The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Unf–kable Canadian Menace

Posted on | April 24, 2018 | 4 Comments


Forget radical Islam. The world now faces a frightening new terrorist threat — Canadian dudes who can’t get laid:

Alek Minassian has been charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder and 13 counts of attempted murder in Monday’s van attack on a busy stretch along Yonge Street [in Toronto]. . . .
A profile on social networking site LinkedIn identifies Minassian as attending Seneca College in suburban North York from 2011-2018. Neighbours told CBC News that he lived with his father. . . .
Speculation surfaced Monday night around a Facebook post associated with the same name and photo as appear on Minassian’s LinkendIn site.
Facebook told CBC News that the post from an Alek Minassian was real and was posted publicly on his profile before Facebook shut it down. . . .
The post referred to the “Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger.” Rodger was the 22-year-old California man responsible for a deadly rampage in Isla Vista, Calif., that left six people dead and a dozen people wounded.
In a video posted ahead of that 2014 attack, Rodger raged about a number of women turning down his advances, rendering men like him “incels,” a term used by some groups to mean “involuntarily celibate.”
Rodger referred to men who were successful with women as “Chads” and women who turned men down as “Stacys.”
The post that appeared on Minassian’s Facebook page included a line that said the “incel rebellion has already begun. We will overthrow all the Chads and the Stacys.”

How many Canadian guys can’t get laid? Probably a lot. There may be millions of doomed losers like him in Canada.

What if they all go psycho? What are the warning signs to look for?

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) confirmed that Mr Minassian was a member for two months in late 2017. He did not complete his recruit training and requested to be voluntarily released from the CAF after 16 days of the training.
Mr Minassian had previously attended a school for students with special needs in north Toronto, former classmates said.
He would be seen walking around Thornlea Secondary School with his head down and hands clasped tightly together making meowing noises, Shereen Chami told Reuters.
But she said Mr Minassian had not been violent. “He wasn’t a social person, but from what I remember he was absolutely harmless,” she told Reuters.

“Special needs . . . meowing noises . . . absolutely harmless.”

We need to tighten our border security to keep these Canadian freaks out.


In The Mailbox: 04.24.18

Posted on | April 24, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: Bernie Sanders’ Magic Pixie Dust Economic Plan
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #235
EBL: Maine Democrats Legalize Female Genital Mutilation
Twitchy: Tomi Lahren Lights Up John Legend For Claiming “Police Shoot Black People For No Reason”
Louder With Crowder: #NationalSchoolWalkoutDay Was A Media Scam

Adam Piggott: When Will It be Time To Short Tesla?
American Thinker: John Brennan’s Secret Trip To Moscow
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Balkanization News
BattleSwarm: Pat Condell On Progressivism And Cultural Marxism
BLACKFIVE: Alex Grecian, The Saint of Wolves And Butchers
CDR Salamander: Plague, Thirty Years’ War, And Post-Modernism
Da Tech Guy: The Catholic Church In China, also, Prince William’s New Son v. Alfie Evans, or, Royals v. Serfs Of The State
Don Surber: Comey Admitted Breaking The Law
Dustbury: Sanctuary Much
The Geller Report: California State Assembly To Vote On Banning Christian Books, also, Canadian Police Won’t Call It Terror
Hogewash: Disproving A Lie, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Real Indian v. Fake Indian
Legal Insurrection: Finland Ends Its “Universal Basic Income” Experiment, also, They Laughed At Us When We Raised Hell Over Obamacare’s Death Panels
Power Line: President Trump – Guilty Until Proven Innocent? also, The New York Times Corrects
Shark Tank: Gwen Graham Gets Duckworth Endorsement
Shot In The Dark: The Star Tribune – Fake News, Fake Data
STUMP: Mornings With Meep – The Wisdom Of Finance, And Failure Is Always A Possible Outcome, also, Taxing Tuesday
The Jawa Report: Holiday Inn Declares Hizb ut-Tahrir Haram, also, Terrorist Attack In Toronto
This Ain’t Hell: Belleau Wood At The White House, also, Navajo Code Talker Roy Hawthorne Dies
Victory Girls: U.S. Shuts Down Embassy Ops In Nicaragua
Weasel Zippers: Nearly 8000 Murdered In Mexico In Just Three Months, also, NRA Breaks 15-Year Fundraising Record, Most Donations From Small Donors
Mark Steyn: What A Wonderful World, also, The Real Obstructors Of Justice

