The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Yes, America, Erynn Brook Hates You

Posted on | May 2, 2018 | 2 Comments


Erynn Brook is a Canadian feminist who recently graduated from Ryerson University in Toronto. In February 2017, after the Women’s March, she published a rant about “nice white ladies”:

Hillary embodies the lie white women have been fed for years. She was well-dressed, she was smart, she was prepared, she worked hard, she was well-spoken, she was polite, she never lost her temper, she was a good mom, a good grandmother, a good wife — she was a good woman. A Nice White Lady. . . .
She did all the things right, so she had to become president. White women have been told over and over and over again that if they just work hard, lean in, and don’t look too mean, they can do anything.
And then… well… We know what happened.
But what happened to white women was a shattered identity. All the work they’d done, all the lies they’d been fed. It’s one thing to learn that you’ve been complicit in the oppression of others through your whiteness, it’s another thing to learn that you’ve been betrayed; that you’ve been actively oppressing yourself and your friends every day for a lie. . . .
Whiteness is not real, it is an idea that is killing us. Whiteness is what causes white supremacy and Nazi ideology. Whiteness is what makes us afraid to take the bus late at night. Whiteness is what puts people like Donald Trump in the White House. . . .
All this time they’ve been telling us the lie that was keeping us in place. . . . We never stood a chance against the imperialist, capitalist, ableist, hetero-normative, patriarchal, white-supremacist machine that sucked us in and brainwashed us . . .

Why does this recent Canadian university graduate — an erstwhile actress and alumna of Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts who sings in a bar band in which her husband is the guitarist — present herself as an expert on racial politics in the United States? Mainly because the Internet creates the illusion that anyone can be an expert on anything.

If every fact is just one Google search away, then the only qualifications necessary to expertise are (a) an ability to write prose, and (b) “progressive” opinions. This pseudo-expertise phenomenon explains, for example, why Jaclyn Friedman is qualified to offer advice on what “grownups” should tell young women about sex. Only if you want your daughter to grow up to be an embittered obese cat lady would you encourage her to emulate Ms. Friedman’s example, but no one is allowed to point this out, because criticizing her would be misogyny. By similar operations, the phenomenon of pseudo-expertise qualifies “male feminist” Charles Clymer to declare that he is now “Charlotte” Clymer, and to rebut critics by accusing them of transphobia. As long as you’re a progressive with an opinion, you can be an Internet expert on anything, and silence criticism by labeling it “hate speech.” But I digress . . .

Erynn Brook’s expertise on how whiteness — “an idea that is killing us” — elected Donald Trump led her to create the blog Nice White Ladies, but more recently the ambitious Canadian (B.F.A., New Media) has more recently begun offering her services as an expert on “toxic masculinity”:

Toxic masculinity is a lot of things, things that affect you on an individual level because they are prescribed to you by society. . . .
Toxic masculinity is all the things built around not wanting to lose and not wanting other people to win. . . .
A lot of toxic masculinity is built on gaining women. . . .
What can you do to change toxic masculinity? Because it’s hurting you too. . . .

See? She wants to help you. If you believe that, let me tell you about this sweet deal my friend the former Nigerian oil minister can get you.

Ms. Brook’s assertion that “society” is harming men through “toxic masculinity” is a con, a three-card-monte hustle by which the feminist hopes to convince men that “not wanting to lose” is a bad thing, and that men can actually benefit from losing. Men should be happy to lose, because men losing helps “equality” and that’s good, see?

The object of this con, of course, is about politics. In her simple mind, Ms. Brook believes that “toxic masculinity” explains why, according to exit polls, only 41% of men voted for Hillary Clinton. In the same way, Ms. Brook apparently believes that “the imperialist, capitalist, ableist, hetero-normative, patriarchal, white-supremacist machine . . . brainwashed” a majority of white women into voting for Trump. You see that Ms. Brook thinks of herself as an independent thinker, whereas the rest of us are dimwits who don’t understand our own best interests.

