The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tax-Exempt Terrorism: Cash From Soros Sponsors Communist ‘Antifa’ Group

Posted on | April 18, 2018 | 1 Comment


A tax-exempt 501(c)3 group with ties to billionaire financier George Soros contributed $50,000 to fund a dangerous “Antifa” group linked to the Revolutionary Communist Party:

The Left’s explosive, prolonged rage at the election of President Donald Trump on Nov. 8, 2016, gave new life to the ultra-violent leftist movement known as Antifa. . . .
Reports of Antifa violence are everywhere, which is why the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has quietly designated Antifa as “domestic terrorists.” . . .
Antifa is not a single organization: it is a movement or coalition of leftist groups, each of which claims to combat “fascism” . . . The word Antifa itself is a truncation of anti-fascist. . . .
Determining who funds Antifa is difficult because the movement is highly decentralized and consists of private individuals and loosely affiliated groups. . . .
Nonetheless, the left-wing billionaire George Soros has ties to Antifa through a group called the Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ). Soros’s philanthropy, known at the time as the Open Society Institute, gave $100,000 to AfGJ ($50,000 in 2004 and $50,000 in 2006).
Acting as a fiscal sponsor, AfGJ gave $50,000 to Refuse Fascism, an unincorporated Antifa group. Fiscal sponsors are recognized tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofits that take in donations on behalf of unincorporated or small groups so that donors can deduct the donations from their taxes, charging the group receiving the donation a processing fee. . . .
Refuse Fascism participated in rioting on Feb. 1, 2017, at the University of California, Berkeley, with the goal of preventing conservative controversialist Milo Yiannopoulos from giving a speech. The rioting caused more than $500,000 in damage.
Stopping someone from speaking is called no-platforming (or sometimes de-platforming). Summoning the spirit of “Repressive Tolerance” essayist Herbert Marcuse, the so-called father of the New Left who favored shutting down non-leftists, Antifa and others on the far Left believe that fascists are not entitled to free speech.

Read the whole thing by Matthew Vadum.

Police say ‘Antifa’ protester Eric Clanton attacked Trump supporters in Berkeley.

“Antifa” uses violence to intimidate and silence its opponents. Eric Clanton, a college philosophy teacher, was arrested last year after police say he attacked Trump supporters at a rally in Berkeley.

Refuse Fascism is a front group controlled by the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), a bizarre Maoist group that has been called a “cult,” as I explained less than two weeks after the 2016 election:

Two separate Marxist groups — the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) and the Workers World Party (WWP, a/k/a ANSWER Coalition) — have been prominent in anti-Trump protests since the election.
“Don’t collaborate” with the president-elect, RCP tells Americans.
The RCP is a Maoist cult led by Bob Avakian, while the WWP was founded by a disgruntled Trotskyist named Sam Marcy in 1959. I first became familiar with these groups when I covered anti-globalization rallies in Washington, D.C., in 1999, and they were also prominently involved in anti-Iraq War protests circa 2003-2006. The use of “front groups” and phony “coalitions” to conceal their anti-American origins is a tactic Communists have used since the 1930s, and this has continued in the post-Cold War era. Ten or 15 years ago, many anti-war protests were led by a group calling itself Refuse and Resist which was, in fact, a front led by RCP member Clark Kissinger.

RCP protested at the 2016 Republican convention in Cleveland:


“There will be no peace unless there is justice,” Professor Cornell West said Tuesday in a speech to an anti-police rally here organized by the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP). Speaking through a megaphone amid a crowd of protesters gathered at Public Square in downtown Cleveland, West invoked “the legacy of white supremacy in this country that goes back 400 years” to condemn police.
West spoke in front of a giant RCP banner declaring, “Time to Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution. STOP MURDER BY POLICE.” Activists with the RCP held aloft signs that read, “America Was NEVER Great! We Need to OVERTHROW This System!”

A violent group calling for the overthrow of America and getting funds from tax-exempt 501(c)3 groups? President Trump should stop this.