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In The Mailbox: 04.23.18

Posted on | April 23, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: How The New York Times Deceived Itself
EBL: Candace Owens Is Triggering The Left
Twitchy: Kyle Kashuv Says Broward County Deputies Treated Him “Like A Criminal”
Louder With Crowder: Talcum X Criticizes Kanye West For Liking a Conservative

Adam Piggott: Working Out – In The Zone, also, Podcast Comment Of The Week
American Power: Literary Theory’s Stifling Uniformity, also, Shania Twain Apologizes After Saying She’d Have Voted For Trump
American Thinker: Hardly A Stir When Starbucks Denied A Cop
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: DNC Jumps On Shark, Then Jumps Another Shark
BLACKFIVE: David Ricciardi, Warning Light
CDR Salamander: Reform, Readiness, And The Navy’s Path Ahead On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Fear The Romaine? also, XTC – This Is Pop
Don Surber: That 70’s Playbook Isn’t Working, also, Mueller’s Harassment Of Hannity May Be Criminal
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, I Swear
The Geller Report: Toronto Van Attack – Nine Dead, Several Injured After “Middle Eastern” Man Mows Down Pedestrians, also, Paris Overwhelmed By Muslim Migrants
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Popehat Lawsplains RICO To The DNC, also also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Their Country Sucks, So They Invade America, also, Amy Schumer Is Sorry For Being White & Rich
JustOneMinute: The Narrative, The Whole Narrative, And Nothing But The Narrative
Legal Insurrection: Former President Bush The Elder In ICU With Blood Infection, also, GOP’s Top Midterm Strategy Is All About Hillary
Power Line: Candace Owens’ Moment – “I’m Not Far Right, I’m Free”, also, Analyze This
Shark Tank: Kyle Kashuv Holds Pro-2A Forum
Shot In The Dark: Play Progressive Games, Win Progressive Prizes
STUMP: Divestment Dumbassery – Know What You’re Protesting, also, Memory Monday – The Origin Of Spanish Flu And The Third Week Of April 1918
The Jawa Report: Assad Got Trolled, also, Badass Of The Day – James Shaw Jr.
The Political Hat: First They Came For Charlie Gard…
This Ain’t Hell: Memorial For Helicopter Crews At Arlington, also, Mikey Weinstein And Same-Sex Couples
Victory Girls: Shania Twain And Jay Feely Shouldn’t Have Apologized To The Twitter Mob
Weasel Zippers: Trumps Prepare For First State Dinner, Start By Removing Democrats And Media From Guest List, also, Tom Arnold Tells Black Conservative Woman To “S*ck Racist Dick”, Gets Slapped Down Along With “Hero” Talcum X
Mark Steyn: When G-Men Go Bad, also, Rivers Of Blood And The Tides Of History

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Reports: ‘Middle Eastern’ Man Runs Over People on Toronto Sidewalk; Nine Dead

Posted on | April 23, 2018 | Comments Off on Reports: ‘Middle Eastern’ Man Runs Over People on Toronto Sidewalk; Nine Dead


Probably not a Lutheran:

Police in Toronto reported multiple injuries and fatalities after a white van struck pedestrians at the busy intersection of Yonge Street and Finch.
The incident occurred in the early afternoon at the intersection which lies close to the Finch subway and bus station, one of the busiest transport hubs in the city of Toronto. One suspect appears to have been arrested.
Newstalk 1010 reports that up to 9 people are dead following the attack.
Witnesses told local TV crews that the driver was travelling at around 45 miles per hour, “crumbling up people” and taking the action “intentionally”. . . .
Toronto police are now reporting multiple fatalities following the incident which has seen a man, described as being “Middle-Eastern” in appearance, arrested a short distance away.

UPDATE: More details:

Nine people are dead and 16 are injured after a white rental van mowed down pedestrians in Toronto on Monday.
Witnesses say the van mounted the curb on Yonge St. near Finch Ave, Toronto, at just before 1.30pm on Monday afternoon.
The acting Toronto police chief confirmed that nine had been killed and that the suspect was in custody after the tragedy. . . .
This person was intentionally doing this, he was killing everybody,’ a witness at the scene, who only gave his name as Ali, said. ‘He kept going, he kept going. People were getting hit, one after another.’ . . .
The rental van fled the scene after striking the pedestrians. Cops were able to stop the driver a few blocks away.
Footage from the scene showed the suspect pointing what appeared to be a gun at police before he was ordered to drop, and was arrested.