Americans are too stupid to think for ourselves, which is why we need a Canadian lounge singer to tell us what to think — about “whiteness,” about “toxic masculinity,” about politics, about everything, basically.

Monday, Ms. Brook spent 12 hours and 37 minutes (from 10:09 a.m. until 10:46 p.m.) doing a 110-point Twitter rant about “toxic masculinity.” Permit me to share just a few of her assertions on this topic:


Is any of this true, valid or relevant? It doesn’t matter. The point is that, prior to Donald Trump’s election, Ms. Brook had no more status as a feminist commentator than any other singer in a Toronto bar band. Her expertise is a quite recent invention, jumping aboard the feminist bandwagon now that she’s finished off her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Ryerson University, and also after Hillary lost. Having evidently concluded that no American is smart enough to figure out why Hillary lost, the clever Canadian with 1,736 Twitter followers decided to share her enlightenment with us feeble-minded Americans.


The population of Canada is about 35 million. By comparison, the two largest states (Texas and Florida) carried by Donald Trump in the 2016 election have a combined population of more than 49 million. Where would you rather live? Toronto or Texas? Ontario or Orlando? No American kid ever grew up with dreams of moving to Canada and making it big. Canada is a mediocre country populated by mediocre people.

Did I mention that Canada is 89% white? Any place in the United States that’s as white as Canada is considered “segregated.” It’s mighty damned easy for a Canadian to lecture us about “whiteness,” eh? And as for “toxic masculinity,” it was a Canadian man who ran over people on a crowded sidewalk because he couldn’t get laid, which is pretty sad. I mean, a guy who can’t even get laid by Canadian women? What a loser. Despite its general second-rate status, Canada is a world leader in prostitution. There are hundreds of “erotic massage” brothels in Montreal, for example, and Toronto and Vancouver are both notorious for street walkers. What, this autistic maniac couldn’t scrounge up $50?

Erynn Brook hates “whiteness” and masculinity because she hates Trump, and she hates Trump because Canadians hate America.


In The Mailbox: 05.01.18

Posted on | May 1, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.01.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Put on your blue shirt and give some Reds the blues…

A View From The Beach: Dr. Ronnie Jackson Attacker Identified
EBL: Evan McMullin – Why Was This Ever Even A Thing?
Twitchy: Tweeters Call BS On Congressional Candidate’s “Gun Show Loophole Expose”
Louder With Crowder: David Hogg Tweets About History, Gets History Lesson

Adam Piggott: We Can Never Have Enough Enemies
American Thinker: Imagine a World With No Religion
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Tech Advancements News
BattleSwarm: It’s Victims Of Communism Day
CDR Salamander: HASC Has Some Ideas
Da Tech Guy: Kanye Has Them Shaking In Their Boots, also, Korea And China
Don Surber: Politico Hates That Conservatives Have A Politico
Dustbury: Sand In Your Shoes
The Geller Report: Fired CNN Host Reza Aslan – “Time To Treat Donald Trump As An Enemy of The State” also, Berkeley Student Government Considers Revoking Funding For College Republicans
Hogewash: The Large Magellanic Cloud, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John Writes New Book About Poor Judgment
Legal Insurrection: Facebook’s “Hate Speech” Button Accidentally Goes Live, also, Conservatives Should Create An Alternate #NerdProm
Power Line: Killing The Worst Deal Ever (1), also, The Comey Conundrum (With Clarification)
Shark Tank: Ft. Lauderdale’s “Trolley To Nowhere” Project All But Derailed
Shot In The Dark: “…A Man Who Is Not Conservative At Forty Has No Brain”
STUMP: Mornings With Meep – Thanks To My Readers!
This Ain’t Hell: Selfless Arlington Employee Helps Vet Visit Wife’s Grave, also, 1/SGT David Quinn Comes Home
Victory Girls: Liberals Convulse After Kanye Tweets That Democrats Are The Party Of Slavery
Weasel Zippers: Maxine Waters Tells Kanye To Shut Up, also, Credit Card Companies Explore Ways To Track Gun Purchases
Mark Steyn: A Prize Worth Winning, also, Turning The Targets

