participation — are enemies of liberty.

If you are not a baker or a florist, you may imagine that the monsters will never come for you. Yet the use of “gay rights” as a litmus test is, I suspect, likely to be expanded in the future under the aegis of “inclusion” and “diversity,” so that personnel policy will be used to compel at least tacit approval of homosexuality as a condition of employment.

What are we to do? How should we conduct ourselves, now that Pandora’s Box has been opened? Rod Dreher (whom I have criticized quite sharply in the past) has outlined The Benedict Option — a sort of neo-monastic enclave strategy to preserve Christian culture in the new Dark Ages that seem to be approaching us. Dreher’s pessimistic assessment is looking increasingly like pragmatic realism, but as a great man once advised, “Never take counsel of your fears.” Amid chaos and uncertainty, we must remain calm and plan for victory, no matter how dim the prospects may seem, or how long the war may endure.

Americans love our First Amendment right to free speech, but in the present climate, we ought to also cherish our Fifth Amendment rights. You cannot be compelled to testify against yourself, and if you have the right to your own opinion, this doesn’t mean that others have a right to interrogate you, or to demand that you take sides in a controversy.

Because I’m an old man who has a long history of expressing outrageous opinions, I am somewhat inoculated against such pressures, but I have occasionally advised young people to be more cautious: No need to burn any bridges for yourself by loudly voicing unpopular truths.

Politics in the age of online social media offers many opportunities, but we also incur many risks in an environment where we are constantly being invited to take sides, to join a mob, to endorse some kind of hashtag crusade and express solidarity with one or another “cause.” Young people should be judicious in such matters, and carefully consider the potential ramifications of their online activity.

Here we have an excellent example: When others rush to congratulate someone on an occasion that you do not consider cause for congratulations, you are under no obligation to express your objections. While you are free to state your disapproval of homosexuality, and to offer arguments in defense of your opinion, there are occasions when silence is the more effective response — and certainly the most courteous.

We need not discuss, here and now. how disappointed I am when conservatives decline to participate in my Victory Through Breeding™ program. Nor do I wish to argue whether the handsome young man could have feasibly been expected to be a successful participant in this program. However, it should be obvious that I do not consider his homosexuality a cause for congratulations, but rather a misfortune.

You don’t have to agree with me. Lots of people disagree with me.

Nearly 66 million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. I don’t have time to argue with all of them, nor am I prone to argue with #NeverTrump Republicans or “alt-right” Jew-haters. As one of my college professors liked to say: “The dogs may bark, but the caravan rolls on.”


FMJRA 2.0: Before They Make Me Run

Posted on | May 26, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Hockey Girls
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Parental Trump
A View From The Beach

“A Herd Of Savages”

‘The Climate Industrial Complex’

FMJRA 2.0: It’s Only Rock & Roll
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Internal Civil War Raging (Not Raging)?
A View From the Beach

The FBI Spy in the Trump Campaign and the Mueller Cover-Up Operation
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 05.21.18
Proof Positive

‘The Object of Power Is Power’

In The Mailbox: 05.22.18
Proof Positive

Why Don’t ‘Incels’ Go Gay? (And Other Thoughts on ‘Toxic Masculinity’)
The Political Hat

Halfway Through Destroying The Village To “Save” It, The Second Thoughts Kick In

In The Mailbox: 05.23.18
Proof Positive

Memorial Day Weekend in Chicago
The Ordinary Citizen

Clapper & the Invisible Spies of Happiness
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Latest #MeToo Target: Morgan Freeman
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 05.24.18
Proof Positive

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Feminism’s African Abortion Agenda

In The Mailbox: 05.25.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (18)
  2. A View From The Beach (8)
  3. Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for their links!

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Soros Foundation Spends Millions Annually to Support Transgender Agenda

Posted on | May 26, 2018 | 2 Comments


Left-wing billionaire George Soros is funding transgender activism through his Open Society Foundation (OSF), according to a new report by a British academic who found that OSF has made more than $6 million in grants to transgender organizations since 2011. University of Oxford sociology Professor Michael Biggs wrote in his report:

How much has OSF spent to promote the transgender movement? In 2011–13, it spent $3.19 million, which made it the top funder, followed by Stryker’s Arcus Foundation and Pritzker’s Tawani Foundation (Funders for LBTQ Issues 2015). OSF’s current database includes grants worth $3.07 million for 2016–17 (searching for keywords “trans” and “transgender”). The largest recipients in this current tranche are the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association ($642,000), Global Action for Trans Equality ($500,000), and Transgender Europe ($500,000).

Professor Biggs showed how the Soros money helps fund propoaganda that exaggerates the problem of violence against transgender people:

As we saw, OSF gave $500,000 to Transgender Europe in the past two years. Transgender Europe also received $1,072,000 from the Arcus Foundation from 2010 to 2017 (Arcus Foundation 2018). The organization’s projects include the Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is underpinned by a comprehensive database of victims throughout the world, Trans Murder Monitoring. This database counted 325 trans victims of violence in year from October 2016 to September 2017 (TMM 2017). The great majority of these occurred in Central and South America. There were only three in Western Europe, and thankfully none in the United Kingdom. Surprisingly, perhaps, the Transgender Day of Remembrance was widely observed in Britain in November 2017. In many universities, for example, candles were lit for each of the victims, the transgender flag was raised, speakers were invited, and services held. Searching university websites (the domain, we find over 2,800 webpages containing the phrase “Transgender Day of Remembrance”.
While no transgender person was murdered in the United Kingdom in 2017, 138 women were killed by men, including murders where a man was the principal suspect (Smith 2018). These data were compiled by Karen Ingala Smith, who receives no funding for this work. She started recording such deaths in 2009, under the rubric of Counting Dead Women. This was developed into the Femicide Census, with minimal funding and pro-bono support by two legal firms (Femicide Census 2016). Despite the diligent research over many years, this has left barely a trace in British universities. The equivalent search on their websites yields fewer than a hundred webpages containing the phrases “Femicide Census” or “Counting Dead Women”.
To sum up, more than a hundred women are murdered each year in the United Kingdom at the hands of males, but no day has been set aside to commemorate their deaths. Transgender murders are exceedingly rare—eight in the past decade (Trans Crime UK 2017; Evening Standard 2018)—and yet they have an institutionalized day of remembrance. Even if we consider the homicide rate rather than the number of homicides, Nicola Williams demonstrates that transgender people are no more likely to become victims than are women (Fairplay for Women 2017).

Click here to read the rest of Professor Biggs’ report.

Because Soros has been “vilified by right-wingers,” Professor Biggs notes, “those of us who are liberal or progressive tend to react instinctively by dismissing any scrutiny of Soros out of hand.” However, he says, this unwillingness to examine Soros’ agenda is “unjustified,” as illustrated by the influence gained by Soros-funded transgender activists.