UPDATE II: The suspect is being identified as 25-year-old Alek Minassian, which would seem to indicate Armenian ancestry.

UPDATE III: “The driver in the van incident was previously known to Toronto authorities, according to a US law enforcement official who was briefed on the matter.”


Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | April 23, 2018 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous


Travis Reinking is crazy. Among other things, he believed that Taylor Swift was stalking him. Last year, he was arrested at the White House after crossing a barricade, saying he wanted to talk to the President. The FBI and police in his Illinois hometown were aware of Reinking’s craziness, but they failed to lock him up in the nuthouse:

The suspect in the killings of four people at a Waffle House restaurant in Tennessee had an encounter with law enforcement days before the rampage, when he stole a BMW, led cops on a chase, but ultimately got away, authorities revealed Monday.
The Nashville Metro Police Department said Travis Reinking, 29, stole a BMW from a dealership in Brentwood on Tuesday and let authorities on chase before they lost him in heavy rush hour traffic.
Metro Nashville Police spokesman Don Aaron told reporters cops chased the vehicle, but then opted to track the car via a GPS device.
The vehicle was recovered the same day at Reinking’s apartment complex in neighboring Antioch. Aaron said that authorities did not know Reinking’s identity at the time since he did not provide identification at the dealership before taking the vehicle.
“They had no idea who the man was,” he said. . . .
Reinking, 29, who was naked during the shooting except for a green jacket and assault rifle, may have “mental issues,” authorities said.

Reinking was captured this afternoon and will likely spend the rest of his life in prison. Too bad he wasn’t put in a lunatic asylum before he killed four people, but our society is so afraid to discriminate against the mentally ill that kooks are allowed to run loose.


Rule 5 Sunday: Tammie Jo Shults

Posted on | April 23, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Always had a soft spot for women in uniform. Sorry I couldn’t find a pic more suited to Rule 5, but Captain Shults has managed not to plaster herself all over social media, which is a rare achievement these days, and one I respect.

A 1992 picture of then-Lieutenant Shults in front of an F/A-18. She was one of the Navy’s first Hornet pilots.

This week, Ninety Miles From Tyranny has Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #230, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism antes up with Rule Five Second Amendment Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd this week includes Kimba Wood, “Crazy Train”, That Smile, Puppy Kisses, Earth Day, Maiya Sykes, Allison Mack, and End Of The Week Rule 5.

A View From The Beach has Christina Aguilera – SexbotNever-Trumper Protests Fish PornA Ridiculous Amount of RussiagateArabian Fossil Gives “Out of Africa Theory” the FingerWet Shirt WednesdayGone Fishin’Motoring into Monday, and  “Those Were the Days” for your viewing and listening pleasure.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Alison Haislip, his Vintage Babe is Claudine Longet, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Guess. At Dustbury, it’s Markie Post and Nicole Sullivan.

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FMJRA 2.0: Search & Destroy

Posted on | April 21, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Not Your Normal Graduation Picture
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Not-So-Secrets of Success

Crazy People Are Dangerous
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: A Fortnight Late And A Few Hundred Farthings Short
A View From The Beach

Californication, Continued

Dear @MeghanEMurphy…

Frankenstein’s Children

3,000 Anti-American Employees: Google ‘Should Not Be in the Business of War’

Tax-Exempt Terrorism: Cash From Soros Sponsors Communist ‘Antifa’ Group
Living In Anglo-America
A View From The Beach

Words Mean Things
The Pirate’s Cove

In The Mailbox: 04.18.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Words Mean Things, Part 2

Tumblrina SJW Trauma Drama

In The Mailbox: 04.19.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

SPLC Deletes ‘Anti-Muslim’ List

In The Mailbox: 04.20.18
Proof Positive


Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (17)
  2. A View From The Beach (6)
  3. Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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Hillary, Democrats and the Blame Game

Posted on | April 21, 2018 | 1 Comment

November 8, 2016: The best night in American history.

Haunted by the ghost of her Nixonian paranoia:

[Campaign manager Robbie] Mook eventually delivers the news of impending defeat to Clinton. “I knew it. I knew this would happen to me,” she answers. “They were never going to let me be president.”

Winners win and losers make excuses. Hillary Clinton ran for president twice and lost both times. In 2008, she lost the Democrat nomination to Barack Obama. Eight years later, she won the nomination (because the fix was in at the DNC) but lost the general election to Donald Trump.