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In The Mailbox: 04.30.18

Posted on | May 1, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.30.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Cultural Appropriation – Prom Season
Twitchy: James Taranto Has Some Harsh Reminders For Atlantic Writer Pissed At Michelle Wolf’s Critics
Louder With Crowder: Don Rickles Roasts Ronald Reagan In 1985 – Michelle Wolf Should Take Notes

Adam Piggott: The Exposure Of The Real Jordan Peterson
American Power: Democrat Party Revolutionaries Destroy Norms, Advocate Violence, also, The Culture War Is First And Foremost A War Of Words
American Thinker: Indictments Are Comey…Er, Coming
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Israel Blew Up Something Huge In Syria
BLACKFIVE: Iris Johansen, Shattered Mirror
CDR Salamander: Keeping An Eye On The Long Game, Part LXXIII
Da Tech Guy: Don’t Be Fooled – The Chicago Sun-Times Wants Subscriptions To Peddle Its Side Of The Story, Not Yours, also, Report From Louisiana – Are We Destroying Reading?
Don Surber: Proof Illegal Aliens Cost Black Workers Jobs, also, Kim Jong Un May Have No Nukes
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, Finishable By Almost Everyone
The Geller Report: Pope Francis – “Do We Really Want Peace? Then Let’s Ban All Weapons…” also, Netanyahu – Iran Lied, Secret Document Cache Proves Mullahs Have Nuke Weapon Program
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Maxine Waters Outdoes Herself – This Is Not A Joke
JustOneMinute: Falling Down
Legal Insurrection: Explosions At Iranian Missile Depots In Syria Measure 2.6 On Richter Scale, also, Netanyahu Reveals Damning Intel On Iranian Nuke Program
Power Line: How Germany Imported Antisemitism, also, Crazed Haters Unbound
Shark Tank: Broward County Deputies’ Union Votes “No Confidence” In Sheriff Israel
Shot In The Dark: What’s In An Acronym?
STUMP: Memory Monday – Bill Gates Wants To Take On Pandemics & Fourth Week Of April, 1918
This Ain’t Hell: Admiral Jackson Not Going Back To Old Job, also, Senator Tester’s Shame
Victory Girls: Dear Liberal Media, FYI We Hate You Too
Weasel Zippers: Kanye Tweets About Democrats Being The Party Of Slavery & The Left Explodes, also, Iran Says They’re Pulling Out Of Nuke Deal After Getting Busted By Israel
Mark Steyn: Life Belongs Only To The Strong? also, The Odd Couple

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Rule 5 Sunday: Bikini Barrel Racing?

Posted on | April 29, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Apparently this is a thing, or was for part of a season on A&E a few years ago. Rodeo Girls was a reality show that purported to show the lives of four barrel riders on the pro rodeo circuit, two experienced riders and two novices. One of the pros was Marvel Murphy, a three-time Nevada State All-Around Champion Cowgirl active on the pro circuit since 1996.

Marvel Murphy from a 2013 promo shot.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny offers Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #237, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism brings Rule Five Loony Ideas Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon to the yard.

EBL’s heifers this week include Aubrey O’Day, Emily Blunt, Candace Owens, Off To The Races, Iggy Pop’s “Michelle”, National Pretzel Day, Shirley Ellis, and Avengers: Infinity War Rule 5.