3,000 Anti-American Employees: Google ‘Should Not Be in the Business of War’

Posted on | April 18, 2018 | Comments Off on 3,000 Anti-American Employees: Google ‘Should Not Be in the Business of War’


Google is an anti-America company that uses discriminatory quotas in hiring, and which fires any employee who complains about these policies. So it is hardly surprising that 3,000 employees at Google signed a letter demanding the company stop working for the U.S. military:

We believe that Google should not be in the business of war. Therefore we ask that Project Maven be cancelled and that Google draft, publicize and enforce a clear policy stating that neither Google nor its contractors will ever build warfare technology. . . .
By entering into this contract, Google will join the ranks of companies like Palantir, Raytheon and General Dynamics. . . .
Building this technology to assist the US government in military surveillance — and potentially lethal outcomes — is not acceptable.
Recognizing Google’s moral and ethical responsibility, and the threat to Google’s reputation, we request that you: 1. Cancel this project immediately. 2. Draft, publicize and enforce a clear policy stating that neither Google nor its contractors will ever build warfare technology.

In other words, Google has 3,000 employees who believe they have a “moral and ethical responsibility” to sabotage our nation’s defense. The Pentagon should end its contract with such traitors, and President Trump should prohibit Google from receiving any future contracts.





Frankenstein’s Children

Posted on | April 17, 2018 | Comments Off on Frankenstein’s Children

“As a single mother, I sometimes wonder whether the real problem is that my sons have no role models for the type of men I hope they become. But when I look around at the men I know, I’m not sure a male partner would fill that hole. . . . If the feminist men — the men who proudly declare their progressive politics and their fight for equality — aren’t safe, then what man is? No man, I fear.”
Jody Allard, “I’m Done Pretending Men Are Safe (Even My Sons),” July 6, 2017

For the past 50 years, at least, America has been engaged in a bizarre experiment in social science. “What if,” some intellectual must have once asked, “we were to eliminate religion from our public life, teach atheism in public schools, legalize pornography and abortion, and encourage Hollywood to promote promiscuity, divorce and homosexuality?”

As a scientific experiment in behavioral modification, this must have intrigued the intellectuals who influence public policy, but the subjects of this research weren’t asked to sign any waivers. The participation of America’s children as social-science guinea pigs was not voluntary.

Readers may recall Jody Allard, the left-wing Seattle woman who became notorious in September 2016 when she published a Washington Post column about “rape culture” that targeted her own teenage sons. Allard calls herself a feminist and, of course, she demonizes Donald Trump.


Allard has been married and divorced three times. She has seven children, and has been in therapy for her psychiatric problems.

As I explained last year after Allard published another anti-male rant, she hasn’t seen her biological father since she was 5 and is also estranged from her mother, to whom she hasn’t spoken since 2012.

You may not be surprised to learn that Allard’s children despise her:

Sometimes, my teenage daughter tells me that she hates me. She hates me because I married bad men who hurt her and her siblings. . . . She says that she has no reason to respect my authority because I have proven that I make terrible life decisions.

Way to go, Trump-hating feminist mom!

Now age 39, Allard was born during the Jimmy Carter administration, and was in middle school when Bill Clinton was elected President. Her children have lived with the consequences of her “terrible life decisions.” Allard declares that none of the “progressive” men she knows in Seattle are “safe” enough to be “role models for the type of men” she would like her sons to become. Gosh, it’s almost as if this social-science experiment has made American society worse, or something.


The original science-fiction horror story was written by a woman. She was the daughter of English radical William Godwin and pioneering feminist Mary Wollenstonecraft, author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792). Her father had advocated the abolition of marriage in his 1793 book Political Justice, and Godwin had only married his wife after she became pregnant; she died less than two weeks after her daughter Mary was born. As a teenager, this girl had an affair with a married man who was one of her father’s political followers, the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. She soon became pregnant, but had a miscarriage. Conveniently for Mary, her lover’s wife committed suicide and they married in 1816, so that by the time she published her first novel in 1818, she was Mary Wollenstonecraft Shelley. Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus, was a tale of science gone wrong, as the creature which Victor Frankenstein had hoped would be a thing of beauty turns out instead to be hideous.