Never in my memory have Democrats accepted defeat sensibly. Keep in mind that (a) I’m nearly 60, and (b) I used to be a Democrat myself. After Jimmy Carter was defeated by Ronald Reagan in 1980, Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) created a narrative that Reagan’s success represented the Triumph of Fear, Hate and Corporate Greed. Because they were unwilling to admit the truth — i.e., liberalism doesn’t work — Democrats convinced themselves that all they needed to do was to put the same old crap into a more appealing package. They believed they had a marketing problem, rather than a policy. This misguided belief led Democrats into the wilderness. In 1984, Reagan was re-elected in a landslide over Walter Mondale. In 1988, Democrats nominated Mike Dukakis, who lost in another landslide to George W. Bush. The errors of Bushism (and the third-party populist challenge of Ross Perot) helped Democrat Bill Clinton win in 1992 with 43% of the vote. Imagining that Clinton’s election heralded the arrival of a New Camelot, Democrats then proceeded to enact a bunch of left-wing policies that were hugely unpopular, resulting in the 1994 “Republican Revolution” when the GOP took control of both houses of Congress for the first time in 40 years.

A “temper tantrum” — that’s how ABC News anchor Peter Jennings dismissed the Republican landslide in 1994, comparing the American electorate to an angry 2-year-old. The widespread belief among the media elite that Democrats are morally superior to Republicans, so that it is always wrong when Republicans win elections, has the effect of insulating Democrats from confronting the true causes of their own failures. If you are unable to admit error, to confess that the voters are right and you are wrong — that you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting — you probably need to stay away from politics.

Ed Driscoll called attention Friday to a 2006 Bill Clinton quote:

There is an expectation among Democrats that establishment old media organizations are de facto allies — and will rebut political accusations and serve as referees on new-media excesses.
“We’re all that way, and I think a part of it is we grew up in the ’60s and the press led us against the war and the press led us on civil rights and the press led us on Watergate,” [Bill] Clinton said. “Those of us of a certain age grew up with this almost unrealistic set of expectations.”

“Almost”? Do you even understand what you’re saying? The invincible hubris of liberals — their belief that they are “on the right side of history,” and that opposition to their policy agenda is morally wrong — is sufficient reason for any American to become a diehard Republican, if only for the pleasure of destroying the fond hopes of such fools.


Why did Donald Trump get elected? Democrats are still making excuses, adding “Russian collusion” to the Fear, Hate and Corporate Greed narrative by which they previously explained GOP victories. The “collusion” narrative is imploding (along with the credibility of Comey and Mueller), and the reality of Trump’s success — the booming economy, the defeat of ISIS, etc. — is undermining the confidence of Democrats that they can win a congressional majority in November.

What happened in 2016 was a revolution of sorts. Donald Trump’s candidacy attracted voters to the GOP primary who had previously been ignored or taken for granted by the Republican leadership. Some of them had been Tea Party voters in 2010, some of them had been Ron Paul voters, and others were attracted by what Steve Bannon called Trump’s “economic nationalism.” All of them, however, were sick and tired of the Play Nice and Lose approach to politics embodied by Mitt Romney. To a certain kind of grassroots American voter, the typical attitude of Republican politicians — that they must always be polite and avoid saying mean things about Democrats, so as to maintain a spirit of bipartisan civility — looks a lot like unmanly cowardice. What many grassroots Americans admire most in a leader is toughness, manifested as a willingness to speak blunt words: “Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” It must be recalled that many of Ronald Reagan’s advisers didn’t want him to say those undiplomatic words, and to this day the Republican Party struggles to overcome the influence of those within the party who consider “respectability” to be the correct standard of political discourse. It is better to lose an election in a respectable manner than to win rudely, according to the Play Nice and Lose school of GOP strategy, and Donald Trump’s success is an embarrassment to them.

Despite my own populist impulses, I am still uncomfortable with many of President Trump’s personal tendencies, but this is like me saying as an Alabama fan that I don’t like Nick Saban’s coaching style except for the fact that he keeps winning national championships.

Winners don’t need excuses, and if Republicans can somehow overcome their disadvantages in the November midterms — if the GOP maintains its congressional majority despite all the anti-Trump rage on the Left — the Democrats will be hopelessly shattered by their defeat.

Less than seven months remain until the midterms, and the Democrats, who held a 13-point advantage in the so-called “generic” congressional poll as recently as December, now lead by less than six points.

“Conan, what is best in life?”
“To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!”

Can we make that happen, Mr. President?


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