This week’s offerings from A View From The Beach include Mad Spy – Jessica ParéRussiagate Ramblin’ On, Julianne Moore Slut Shames Mark Wahlberg ,Using Oysters to Mix Up the Dead Waters of Chesapeake BayTo Sweat is HumanYou Might As Well Get Rid of the Whole NFLEPA Bay Program Focuses on the Big IssuesCanuck Cutie Praises Trump, Forced to RecantYes They Can Be,  Be Prepared!No Recess For You!Sex Workers Unhappy with Aging Socialist’s AgendaIt Seemed A Trifle Overpriced Anyway and  The Evolution of an Aquatic Ape.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Julie Gonzalo, his Vintage Babe is Stella Stevens, Sex in Advertising is covered by Victoria’s Secret, and there’s also Kim Kardashian. At Dustbury, it’s Kriti Kharbanda and Shalom Harlow.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Exactly What You Wanted

Posted on | April 28, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Tammie Jo Shults
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Hillary, Democrats and the Blame Game
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: Search & Destroy
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Crazy People Are Dangerous
A View From The Beach

Reports: ‘Middle Eastern’ Man Runs Over People on Toronto Sidewalk; Nine Dead
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 04.23.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 04.24.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Unf–kable Canadian Menace
Western Rifle Shooters

The Kids Are Not All Right

Colorado Couple Arrested for Dog Sex

Queer Feminism: Doing It Wrong
Darkness Over The Land

In The Mailbox: 04.25.18
Proof Positive
No, ‘Incel’ Is Not an ‘Ideology’

In The Mailbox: 04.26.18
Proof Positive

Former NBC News Anchor Tom Brokaw Accused of Sexual Harassment
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A View From The Beach

Killer Incest Dad’s Lawyer: ‘He Was Head Over Heels in Love With’ His Daughter

In The Mailbox: 04.27.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (14)
  2. A View From The Beach (7)
  3. Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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The Other Podcast: Episode 10

Posted on | April 28, 2018 | 1 Comment

Today is not only my wedding anniversary, but also the 10th episode of The Other Podcast featuring my friend John Hoge.

We go live at 7 p.m. ET every Saturday, and if you listen live, you can call in at (646) 668-2541. However, even if you miss the live podcast — because maybe you’ve got more fun things to do on a Saturday night — you can always download the episodes and listen to them whenever.


This weekly program is a Greedy Capitalist Operation™ so please remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:



The Rhetoric of ‘Social Justice’

Posted on | April 28, 2018 | Comments Off on The Rhetoric of ‘Social Justice’

Feminist students at the University of Southern California.

When did “oppression” become a synonym for failure or unhappiness? How did “privilege” become a synonym for success? And why do so many people now conflate criticism or disagreement with “hate”?

During the past five years — since President Obama was re-elected in 2012, basically — the rhetoric of progressive “social justice” ideology has made its way from elite universities into the cultural mainstream:

The term “social justice warrior” (SJW) was coined nearly 10 years ago by Will Shetterly. The son of civil-rights activists who were threatened by the Klan during his childhood, Shetterly became an award-winning science-fiction writer. It was in the context of his writing career that he encountered the indignant Internet mobs of virtue-signallers and identity-politics activists who inspired the epithet. By the time the #GamerGate controversy arose in August 2014, “SJW” was a popular label for this increasingly familiar type, and Shetterly’s coinage was made famous by Vox Day in the title of a 2015 book, SJWs Always Lie.

That the SJW mentality — a fixated obsession with victimhood — emerged from academia can be demonstrated by examining, e.g., Gender Studies curricula and the identity-politics rhetoric of student activism. “Intersectionality” (a jargon term coined by a law professor and proponent of “critical race theory”) became a mantra among campus feminists at elite universities who were taught that their “oppression” was part of an interlocking system of social injustice. No matter how rich her parents may be, or whatever social and economic advantages she may obtain, “intersectionality” means that the feminist student always considers herself as a victim of an unjust society, and thus obligated to destroy the system that oppresses her. Thus, in 2016, Vanessa Diaz — a student at the University of Southern California, a prestigious private school where the annual cost of attendance is now $69,144 including room and board — described her mission as executive director of the USC Women’s Student Assembly as “the dismantling of our capitalist imperialist white supremacist cisheteronormative patriarchy.”