Much the same may be said of the consequences of the social-science experiment conducted in America during recent decades. The destruction of Christian morality and the celebration of sexual perversion, which radicals had imagined would bring about a sort of secularized heaven on Earth, has had quite the opposite result. Adam Piggott:

The last time I spoke to my mother was almost nine years ago. I rang to let her know that I was getting married. As we were living on opposite ends of the planet I did not consider this to be an unreasonable way of informing her of the upcoming change to my life. Less than two minutes into what I considered to be a calm and normal conversation, she quietly hung up the phone on me. I stood there looking at the phone in my hand in a dumbfounded way for some moments. My future wife was standing there and asked me what was wrong.
I turned to her and said, “She just cut me loose. She did me the biggest favor possible. Unintentionally of course.”
I have had no contact with her since that moment, and I have no future intention of changing this situation.
My mother was a good mom. Me and my brother enjoyed the best birthday parties of anyone I knew. She spoilt us, but all moms do that. But when I was around 9 she went to university, the University of Western Australia, to study English literature. It was the late 70s and she fell under the spell of a social Marxist professor. She began to rant about the evils of the patriarchy. About how all men were evil and bad and women were the oppressed. Three years later my parents split up, my father going to live in a series of nondescript share houses. My brother and I used to visit him. It was weird and sad. When I was 13 they finalized the divorce. Nobody ever spoke to us kids about it because back then the prevailing sentiment was that divorce did not affect children.
Divorce affects children. . . .

You can read the rest of “How to survive and move on from a feminist single mother.” Does it ever occur to a feminist like Jody Allard that maybe the reason her sons have no good role models is because nearly all the men she knows were raised by women like her? No, of course not. She blames everything on the “patriarchy,” and rants against Donald Trump as the personification of male evil. Nothing is ever her fault, according to her ideology, which calls selfish irresponsibility “empowerment.”

Feminism is creating monsters, and what hideous creatures they are.


Dear @MeghanEMurphy …

Posted on | April 17, 2018 | Comments Off on Dear @MeghanEMurphy …


Burn it down.

That’s the mantra that a lot of conservatives started repeating a few years ago. Many of my friends on the Right had become sick and tired of a Republican Party that didn’t seem to give a damn about the people who vote Republican — or people who would vote Republican, if they thought it might make a difference in their lives. Ridding the GOP of the ghost of Bushism — that’s what the Trump campaign was really about, I think, and if Trump was a blunt instrument for that purpose, he has certainly been quite effective, as you might have noticed from the shrieking headlines decrying him as a “threat to our democracy.”

Burn it down — “our democracy” isn’t working, except for the benefit of the decadent elite who control it. Go do some research into the sources of donations to the Clinton Foundation, and ask yourself: “Was Hillary’s campaign really about feminism? Or was it about . . . Hillary?”

Your recent tirade against feminism’s “allies” on the Left deserves praise. Despite my opposition to radical feminism, it is at least more honest than postmodern Third Wave “pro-sex” genderqueer nonsense, the kind of idiocy that Everyday Feminism has made notorious. And if Zachary Antolak, a/k/a “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy” is a feminist, then what is feminism but a psychiatric disorder?


Is that a movement any sane person would want to be part of? However crazy radical feminists might be, at least they agree that “woman” defines an objective biological reality, rather than a subjective “identity.” The Orwellian word-games of Zinnia Jones and the transgender cult are an invitation to participate in a delusion, and sane people are accused of “hate” if we do not cooperate with their imperative demands.

When a 61-year-old woman is attacked by a 26-year-old man who calls himself “Tara,” whose comrades blame the victim for the attack, we have clearly reached a point where the lunatics are running the asylum.