Such rhetoric does not simply materialize out of thin air. Words like “cisheteronormative” and phrases like “white supremacist” are taught to students by university professors who view their jobs as training young people for careers as left-wing political activists. Indoctrinated with this radical ideology, the SJW sees “oppression” everywhere and is therefore permanently at war with society. Because paranoid rage is incompatible with happiness, the SJW is also permanently miserable, and believes that her misery is further proof of her “oppression.” Her implacable hostility to capitalism leads the SJW to eschew employment opportunities in the for-profit private sector and, unless she can find a job in academia, she is likely to be found at a tax-exempt non-profit advocacy organization. USC alumna Vanessa Diaz, for example, who describes herself in her LinkedIn profile as a “grassroots community organizer with a passion for intersectional advocacy,” is currently employed as a development assistant for a 501(c)3 “youth center” in South Central L.A. Such work is neither lucrative nor prestigious, but the SJW’s ideology teaches her to sneer at those who succeed in high-paying fields — law, medicine, management, engineering, etc. — as beneficiaries of unjust “privilege.”

Because the structure of American society is inherently unjust — a “capitalist imperialist white supremacist cisheteronormative patriarchy” — the SJW believes that success and happiness in America is wrong.

“We are living in a volatile political environment. . . . You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables . . . racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it.”
Hillary Clinton, Sept. 9, 2016

During the Obama era, with a self-described “community organizer” as president, this bizarre worldview became mainstream. After he was re-elected in 2012, the Democrat Party and its media apparatus immediately began ramping up for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. The fix was in at the DNC, and the liberal media machinery began promoting feminist themes in anticipation of electing the nation’s first woman president.

Hillary’s defeat in November 2016 unleashed a tsunami of rage and fear in large measure because her campaign was organized around a “social justice” ideology that demonizes and scapegoats opposition. During the campaign, Hillary denounced Republican voters as “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” and her defeat was therefore interpreted as proof that these evil people had conspired with sinister forces to take over the U.S. government. This not only gave rise to the phony “Russian collusion” narrative, but also inspired a paranoid search for “hate” allegedly inspired by Trump’s victory:

In late March, the [Southern Poverty Law Center] included a piece about the best-selling author [Sam Harris] in its daily Hatewatch Headlines, a compilation of media reports on bigots, thugs, and other assorted creeps. Why was the neuroscientist and prominent atheist thrown in together with Mark Anthony Conditt, the Austin bomber who had murdered two black men, and Nazi war criminal Jakiw Palij? Because Harris defended Charles Murray, a political scientist best-known for arguing that genetic differences may account for varying levels of intelligence between races. The assertion drove many in academia and journalism to label Murray a racist; he was famously shouted out of an appearance at Middlebury College last March, and was labeled a “White Nationalist” and an “extremist” by the SPLC. But when the prominent Harvard geneticist David Reich echoed Murray’s ideas in a New York Times op-ed last month — arguing that “it is simply no longer possible to ignore average genetic differences among ‘races’” — Harris took several of Murray’s critics to task on Twitter, including Vox’s Ezra Klein. Klein responded in his typically obfuscating fashion, doing little to discuss the ideas at hand and a lot to strangle them with potent ideological terms. White men discussing the possibility of genetic differences between blacks and whites wasn’t science, Klein thundered — it was racism pure and simple, facts and findings be damned. The SPLC was quick to mirror this sentiment, placing Harris on its HateWatch list.
Harris’s co-author, Majid Nawaaz, experienced the organization’s wrath as well. A former radical Islamist who spent four years in an Egyptian prison, Nawaaz abandoned his zealotry and committed his life to promoting a pluralistic and non-violent version of Islam, a mission that led him to serve as an advisor to three British Prime Ministers. In the fall of 2016, however, Nawaaz was placed on the SPLC’s list of “anti-Muslim extremists,” widely disseminated with the header “a journalist’s manual.” His sins, according to the list, included sharing a cartoon of Jesus and Muhammad on Twitter and visiting a London strip club. You hardly have to be a scholar to realize that neither is particularly convincing evidence that Nawaaz, himself a practicing Muslim, is some sort of bigot. Joining him on the list was Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a victim of female genital mutilation in her native Somalia and an outspoken campaigner against the practice, as well as others, like child marriage and honor killings, common throughout the Islamic world. . . .

You can read the rest of that, but the point is that the SPLC witch-hunt for “hate” is slapping pejorative labels on previously respectable intellectuals — who are not “right-wing” by any rational standard — because such demonized enemies are necessary to the “social justice” ideology that now controls the Democrat Party.

This worldview expresses itself in a binary rhetoric that divides people according to identity-politics categories, denoting certain categories (black, female, immigrants, homosexuals, Muslim, etc.) as heroic victims of “oppression,” while classifying others (white people, males, Christians, etc.) as demonized enemies, possessors of unjust “privilege” who exercise oppressive power and are therefore to blame for inflicting suffering on the members of victim groups. This rigid binary mentality — oppressed victims vs. privileged enemies — enables Democrats to imagine themselves as heroic crusaders against evil, while portraying their opponents as evil incarnate. Anyone public figure who expresses doubt about this ideology (e.g., Sam Harris, who dared to disagree with Ezra Klein) is immediately targeted for character assassination, smeared as a proponent of “hate,” in an effort to discredit and silence them.

It is useless for Sam Harris’s defenders to point to his past service to the “progressive” cause. Whatever political advantage the Left derived from Harris’s atheist campaign against Christianity 10 or 15 years ago, leftists now count this as their rightful property, and they recognize no debt to the man who helped them obtain it. Harris was once useful to them, but this does not grant him authority to criticize the Left now.

Criticism is hate, because “social justice” does not permit dissent.


In The Mailbox: 04.27.18

Posted on | April 27, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Red Day At RedState
Twitchy: Candace Owens Scores Apology From @Jack After Twitter Labeled Her “Far Right”
Louder With Crowder: Another David Hogg Fail – Blackrock/Vanguard Boycott Ineffective
According To Hoyt: Slouching Into Shackles
Monster Hunter Nation: Now Out In Paperback – Monster Hunter: Siege
Vox Popoli: A Nobel For The God-Emperor

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The King’s Day Edition
American Thinker: Alfie Evans – Another Child Sacrifice On Britain’s NHS Altar
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Loony Ideas Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For April 27
CDR Salamander: LCS – My White Whale, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Some Synthetic Hormones Are More Equal Than Others, also, Collaborative Robots
Don Surber: Photo Made Possible By Electing Donald Trump
Dustbury: Shellfishness
Fausta: Still Recovering
Fred On Everything: A Most Sordid Profession
The Geller Report: London Homicides Up 44%, Robberies 38%… also, Women’s Rights Activist & anti-Hijab Protester Arrested, Beaten
Hogewash: Blognet, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: NY Judge Rules Bar Patrons Can Be Removed For Supporting President Trump
JustOneMinute: DNA, Horrible Criminals, Privacy, And Less
Legal Insurrection: Texas Voter ID Law Gets The Go-Ahead, also, Rule Change Advances In Senate, Will Help Trump Fill As Many Judicial Vacancies As Possible Before November
Power Line: Voters Want FBI Investigated, also, Today In Green Energy Fail
Shark Tank: Florida Dems Use Breitbart Website To Bash GOP Gubernatorial Race
Shot In The Dark: When Making Your Plans For Tomorrow
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere
The Political Hat: Light Posting & Polka Cat
This Ain’t Hell: The Koreas Agree To End The War, also, Teacher Allegedly Called Kyle Kashuv “The Next Hitler”
Victory Girls: Diamond & Silk v. Sheila Jackson Lee – Cue Head Smack
Weasel Zippers: Retailer Cuts Ties With Yeti For Ditching NRA, also, Vampire Hillary Is Now Sucking The Cash-Strapped DNC Dry
Mark Steyn: A Tale Of Two Bills, also, Kanye Hear The People Sing

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