How is the “capitalist imperialist white supremacist cisheteronormative patriarchy” responsible for transgender activists beating up old ladies? Or how is the right wing to blame for the depredations perpetrated by Hollywood liberals like Harvey Weinstein? Third Wave “intersectionality” theory is inadequate to the task of explaining such problems, and yet the dumbed-down ideology of 21st-century “feminism” insists that whenever anything bad happens to a woman, the Republican Party is to blame.

You, Ms. Murphy, seem to have seen through your “allies” on the Left. This may not necessarily cause you to develop any fondness for the Right, but at least you have realized that the Left does not have a monopoly on moral virtue, and that’s an important truth. Hold onto that tightly, and you might yet eventually acquire such a large supply of truth that someday, when one of your lefty allies calls you a “right-wing troll,” you’ll say: “Why not? I might as well become one. F–k you, lefties!”

Burn it down, Ms. Murphy. Burn it all down.



Californication, Continued

Posted on | April 16, 2018 | 1 Comment

The latest news from the Crazy State:

California has rejected terms of the federal government’s initial plans for sending National Guard troops to the border because the work is considered too closely tied to immigration, two U.S. officials told The Associated Press.
Gov. Jerry Brown elicited rare and effusive praise from President Donald Trump last week for pledging 400 troops to the Guard’s third large-scale border mission since 2006. But the Democratic governor conditioned his commitment on troops having nothing to do with immigration enforcement, even in a supporting role.
Brown’s announcement last week did not address what specific jobs the California Guard would and would not do and how state officials would distinguish work related to immigration from other aspects of border enforcement, such as fighting criminal gangs and drug and gun smuggling.
Brown’s offer of troops for the mission that Trump wants up to 4,000 troops to perform is still in place. But state authorities told federal officials late last week that the California Guard will not perform tasks in an initial rollout planned for all four border states, according to officials with knowledge of the talks who spoke condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.


California Republicans are mounting a campaign to motivate voters against a very unpopular gas tax increase Democrats passed in 2017.
Republican Reps. Kevin McCarthy and Mimi Walters of California . . . want to put a measure on the ballot that repeals the increase. They believe the campaign could increase voter turnout and staunch a blue wave in the state.
“We pay one of the highest gasoline taxes in the nation,” Walters told reporters Saturday, according to The Hill. “By the time you get to 2021, we’re going to be paying $2 a gallon for gasoline just in taxes, and we can’t do that for working families who have to travel for their job.”
The law, passed April 6, imposes a 12 cents per gallon (cpg) hike on citizens and raises the tax on diesel fuel by 20 cpg. It also implements an additional charge to annual vehicle license fees ranging from $25 to $175 depending on the car’s value.

Higher taxes and refusing to defend the border — California is the epitome of the Democrat Party’s agenda. Does America want that?

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Rule 5 Sunday: Not Your Normal Graduation Picture

Posted on | April 16, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Earlier this week, University of Tennessee coed Brenna Spencer set off a furor online by posing for this pic and posting it to Twitter, thus:

The Tweet predictably triggered many of the usual suspects, and to her credit, Miss Spencer didn’t back up, not one millimeter. Good on her. More suitable for Rule 5, however, is this swimsuit pic.

Brenna Spencer hits the beach.

Owing to convention/family drama last weekend, and the impending end of tax season this past week (filing deadline is Tuesday, in case you somehow forgot) I was unable to post last week’s Rule 5 Sunday in a timely manner, so you get a post-convention double scoop of luscious linkagery.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny had Hot Pick of the Late Night (last week), The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #216, Morning Mistress (last week), The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #223, and Girls With Guns (last week). Animal Magnetism sent Rule Five Off-Road Friday, last week’s Saturday Gingermageddon, Rule Five Immigration Ideology Friday, and an extra helping of the Saturday Gingermageddon. Trashtown debuts with Retro Space Babes From Roswell.

EBL’s double-strength herd includes Debra Paget, Miss Geraldo Regrets, Osho’s Sannyasins, Lady Bird, Pole Dancing In Slo-Mo, Chappaquiddick, Gemma Arterton, Spring Break Flip, Free Diving, Blondie, Hungarians, Scarlett’s Talents, Stormy Mueller Monday, Handy, Charlie Rose & The Ladies, Molly Ringwald, National Grilled Cheese Day, Fishing Friday, and The Phantom Thread.

At A View From The Beach, we had The Reformed Lesbian Anne HechePhysicist Meets Vampires, Crazy People are DangerousWe Have to Kill the Rockfish to Save ThemBetrayed by the Cat“Ready to Go”Where Do the Bunnies All Go After Easter? Happy Easter! Daniela HantuchováWet T-Shirt FridayHis Facebook Must Be Better Than MineGrab ‘Em By the Pussy PantsOrganic Farming No Panacea“Sedona”The FBI in Fantasy LandFemen Takes on the Coz, Women Have Women Friends! Who Knew?, The Morning Stretch and But They Know Enough to Snort Condoms, Eat Tide Pods and Ban Guns.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babes were  Naya Rivera and  Eva LaRue, his Vintage Babes were Dolores Faith and Pascale Petit, while Sex in Advertising was covered by Kate Beckinsale and Victoria’s Secret. At Dustbury, it’s Paris Jackson, Kenya Moore, Mandy Moore, and Julie Christie.

Thanks to everyone for your linkagery and your patience.
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FMJRA 2.0: A Fortnight Late And A Few Hundred Farthings Short

Posted on | April 15, 2018 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: A Fortnight Late And A Few Hundred Farthings Short

— compiled by Wombat-socho

RIP R. Lee Ermey, whose character Gunny Hartman from Full Metal Jacket gave these posts their name.

The #BlackLivesMatter Angle in Lesbian Couple’s Murder-Suicide Mystery
Inoperable Terran
American Digest
Countenance Blog
A View From The Beach

Podcasting Tonight: Californication!

The Compulsory Approval Doctrine

SHOCK: Texas Subsidized Lesbian Couple’s Adoption of Children They Killed
Western Rifle Shooters

TRIUMPH: Orban Wins Big in Hungary
Steven M. Collins
Western Rifle Shooters

In The Mailbox: 04.10.18
Proof Positive

Zuckerberg and the Trump Exception

K-12 Implosion Update

Get Woke, Go Broke: #MeToo Movement Seeks to Destroy Black Texas Professor

In The Mailbox: 04.11.18
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Weird Beyond Words: An Online Transgender Blackmail Conspiracy?

Poor Wee Paul Ryan

‘Sperm Costs Too Damn Much’
The Daley Gator
Rotten Chestnuts

In The Mailbox: 04.13.18
Proof Positive

Self-Destruction or Self-Defense?

Another ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax
The Pirate’s Cove

U.S. Strikes Syria

For the first time in a long time, we have a most-linked post that isn’t a Rule 5 post! Things will probably be back to normal next week.

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Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | April 14, 2018 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

How many times do I have to explain this?

A nationally known gay rights attorney and green activist set himself on fire and burned to death in Prospect Park early Saturday in a bizarre ecological protest suicide.
The charred remains of David Buckel, 60, were discovered shortly after sunrise when firefighters responded to a report of a fire in the southwest corner of the sprawling Brooklyn park, police sources said.
A suicide note indicated Buckel used “fossil fuel” in the gruesome suicide as a metaphor for the self-destruction of the planet.
“My name is David Buckel and I just killed myself by fire as a protest suicide,” read a hand-written message left at the scene. “I apologize to you for the mess.”
Buckel, who lived near the park, was a renowned lawyer and activist who worked with the Marriage Project for the gay civil rights group Lambda Legal.
He was also a well-known ecological activist, working with the NYC Compost Project, funded by the city Sanitation Department and based at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
He stapled his business card to the note and left behind a longer, neatly typed explanation of his self-immolation.
“My early death by fossil fuel reflects what we are doing to ourselves,” he wrote. “A lifetime of service may best be preserved by giving a life … Honorable purpose in life invites honorable purchase in death.
“I hope it is an honorable death that might serve others.”

Well, at least he didn’t drive off a cliff with six black children.


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